All of us realize these are unsettled times, and you know the reason why – the COVID-19 pandemic. One resulting problem is a “budget gap” encountered by South Boston’s Laboure Center at D and Broadway. Due to the pandemic, Laboure deferred its 38th Annual Spring Reception, which was originally planned for April 30, until Thursday evening, September 17 – over four full months from now. The Spring Reception is Laboure’s biggest single fundraiser, and their fiscal year begins in July, so there is an urgent need for funds to cover this “budget gap”. The ingenious folks at Laboure have come up with a great idea to do this. They’ve arranged an auction, all of which will be held completely online for pandemic safety purposes, that extends from Thursday, May 7, for two weeks until Thursday, May 21. This online auction is one of many efforts Laboure Center is undertaking to fund this “gap”.
The auction is made up of 15 highly attractive items. Among them are various tickets, including a Red Sox/ Yankees tilt, Kenny Chesney’s performance at Gillette, and Lady Gaga’s upcoming mega-event in Fenway. Trips, dining, golfing, American Realist art by Deb Putnam, and a flag flown over the Capitol from our Congressman Steve Lynch will also be auctioned off. Maybe (just maybe) you can find an outstandingdelayed Mother’s Day gift among the 15 auction items. We’d like to mention some of the auction items that not only reflect, but also take advantage of, these unsettled pandemic times. You may bid upon a “virtual” interior design consultation with JS Interiors, or a “virtual” facial tutorial with Chantecaille that includes a $300 gift certificate. A conversation via ZOOM has been graciously donated by former Labouré Director, Sr. Maryadele Robinson (you choose the topic). All of these will be done remotely; you can assemble your family or your closest friends at home to take part in them, if you wish. And the Laboure auction also features a luxurious private limousine trip (for two or for a small group). You lay out your own route. Accent Limousine will take you out for an evening visiting your most memorable places. The evening includes drinks and takeout supper from CAPO – all done within pandemic-safe guidelines.
Please log onto the addresses below. Read about Laboure’s novel online auction, which extends from 8 a.m.(EDT) Thursday, May 7, for 14 days until 10 p.m. (EDT) on Thursday evening, May 21.
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To Donate to Labouré:

Art by South Boston’s Deb Putnam

Lady Gaga Concert at Fenway Park.

Kenny Chesney at Gillette Stadium

Flag flown over the Capital

A Newport, Rhode Island, Getaway