About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
1 11, 2018

Southie Longshoreman Brings Honor to all Americans

2018-11-27T16:32:47-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Southie Longshoreman Brings Honor to all Americans

Letter to the Editor: By Ray Flynn, Former Mayor of Boston and Former U. S. Ambassador to the Vatican Waiting for the dedication ceremony of the Bill “Skippy” Miller Park on Boston Waterfront on Monday to begin, several retired Longshoremen, Tom Glynn, Miller family members, MassPort, union leaders, Congressman Lynch, Councillor Flynn, area residents and I were talking about naturally the Red Sox winning the World Series yesterday. What an honor! Boston has always had some of the most loyal fans in the country, so in my opinion, no City deserves a championship more than Boston fans do. The Red Sox and the Boston Braves didn’t win any championships in those days, but everybody had a good story to tell. Even though my brother Steve [...]

1 11, 2018

How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

2018-11-01T12:18:15-04:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on How We Are Addressing Climate Change in Boston

By Mayor Martin Walsh This year is shaping up to be one of the strongest years in Boston’s history. We’ve continued to add 20,000 new jobs each year, and we’ve brought unemployment down below 4 percent. And perhaps most importantly, we’ve made a plan to ensure that the benefits of Boston’s booming economy are enjoyed by everyone who calls this city home. We’re making record investments in affordable housing, sidewalks and bike lanes, community policing, libraries, and schools. Through our BuildBPS plan, we are making bold investments in our educational infrastructure, so that every school has the resources to provide a comprehensive, 21st century education for Boston’s young people. I am proud of the progress that Boston has made this year in so many areas, [...]

1 11, 2018

Moms’ Club Teal Pumpkin Project Celebration

2018-11-01T12:01:34-04:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Moms’ Club Teal Pumpkin Project Celebration

By Rachel Pearson On Saturday, October 20th, MOMS Club of South Boston members and families gathered together for a Teal Pumpkin Project themed Halloween Party at the South Boston Neighborhood House. The Teal Pumpkin Project is a nationwide movement that encourages offering non-food treats in addition to traditional candy/ food items to trick-or-treaters at Halloween. It is a way for children with food allergies, diabetes, celiac disease, among other medical conditions and limited diets, to enjoy a safer and happier holiday. Children at the party enjoyed live entertainment and non-food treats in a celebration that also served to announce the MOMS Club’s involvement i n our nei ghborhood ’s annual Trick-or-Treating on Broadway. As part of this inclusive celebration, the MOMS Club of South Boston [...]

1 11, 2018

Red Sox Nation Celebrates in Style

2018-11-17T14:25:50-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Red Sox Nation Celebrates in Style

By Richard Campbell   This Halloween brought the Red Sox back home for the full duck boat lined parade and accompanying celebrations. The Drop Kick Murphy’s led off the celebration with their standards and a few extras.  Fans lined Boylston Street starting more than two hours in advance to get a glimpse of perhaps the most celebrated team in Red Sox history. We know some kids played hooky and skipped school for this event, but perhaps such Championship parades should be declared snow days! Some of the costumes were as entertaining as the staff and players of the Red Sox, and the nation was indeed happy to bear the chilly weather to see this moment pass.  Here’s to the 2018 Boston Red Sox World Series [...]

1 11, 2018

Please Reserve November 10 for Veterans Events in South Boston

2018-11-27T13:27:32-05:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Please Reserve November 10 for Veterans Events in South Boston

  by Rick Winterson      Dave Falvey dropped in at South Boston Online last Monday morning for a chat.  Dave is the Commander of South Boston’s Allied War Veterans Council (the AWVC), which is the organization responsible for the St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade every year.  Specifically, he wanted to discuss the AWVC’s plans for Veterans Day weekend, as well as briefing us on the 2019 Parade. The upcoming Veterans Day weekend will be quite busy, especially on Saturday, November 10.  The DAV 5K race takes place that morning on Castle Island, running from the Fort, along the Causeway, to the Sugar Bowl/Head Island/Fish Hawk, and back.  Proceeds go to benefit Disabled American Veterans (DAV).  You can log onto and register for this race at [...]

28 10, 2018

Truck and Car Pollution On the Rise in Boston

2018-11-01T12:24:40-04:00October 28th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Truck and Car Pollution On the Rise in Boston

By Richard Campbell As the mayor of Boston has released his climate change goals for the future, a report in August this year from the Union of Concerned Scientists reveals that the state is seeing a serge in vehicular air pollution. Anyone who lives in South Boston and has witnessed the large increase in truck traffic to build the Seaport district would not be surprised by this report. The group stated in its report: “DEP’ s (Department of Environmental Protection) updated emissions inventory showed a significant jump in emissions from transportation, from 29.7 MMT in 2015 to 31.7 MMT in 2016, an increase of over 6 percent. Transportation pollution is higher today than it has been at any point since 2008. It is the only [...]

27 10, 2018

Mini Maker Faire at Children’s Museum

2018-10-27T19:30:52-04:00October 27th, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Mini Maker Faire at Children’s Museum

  by Rick Winterson  Likely you’ve heard of the so-called “Makers Movement”, and a movement it really is. The Makers first grew from clusters of curious and creative people in the Bay area around San Francisco/ San Jose in the 1990s. The exact, original location could be in San Mateo, midway between San Francisco and San Jose, where the 13th Annual “Maker Faire” took place recently. Other Maker Faires (40 of them this year) are taking place worldwide – New York, Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, Rome, and so on.  Certainly, Boston deserves to have a Maker Faire, and the Children’s Museum in South Boston’s Fort Point neighborhood obliged (Saturday/ Sunday, October 6-7). In fact, this was the Museum’s third annual Faire, only they’ve chosen to call [...]

26 10, 2018

Gavin Foundation 2018 Anniversary Dinner

2018-10-26T17:17:22-04:00October 26th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Gavin Foundation 2018 Anniversary Dinner

by Rick Winterson In several of our issues this year, South Boston Online has mentioned that 2018 is a Year of Anniversary Celebrations. The Gavin Foundation’s 2018 Anniversary Dinner was no exception. Here are a few they observed on Thursday evening, October 18: The Gavin House – 56 years.  Hamilton House – 44  Cushing House – 19  Charlestown Recovery Home – 10 Gavin Foundation President John McGahan opened the Anniversary Dinner’s Program, remarking upon the efforts that the Gavin is making to combat the ongoing opioid abuse epidemic. He thanked Gov. Charlie Baker for his support, and the Governor then took the podium. Although it is an election year for the Governor, he interrupted his campaigning and took the time to speak at the Dinner. Baker congratulated the [...]

18 10, 2018

Vets Deserve Our Gratitude, Honor 

2018-11-27T16:33:27-05:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Vets Deserve Our Gratitude, Honor 

Letter to the Editor: By Ray Flynn Former Mayor of Boston and Former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican  The New England Center and Home for Veterans in downtown Boston, founded in 1989, has become one of our nation’s leading private community-based providers of human services — including medical care, shelter and job training — for veterans experiencing challenges following their military service. Recently, a great crowd of patriotic supporters turned out for the annual Leave No One Behind Gala at the Seaport World Trade Center, to express their support for homeless and needy veterans. My friend Capt. Thomas G. Kelley, USN Medal of Honor recipient, was presented the center’s Distinguished Service to Veterans Award and honored for conspicuous gallantry in the line of combat. The [...]

18 10, 2018

Sharp Spike in Auto Larcenies

2018-11-27T16:02:51-05:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Sharp Spike in Auto Larcenies

   by Rick Winterson  Each month, South Boston Online attends a community information meeting at our local Police Station C-6. The group that attends this meeting is called the Neighborhood Advisory Council (the NAC). The NAC’s purpose is to ensure that information flows and enforcement actions by Station C-6 fit the neighborhoods’ needs as well as possible. All of the major neighborhoods that Station C-6 is responsible for are represented on the NAC; the most recent NAC Meeting took place on Wednesday evening, October 3.  Key subjects that came up included the ongoing opioid crisis and the traffic control efforts resulting from the recent traffic tragedies. Station C-6 Captain Joseph Boyle then described the major increase in larcenies from motor vehicles in and around South [...]

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