The South Boston-Seaport Catholic Collaborative invites you to begin the Season of Lent through the commemoration of Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, Feb. 10. Whether you have decided to give up M&Ms, swearing, or perhaps have decided to add extra works of charity into your life, start this sacred time in humility and simplicity … and with a big, black cross on your forehead.
We have services across South Boston throughout the day.
Stop by our office at 307 West Broadway or call us at 617-268-8100 anytime during the work week for tips on how to make this Lent count.
Ash Wednesday Schedule
St. Peter (75 Flaherty Way – Parking Lot Available)
7:30 a.m.
9 a.m.
12:10 p.m.
St. Monica (333 Old Colony Avenue)
7 pm
Our Lady of Good Voyage (65 Northern Avenue)
1 p.m.
6 p.m.