About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
27 03, 2019

In Memoriam:   John Mullen

2019-03-27T10:49:36-04:00March 27th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on In Memoriam:   John Mullen

 Perhaps you noticed that a new American flag has been flying at half-mast in Andrew Square these past ten days.  This is a flag brought home from Washington, D.C., by Congressman Stephen Lynch, after he first had it flown over the nation’s Capitol Building.  The flag was raised in Andrew Square and then lowered slowly to half-mast in memory of John Mullen, a true son of South Boston if there ever was one.  John died Monday, March 18. John was a loving South Boston family man.  He was also a Marine Corps veteran.  His devotion to our community and his efforts on behalf of South Boston and its many worthy causes were legendary.  He was a co-Founder of the Andrew Square Civic Association (ASCA) and [...]

25 03, 2019

WWII Memorial Cleanup Proceeds

2019-03-25T13:40:56-04:00March 25th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on WWII Memorial Cleanup Proceeds

by Rick Winterson      Earlier this week, concerned South Boston residents were joined at the World War II Memorial by news media crews, cleanup consultants, and Bob Shure, the sculptor who originally designed the Memorial.  Bob expressed his own personal grief at the oil splattering, which left such huge stains.  His regret was more for the heroes named on the Memorial than himself, because they all had paid the supreme price of their heroic military service.   Some success with the cleaning operation has already been realized.  A thick poultice, with the consistency of peanut butter, had been compounded with a powder and a solvent.  This removed most of the oil staining from the Bob Moakley stone to one side of the main Memorial, although [...]

20 03, 2019

A LOCAL ROBBERY (and Plea to the Community)

2019-03-20T16:10:04-04:00March 20th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on A LOCAL ROBBERY (and Plea to the Community)

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes   For anyone who has ever been robbed or had their possessions vandalized, they know the feeling of violation. It’s a feeling owner of Nurture Salon and Spa, Susan Devlin, would experience after her business on 127 L Street was broken into and robbed during the early morning hours of March 13th. As a part time manager of Nurture (and close friend of Susan’s), the early call about the incident was upsetting enough, but it wasn’t until I was on the scene - glass shards everywhere, desk ransacked - that the uneasy feeling began to sink in, the feeling that a stranger had infiltrated someone else’s space, caused damage, created chaos and simply fled. I went to the desk to see [...]

19 03, 2019

WW II Memorial Vandalized – John Mullen Passes

2019-03-19T12:27:05-04:00March 19th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on WW II Memorial Vandalized – John Mullen Passes

 by Rick Winterson      A positive report on Sunday’s Parade and the spectators’ overall behavior was unfortunately balanced by a downside report on Monday morning.   The striking World War II Memorial on the beach at the beginning of the Pleasure Bay Causeway to Castle Island was vandalized.  A large quantity of an oily liquid was poured over most of the front, street-facing surfaces of this Memorial.  Whether this was connected to the crowds at Sunday’s Parade isn’t known at the moment, but State Police are investigating. In one of those jarring coincidences, South Boston’s revered John Mullen, veteran and community activist, passed away on Monday also.  Elected and appointed officials gathered in sadness at the Memorial’s site – sadness caused by the desecration there [...]

14 03, 2019

Fair Warning – No Public Drinking at the St. Pat’s Day Parade

2019-03-14T11:37:26-04:00March 14th, 2019|Categories: News|Comments Off on Fair Warning – No Public Drinking at the St. Pat’s Day Parade

FAIR WARNING   The Boston Police Department is issuing a precaution that no public drinking is allowed anywhere in South Boston along the Parade route –  from Broadway Station, east on Broadway to P Street, back along Fourth and Fifth to the Heights, then down to Dorchester Street and ending in Andrew Square.  NOWHERE!   Being caught drinking in public will get you a citation, followed by a mandatory court appearance and a $200 fine.  Don’t use marijuana publicly, either.  That will get you a citation, too.  South Boston’s vendors of alcoholic beverages have agreed to shut down early in the evening of Parade Day (Sunday, March 17).  They will stop admitting customers at 6:30 p.m., and stop serving at 7.  They will then close at [...]

14 03, 2019

Boston Celtic Al Horford brings the luck of the Irish to Firefighters in South Boston

2019-03-18T08:45:42-04:00March 14th, 2019|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Boston Celtic Al Horford brings the luck of the Irish to Firefighters in South Boston

Dunkin’ made a surprise delivery to Engine 2 and Ladder 19 in South Boston with the help of Al Horford.  To fuel the start to St. Patrick’s Day weekend, Horford will serve Irish Creme Coffee which is back in stores for the first time in five years to the firefighters.  They will also provided them with tickets to an upcoming Celtics game.      

7 03, 2019

Fox & The Knife, A Cut Above

2019-03-14T11:18:21-04:00March 7th, 2019|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Fox & The Knife, A Cut Above

By Tara Kerrigan Hayes   When you enter Fox & The Knife you’re immediately hit with sheer, exuberant, energy. Described as an Italian inspired Enoteca, this neighborhood joint is bursting with personality, with an Amy Winehouse meets Julia Child sort of vibe.  From the buzz of the crowd, to the intoxicating aromas, the character of the décor, and the thoughtfully chosen tunes, there’s a pure celebration of the senses, before even sitting down to taste. With no major structural renovations necessary, the redesign yields a sleek and cozy, yet edgy space, with one particular improvement that the Maiden lay-out had been screaming for; a six-seat chef’s table providing a full view of the open kitchen design, for diners to watch Chef Karen Akunowicz wield her [...]

7 03, 2019

Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes Adult Confirmation Classes and Lent Schedule

2019-03-07T06:06:11-05:00March 7th, 2019|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes Adult Confirmation Classes and Lent Schedule

Adult Confirmation Classes Classes are open to anyone who is over the age of 18, has been baptized into the Catholic Church, and has received First Penance and First Communion, but not yet been Confirmed.  Documentation for Baptism and First Communion must be provided.  Classes will meet in the Parish Offices at 841 East Broadway from 6:30PM – 8PM.  Class Dates…Thursday, March 14, 21 & 28 and on Thursday, April 4 and 11th.  If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Karin at cannata.sbgh@gmail.com or call the Parish Office 617-268-2122.   Lent 2019 Tuesdays During Lent The Holy Rosary – Tuesday Evenings at 6:30PM at Gate of Heaven Church on East Fourth Street Wednesdays During Lent 6:30PM – 7:30PM Prayer, Reflection, Adoration & Confession [...]

7 03, 2019

Hangover Heaven, IV Lounges and Drip Bars

2019-03-07T05:56:57-05:00March 7th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Hangover Heaven, IV Lounges and Drip Bars

By Brianne Fitzgerald, Family and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Recoverymattersma.org The idea of intravenous vitamin therapy became popular in 2012 with raves coming from Hollywood celebrities like Rihanna and Adele.  How is that the idea of being stuck with a needle in an unregulated walk-in clinic and run by for profit companies has been turned into a wellness must for those with disposable incomes?  These clinics boast everything from a cure for jetlag and hangovers, to healthier skin, improving your immune system and sex life.  Why are so many Americans seeking chemical answers for distress?  Is your life here in the richest country in the world becoming more stressful nd traumatic?  How is it that people from other countries are desperate to come to the US [...]

5 03, 2019

Gate of Heaven CYO “All-Star” Game 

2019-03-05T09:15:54-05:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Gate of Heaven CYO “All-Star” Game 

In the most exciting game of the season, the winning team coached by Allison Baker and  Jacqueline Beggan, grabbed the victory by one point!    The blue team was coached  by Christina McDonagh Running the scoring table was first place coach, Emily Harris and longtime volunteer, Mary Kate Hart.  Marie Laundry, director of the girl’s program and referee, was excited to see the improvement shown after (15) weeks of Gatey’s house league program.  Special thanks to Kevin Lally, Sean Monahan, John McGahan, Cheech, and the teenagers who work at the Walsh Center who keep the building in such good shape. Story by Marie Laundry Photos by Sean Monahan   Talia Scott, Isabel Sheehan, Iris Gjoka, Gia LaMonica, Melena McGahan, Patricia Casper and Brigid Fitzgerald.   [...]

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