About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
2 11, 2020

Layers of Love: Organization finds perfect recipe for helping families in need

2020-11-02T08:02:28-05:00November 2nd, 2020|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Layers of Love: Organization finds perfect recipe for helping families in need

By Ginger DeShaney Food is love. And the Lasagna Mamas and Papas of Lasagna Love are spreading that message in South Boston and the rest of the country. Several local women are giving back to the community in the best way they can during the Covid-19 crisis by making and delivering lasagnas to families who need a little bit of help. Daniella Place of South Boston was feeling helpless during the pandemic and was looking for a way to help out in her community when she came across a Facebook post by a college friend, Rhiannon Menn, promoting Lasagna Love. According to its website, Rhiannon founded Lasagna Love at the beginning of the pandemic, almost by accident. Rhiannon, who is also the founder of Good [...]

1 11, 2020

Halloween Car Parade

2020-11-01T12:34:22-05:00November 1st, 2020|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Halloween Car Parade

The MOMS Club of South Boston hosted the Happy Haunting South Boston Car Parade on Halloween day. Families gathered at the Boston Athletic Club parking lot to put the finishing touches on their cars before traveling through Southie for a socially distanced Halloween celebration. Led by a Boston Police Department vehicle and a Boston Fire Department fire truck and accompanied by several BPD officers, the parade featured costumed kids, decked-out cars, and tons of fun! (PHOTOS BY GINGER DeSHANEY)

27 10, 2020

Calling all Happy Haunts! 

2020-10-27T13:54:24-04:00October 27th, 2020|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Calling all Happy Haunts! 

Join us for a safe and festive Halloween celebration. Dress up your cars and yourselves and roll into this socially distant car parade.  This parade is being hosted by The MOMS Club of South Boston. EVERYONE is welcome to participate! Please feel free to RSVP even if you don't belong to the club. Southie, this is for you! Awards for costumed cars!   Categories to be announced. Time/Schedule: 9:50am- Vehicles line up for the parade at the Boston Athletic Club Parking Lot (Pappas Way Entrance) 10:30am- The parade begins (parade will conclude at the end of the route) Parade Route: A parade map through South Boston will be made available online, via email and on the day of the parade. Participating vehicles will be asked to place [...]

7 10, 2020

A Cut Above: Louie Styles now Open

2020-10-07T09:29:31-04:00October 7th, 2020|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on A Cut Above: Louie Styles now Open

By Ginger DeShaney The 32-year-old owner of Louie Styles is kicking it old school in his new barbershop at 100 Dorchester St. in South Boston.  Louie Ramos officially opened his doors about two months ago and he and his fellow barbers are already attracting regular customers. He attributes this early success to his strong work ethic, his old-school mentality, and his focus on the customers. “We offer high-quality cuts. We take our time,” Louie said. “We don’t want our customers to feel rushed.” Services range from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. The shop takes walk-ins and scheduled appointments. “We build bonds; we have conversations,” he said. “The customers talk to us. We have conversations and make connections.” To get the word out about his shop, [...]

30 09, 2020

Fall and Winter Support for Restaurants

2020-09-30T15:58:15-04:00September 30th, 2020|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Fall and Winter Support for Restaurants

Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the expansion of the Reopen Boston Fund to ensure restaurants in Boston are able to purchase necessary equipment for outdoor dining this fall and winter. This opportunity will include costs to cover heaters, storage equipment, and propane. In May, Mayor Walsh announced the $6 million Reopen Boston Fund, which provides debt-free grants to support the safe and healthy reopening of small businesses in Boston. To date, the City of Boston has issued more than $2.5 million in direct grants to 1,325 qualified small businesses to implement necessary public health measures and to procure personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies. The Reopen Boston Fund continues to offer grants to eligible small businesses of up to $2,000 (for non-restaurants) to assist with reopening costs, now [...]

31 08, 2020

Civil Fine of up to $300 for South Boston House Parties

2020-08-31T14:15:57-04:00August 31st, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Civil Fine of up to $300 for South Boston House Parties

Dear Neighbors, In recent months during this pandemic, many of you have contacted our offices out of great concern regarding largely attended house parties throughout the neighborhoods of South Boston. Please note that we share your concerns about these house parties, not only in terms of their noise and impact on the quality of life for our residents, but primarily due to their potential to become superspreader events in the age of COVID-19.  In the absence of medical and scientific breakthroughs, it is critical that each of us continue to follow public safety guidelines as this pandemic is not over, unfortunately.  The South Boston elected officials have also discussed these issues with city officials, as well as steps that have been taken to engage landlords [...]

14 08, 2020

Jackie O’Brien to Be Honored at New Street Hockey Rink

2020-08-14T11:05:09-04:00August 14th, 2020|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Jackie O’Brien to Be Honored at New Street Hockey Rink

by Rick Winterson   On Saturday, August 15, at 10 a.m.,  Jackie O’Brien will be honored.  As part of the First Dangle Fest Street Hockey Tournament (which will be an annual event in years to come), the brand new street hockey court in Moakley Park will be named the John “Jackie” O’Brien Street Hockey Court, in recognition of his extraordinary efforts in support of South Boston’s youth clubs, sports, programs, and activities. And Jackie’s honor is not only well-deserved, it is highly fitting.  He and Joe Moakley were close friends; Jackie also played center at Saunders Field, in front of Ray Flynn, during his South Boston High School football years.  Over the years, he has supported our Boys & Girls Club, South Boston Little League, South [...]

13 07, 2020

Walsh Gym Reopens Today, July 13, at Noon

2020-07-13T08:31:31-04:00July 13th, 2020|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Walsh Gym Reopens Today, July 13, at Noon

by Rick Winterson It’s commonly called “the Walsh Gym” or the “Walsh McDonough Gym”, but this facility’s full name is “The McDonough Gym/John ‘Stretch’ Walsh Community Center”.   Just a few words about what it offers:  upstairs is the fully professional quality basketball court, sometimes split in two so football drills can also be run in parallel.  Downstairs is the Game Room:  pool, ping-pong, tables for lunch, and a TV area.  But the Walsh Gym has been closed since the COVID-19 pandemic struck us in the middle of March.  And now, the Walsh Gym announces it will reopen today, at 12 noon. The Walsh Gym is more than just a gym.  It offers a full slate of activities to young boys and girls, especially teenagers.  We [...]

1 07, 2020

South Boston Elected Officials Hold Fireworks Meeting

2020-07-01T16:45:14-04:00July 1st, 2020|Categories: Editorial, Featured|Comments Off on South Boston Elected Officials Hold Fireworks Meeting

On Monday evening, Councilor Ed Flynn, Councilor At-Large Michael Flaherty and State Rep. David Biele, along with the offices of Congressman Lynch and Senator Collins, hosted a meeting with concerned neighbors and representatives from both the Boston Fire Department and the Boston Police Department to discuss the impact of illegal fireworks on our neighborhoods. The meeting, originally scheduled for Medal of Honor Park at 6pm, was held virtually via Zoom and provided an opportunity for elected and public safety officials to engage residents and discuss ways that we can stop the usage of illegal fireworks. Topics of discussion included increased fines and penalties, contacting 911 with locations and descriptions of illegal activity, greater community engagement, a coordinated regional approach from law enforcement, solicitation from distributors, [...]

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