About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
17 06, 2022

Running a Business: MyStryde Puts a New Spin on Treadmill Workouts

2022-06-17T10:39:10-04:00June 17th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, Sports|Comments Off on Running a Business: MyStryde Puts a New Spin on Treadmill Workouts

By Ginger DeShaney A miserable workout led Rebecca Skudder to find her stride … and found MyStryde.  While training for a half-marathon back in 2014, Rebecca was supposed to do a running workout on the treadmill because it was cold out. “And I was like, this is miserable,” she recalled. So she took a spin class to change things up and get in her workout. “While I was in that cycling class, I was like, why don’t they just do this for running and make running on the treadmill so much more fun?” Assuming spin-like classes existed for running, she went home and started looking for studios. There were none. She decided she needed to change that. Unique studio In 2016, the self-trained entrepreneur opened [...]

11 06, 2022

Look Who’s Cooking: Filomena Lograsso

2022-06-11T09:09:39-04:00June 11th, 2022|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Look Who’s Cooking: Filomena Lograsso

By Carol Masshardt Filomena Lograsso, 75, of Sal’s Italian Ristorante and Pizzeria on L. St., looks back to her childhood in Abruzzi, Italy, and draws a quick connection to her lifelong skill and passion for cooking. She also looks ahead to a time when the third generation of her family with husband, Salvatore, continue the fine tradition. But, for now, she is in the kitchen most every day as she has been since 1986 when she and Sal turned a convenience store into the restaurant. “I came from Italy in 1965 at age 17,” she said. “I never studied cooking in the sense of going to school, but I watched my mother. She was a good cook, and I remember her making sauce, homemade pasta, [...]

9 06, 2022

Taking the Field for a Good Cause: Kickoff for Kids Tournament Benefits Local Youth

2022-06-09T16:08:40-04:00June 9th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, Sports|Comments Off on Taking the Field for a Good Cause: Kickoff for Kids Tournament Benefits Local Youth

By Ginger DeShaney What started as a pickup flag football game between kids and their moms has grown into a major fundraiser that benefits South Boston children.  “My main focus is truly the kids who are in need,” said Allison Baker, founder of Kickoff for Kids. “That’s why it was created.” This year’s Kickoff for Kids women’s flag football tournament will be held Saturday, June 25, at the Pop Warner Field next to the Murphy Rink. There are 10 teams in the 30+ division (also known as the Moms’ division) and eight teams in the younger division. “The moms love it,” Allison said, noting some teams are stacked with 20 players. “They like to be part of something, enjoy the day, and be with their [...]

3 06, 2022

Voices in Health Care: Jocelyn Guggenheim

2022-06-03T08:33:21-04:00June 3rd, 2022|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Voices in Health Care: Jocelyn Guggenheim

By Carol Masshardt There are many options for talented nurse practitioners in a field with great need and short supply, and South Boston Community Health Center’s Jocelyn Guggenheim, RN, MS, CPNP, could be a leader in any of them. “I started eleven years ago as a NP student and refused to leave,” she joked, adding “it is really close to the truth, and I didn’t even know then how much my role would change.”  Clearly focused, practical, and analytic, a rare combination of skills, it is no mystery why she also was appointed as Chief Operating Officer in October 2021. A Brandeis University graduate with an English degree, she went on to Northeastern University for a challenging combined RN/NP program, and worked in a variety [...]

1 06, 2022

Voices In healthcare

2022-06-01T12:24:53-04:00June 1st, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Voices In healthcare

By Carol Masshardt Armando Correa’s work is all about breath.  As a Respiratory Therapist for the past sixteen years plus at Tufts Medical Center, he thinks about the rhythm of breath, how to evaluate it, and establish adequate flow regardless of a patents condition A life can depend on, and never has his expertise been more needed than in recent years. “I was in the hospital as a kid with asthma,” he said. “I can relate to not being able to breathe. Now, if I’m on the floor in non-critical situations, I get to know patients. They’re scared, sometimes angry, and I hope to alleviate their anxiety.” Experienced and focused, Correa, 56, exudes a caring capability and is someone anyone would want in the frightening [...]

27 05, 2022

Bo Cleary: We Rise By Lifting Others

2022-05-27T10:01:56-04:00May 27th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, Sports|Comments Off on Bo Cleary: We Rise By Lifting Others

By Ginger DeShaney Bo Cleary is just an old-school Southie soul.  His Southie upbringing – he grew up in Old Harbor, then in City Point – and so many good people here helped him along the way. He now settles in doing some fit coaching and once-in-a-blue-moon acting, stunts, and voiceovers as a Screen Actors Guild member. “It was an amazing place for me to grow up. I had some amazing people,” Bo said, noting it would take too long to name them all. “I like to call them good old-school souls that I benefited from being around, and I still cherish their relationships. “Some of the best people I've known come from South Boston,” said Bo, who divides his time between Cape Ann and [...]

24 05, 2022

Look Who’s Cooking

2022-05-24T10:20:30-04:00May 24th, 2022|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Look Who’s Cooking

By Carol Masshardt (This series focus is on the journey of area restaurant chefs) Joel Howard, 27, is a man of few words with a deep and clear passion for his work as Executive Chef at the popular Publico on 11 Dorchester St. This has earned him the respect of customers, his boss and team. Growing up in the central, Ma town of Spencer, his parents were in other kinds of work, but his older brother, Patrick, paved the way. That led to eventually working with Birch St. Bread Co. in Worcester with mentor Robert Fecteau among other chefs who inspired his French technique and work ethic. “My brother is a chef now in Worcester’s Lock 50 and watching him is what helped turn my [...]

20 05, 2022

Voices in Healthcare

2022-05-20T08:56:30-04:00May 20th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Voices in Healthcare

By Carol Masshardt (This series will focus on healthcare professionals and their experiences during the Pandemic.   All have some connection to South Boston.)   Some people seem born into a profession and challenges only seem to deepen a sense of who they are and what they do. South Boston’s Kate Nolan, Gynecology/Oncology nurse practitioner at Beth Israel Lahey Health Systems, is one of them. “It’s really a calling,” she said. “I can’t imagine doing anything else. Caring for my patients is what is important to me, and I do it with full heart.” Graduating from Catholic University and then Simmons University for a master’s degree in 2006, she would become certified in Women’s Health and Adult Medicine. She wanted to be “well prepared “ for [...]

5 05, 2022

Growing Kindness: Volunteers Prepare Mother’s Day Plants for Seniors

2022-05-05T13:53:09-04:00May 5th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Growing Kindness: Volunteers Prepare Mother’s Day Plants for Seniors

By Ginger DeShaney The mother-daughter duo of Karen O’Leary and Nichole Mikshenas are regulars at the Lynch Campaign Mother’s Day Plant Night.  Karen has been volunteering for this annual event for 21 years. “It’s fun,” said the Southie resident. “It feels like we’re doing something good.” A room full of volunteers gathered at Plumbers Local 12 Union Hall in Dorchester Wednesday night, May 4, to wrap foil around 7,000 plants and prepare them for delivery to seniors across the area.  “This is great,” Congressman Stephen Lynch said as he looked out over the room. “They’ve got it down to a science. It takes just a couple of hours.” That’s thanks in large part to Nick Zaferakis, the organizer/coordinator. This Mother’s Day event has been going [...]

30 04, 2022

All Aboard the BioBus! Next Stop: Discovery

2022-04-30T14:08:18-04:00April 30th, 2022|Categories: Education, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on All Aboard the BioBus! Next Stop: Discovery

By Ginger DeShaney The BioBus was in South Boston Saturday, April 30, and will be back tomorrow, May 1, in conjunction with the City Nature Challenge, a four-day international bio blitz, said Rachel Vincent, a biological science technician with the National Park Service. In a joint effort between the New York-based BioBus, the National Park Service, Boston Harbor Now, and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, the bus is parked in Moakley Park across from the Carson Beach Bath House. The bus will be open tomorrow, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The City Nature Challenge started April 29 and continues through Monday, May 2. According to Rachel, the city challenge started in 2016 and Boston joined the competition in 2017. Hundreds of [...]

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