About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
12 01, 2019

State Street and Junior Achievement Inspiring SBCA Students

2019-01-12T12:03:15-05:00January 12th, 2019|Categories: Education, Featured|Comments Off on State Street and Junior Achievement Inspiring SBCA Students

Thank you to State Street and all of our partners at Junior Achievement who came to teach our students on Friday December 14.  JA is a volunteer-delivered, kindergarten-12th grade program that fosters work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, and uses experiential learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential.  Junior Achievement (JA) of Northern New England appreciates their continued partnership with State Street and South Boston Catholic Academy to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. JA invests in youth today to empower them to strengthen our communities tomorrow. Through hands-on learning experiences delivered by State Street volunteers they are exposing students to different career paths and businesses, money management and how to start a business. Students are [...]

10 01, 2019

Moonshine Still Shines

2019-01-10T14:28:14-05:00January 10th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Moonshine Still Shines

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes   Take any given Sunday fun day or game night in Southie, jump in an Uber, and head down East Broadway. Pass all the lines sprouting from the doors of The Broadway to Capo, Lincoln, Loco and keep going ‘til you hit the end of West Broadway, where you can waive at the ghost of  Stephis, and blow a kiss to the fading shadow of The (sorely missed) Maiden, before turning the corner to arrive at Moonshine 152.  In the vortex of closing establishments, it would seem any other restaurant in this spot would be in danger, but this is not a ship that’s going down any time soon - not with owner, Asia Mei, at the helm. Former Sous Chef [...]

10 01, 2019

Senator Collins Is Now Sworn In

2019-01-10T08:36:54-05:00January 10th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Senator Collins Is Now Sworn In

by Rick Winterson   South Boston Online had the privilege of an extensive interview with State Senator Nick Collins.  Nick had first assumed his State Senate seat (1st Suffolk District) last May, after it had been vacated by Linda Dorcena-Forry.  Prior to that, Nick had served four terms in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Senator Nick won a full term in the 1st Suffolk State Senate seat this autumn, and was sworn in at the beginning of the new state Senate session on January 2 by Gov. Charlie Baker.   He is from South Boston, and is a family man.  He and his wife Olivia (Liff), a family-care physician, welcomed their daughter Justine into the world last January. His length of service as an elected official [...]

7 01, 2019

Senator Collins Nominates Michael Hurley For Senate Clerk

2019-01-07T14:37:12-05:00January 7th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Senator Collins Nominates Michael Hurley For Senate Clerk

South Boston Native Sworn-In as Senate’s Chief Parliamentarian.  As the 191st General Court was officially sworn in for the 2019-2020 session on Beacon Hill last week, State Senator Nick Collins (D- Boston) stood to recognize the achievements of a neighbor and colleague, Michael Hurley, and to nominate him for the post of Clerk of the Senate.  “I rise today with pride to nominate Michael Hurley of South Boston as the Clerk of the Massachusetts Senate,” said Senator Nick Collins. “I am honored to nominate my neighbor, my constituent, friend, and colleague, and I am confident that he will serve this chamber with unrivaled professionalism and expertise.” Michael Hurley, a son of South Boston, attended Boston Public Schools, the John Boyle O’Reilly and the Governor James [...]

7 01, 2019

The Martin Richard Foundation Challenges Young People to Bring Communities Together

2019-01-07T13:13:32-05:00January 7th, 2019|Categories: Education|Comments Off on The Martin Richard Foundation Challenges Young People to Bring Communities Together

The Martin Richard Foundation is calling on young people ages 5-22 to submit their ideas for bringing their communities together in service with projects that promote peace, justice and kindness. Through the Foundation’s Bridge Builder Program, up to 30 applicants will be selected to receive $500 grants to turn their idea into reality. Applications are due Friday, January 18 and are available at MartinRichardFoundation.org.   Projects should be led by young people; display peace, justice and kindness as core values; and tackle an issue that warrants attention in their neighborhoods or schools. Adults may apply on behalf of the young people who will carry out the project, and educators, youth development professionals or coaches can help to support the project. Groups will be notified of their selectionby [...]

6 01, 2019

Boxing Day, 2018:  Brunch and Cocktails on the 26th

2019-01-06T12:55:20-05:00January 6th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Boxing Day, 2018:  Brunch and Cocktails on the 26th

by Rick Winterson     Boxing Day is an English tradition.   Its origin is not certain, but most of the historic references say that it is traditionally (but not always) held on December 26, the day after Christmas.  On December 26 in England, servants and employees who worked on Christmas Day were given the 26th off to visit their own families and friends.  They were also given gifts of food, money, or clothing just before they left for the day, which were usually put in boxes so as to be a surprise.  Hence the name “Boxing Day” (as far as anyone knows). Not to be outdone in celebrating Christmas traditionally, South Boston has observed Boxing Day in years  past – 2018 was no exception.  Michael [...]

3 01, 2019

The 2019 Polar Plunge

2019-01-03T11:03:29-05:00January 3rd, 2019|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on The 2019 Polar Plunge

by Rick Winterson          Was the 2019 Plunge actually South Boston’s Polar Plunge No. 150?  A (rough) calculation indicates this might be the case, although confirming that was so would be very difficult.  In any case, many hundreds of Plungers showed up, despite the rain that fell the night before.   It was heartening to see so many folks – from near and from far – live up to their first resolution of the New Year:  To take the Polar Plunge, that is. The weather smiled, although that could be the result of global warming.  It felt like spring.  The timing of the tides required that this year’s Plunge take place at 9 a.m. sharp.  So, the L Street Tavern, which is essentially right [...]

31 12, 2018

Cold Hands, Warm Heart!

2018-12-31T09:49:51-05:00December 31st, 2018|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Cold Hands, Warm Heart!

South Boston Probation Officer Barbara Loftus and 5th graders at Joseph Tynan Elementary School have teamed up to spread holiday cheer and warmth to Boston’s homeless and senior citizens as part of Cold Hands, Warm Heart, a lesson in empathy.  Loftus and her Probation colleagues will go to the school, located at 650 E. 4th Street, to pick up the gift bags the students decorated and listen to several of the students read the personal messages they wrote which will be tucked into each bag and distributed to the homeless and elderly.   The bags will be filled with items collected by Probation including cold weather gear such as hats, gloves, and hand warmers as well as holiday goodies including cookies, candies, granola bars, tea and [...]

31 12, 2018

First Night Celebration – Including Two Rounds of Fireworks!

2018-12-31T09:18:57-05:00December 31st, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on First Night Celebration – Including Two Rounds of Fireworks!

Before we can welcome 2019, the city first needs to send off 2018 in true Boston-fashion at its annual First Night celebration.  Since 1975, Boston has rung in the new year with ice sculptures, live music and fireworks at its First Night event. More than 200,000 people are expected to attend this year’s celebration, according to Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. From where to watch the fireworks, to when headliner Chadwick Stokes is expected to take the stage, here’s everything you need to know about First Night Boston 2019. All First Night events are free and open to the public.  You can catch most of the scheduled events in Copley Square and Back Bay.  First Night festivities start at 12 p.m. Monday, Dec. 31 and last [...]

28 12, 2018

A Christmas Celebration:  St. Paul’s Boys Choir

2018-12-28T10:48:29-05:00December 28th, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on A Christmas Celebration:  St. Paul’s Boys Choir

by Rick Winterson (Photos by Teresa DeAmicis)   Last Sunday afternoon, December 23, “A Christmas Celebration” took place in the Gate of Heaven Church.  It featured the singing of the Choir of St. Paul’s Church, which is located at the beginning of Mt. Auburn Street in Harvard Square, Cambridge.  The Choir is an integral part of the St. Paul’s Choir School, a middle school for boys that trains them as choir singers.  When trained in singing, and then combined with adult voices, the Choir can sing complex and challenging choral works of great beauty.  Their works include many Christmas songs and carols.  Such was their presentation of “A Christmas Celebration” this last Sunday. John Robinson was the Director; Jeremy Burns provided the organ accompaniment.  Stephanie Scogna [...]

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