About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
2 08, 2018

Can We Elevate Physical Education & Health Instruction?

2018-08-02T15:21:20-04:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Can We Elevate Physical Education & Health Instruction?

NIH Graphic By Richard Campbell It was covering the splendid athletic prowess of the Boston Triathlon athletes this past week that made this writer ponder physical education. The nation is experiencing an obesity epidemic that is well recorded by the National Center for Disease Control. In children ages 2-19 the obesity rate has hit an all-time high of 18.5 %, with the spectacular 20.6% for students between the ages of 12-19 years. The current adult obesity rate of around 35% indicates a not particularly rosy future, as the obesity rate of children growing up in the 1970’s was only 4%. These national statistics mean that particularly for adults and high school students, we have big problems. Some blame fast food, lackadaisical parenting, poor [...]

2 08, 2018

47 Marine Road Asking Price: $1,779,000

2018-08-02T15:03:54-04:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Real Estate|Comments Off on 47 Marine Road Asking Price: $1,779,000

K & Marine Rd Two-Family with 4 off-street parking spaces? Need I say more?...Here's the deal: The current owners are approved (Permit in hand) to renovate and expand their two-family to include two bi-level units that are approximately 2,000 Square feet each. Yes, that's 4,000 SF total. The upper unit will have great water views. This building is about 50 yards to K Street beach. The parking is accessed from Deady Lane which is at the end of K Street near Columbia Road. So, if you are up for a renovation project, this is the location to do it! It is estimated that the finished product is worth close to $3 Mil... Call or Email for Plans. K & Marine Rd Two-Family with 4 off-street [...]

2 08, 2018

Commissioner Evans to B.C.

2018-08-02T14:44:25-04:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Commissioner Evans to B.C.

by Rick Winterson It had been announced to the media over last weekend, culminating in a Press Conference in City Hall’s Eagle Room on Monday morning. The current Commissioner of the Boston Police Department (the BPD) William B. Evans is retiring. He will shortly assume responsibility for the Public Safety Department at Boston College, which includes B.C.’s Campus Police. At the Monday morning Press Conference, Mayor Walsh also announced Evan’s replacement as Commissioner of the BPD: the current BPD Superintendent-in- Chief William Gross. Gross, who had been second in command of the BPD, now assumes the title of Interim Commissioner until Saturday, August 4, the day Evans actually retires. He will be formally sworn in soon afterward. Evans’ retirement from the Force was an emotional [...]

2 08, 2018

Volley Ball Tournament Heats Up on Carson Beach

2018-08-02T14:04:34-04:00August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Volley Ball Tournament Heats Up on Carson Beach

By Richard Campbell Undaunted by the heat, and perhaps creating some heat themselves, Social Boston Sports drew a large group of players for their coed Beach Volleyball Tournament on Carson Beach this past Saturday, July 28th. Teams were formed in 6 versus 6, 4 versus 4 coed groupings and started around 2:00 pm in the bright sun, with some players looking like seasoned pros and others just showing for the fun of it. The tournament winners in the 6V6 category were Ric Flairs Woo’s! and the 4V4 winners were the Green Monkeys. Perhaps you’ve seen this group playing volleyball at Carson over the summer and wondered who they are? Social Sports has grown over the years from its humble beginnings in Baltimore of 16 members [...]

1 08, 2018

Flynn Holds South Boston Office Hours

2018-08-01T17:03:46-04:00August 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Flynn Holds South Boston Office Hours

Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn will take his Neighborhood Office Hours  program to two locations in South Boston this Saturday, August 4th. Councilor Flynn will be at Caffe Nero, 416 West Broadway from 8:30am-9:30am and the South Boston Public Library, 646 East Broadway, from 4pm-5pm. Residents are encouraged to bring constituent and neighborhood issues directly to Councilor Flynn and his staff. “As the District City Councilor, it is important for me to continue this program and bring City Hall services to each of our neighborhoods. Oftentimes, people are unable to take the time from work or too busy to travel into the city to deal with a particular issue.  This is an opportunity for us to come to the neighborhood over the weekend and hear from our residents directly [...]

27 07, 2018

Brainstorming the Future of Moakley Park

2018-11-27T13:06:34-05:00July 27th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Brainstorming the Future of Moakley Park

By Richard Campbell South Boston residents, city planners, landscape architects, and stakeholders of all backgrounds met at the Tierney Learning Center this past Thursday night for three hours of exploration on the future of Moakley Park. This was the most recent installment of several meetings to engage stakeholders from the neighborhood to give input into how South Boston envisions the Moakley Park area reinvented to withstand climate change, and to grow its role in the community as a place of recreational culture in the not too distant future. Some perceive this “future” as happening way down the road, but when talking with Boston Parks Commissioner, Chris Cook, that future is more in his mind as a few years away, when he and the team the [...]

27 07, 2018

Boston Youth Symphony at BPL McKim Courtyard

2018-07-27T13:29:56-04:00July 27th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Boston Youth Symphony at BPL McKim Courtyard

By Richard Campbell The Boston Public Library has had their traditional afternoon concerts all summer, and this past Saturday hosted the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra in the McKim Courtyard to present a short chamber music program to a good-sized audience on a sunny afternoon. Under the direction of Frederico Cortese since 1999, the BYSO, founded in 1958 has been training young classical musicians through a variety of programs, performing, and continually expanding its mission.  Now it has grown to serve 600 child and young adult musicians from New England. Known for its high standards and innovative programs the BYSO’s courtyard appearance was a small, light sampling of the repertoire the students come to know. The students performed: Mozart String Quartet no. 1 in G major, [...]

26 07, 2018

Review: TEMAZCAL (A Tequila Cantina)

2018-08-02T12:31:23-04:00July 26th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Review: TEMAZCAL (A Tequila Cantina)

by Rick Winterson      It was early Thursday evening, July 12.  Whether it was the oncoming weekend or the leftover crowds from the week of the Fourth of July was impossible to say.  Whatever the reason, the lines into the restaurants along the Waterfront, specifically those with Harbor views or rooftop pavilions, were impossibly long.  Many places were simply letting small groups in with no regard for who was with whom.  And no prediction of estimated wait-time was given to those at the end of the lines. But inside TEMAZCAL (250 Northern Avenue, between the Fish Pier and the Blue Hills Bank Pavilion), a table became empty.  We were asked if seating along the Harbor Walk was OK.  We jumped at it, except that [...]

26 07, 2018

Boston Triathlon Celebrates 10th Anniversary at Carson Beach

2018-08-02T12:20:39-04:00July 26th, 2018|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Boston Triathlon Celebrates 10th Anniversary at Carson Beach

By Richard Campbell The 10th annual Boston Triathlon returned to Carson Beach generating its trademark excitement for spectators and participants alike, bringing thousands to South Boston.  In a reversal of last year’s event, the third annual Kid’s Day this past Saturday was blessed with sunny skies and almost ideal weather, whereas the adult main event on Sunday was forced to forgo the Olympic 1.5k Swim because of stormy weather and a small craft weather warning by harbor officials.  The choppy water aside, a little rain did not impede the Olympic run through Moakley Park or the Olympic cycle around Day Boulevard. Organized by ethos- the Boston Triathlon is primarily sponsored by the international Columbia Threadneedle Investments, with partnership support by Boston Medical Center.   Hosted at [...]

20 07, 2018

Bells Market Upgrade: and New Mixed-Use Buildings Approved

2018-07-20T09:41:32-04:00July 20th, 2018|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Bells Market Upgrade: and New Mixed-Use Buildings Approved

By Richard Campbell Perhaps the surest sign of the coming rehabilitation of the neighborhood surrounding Old Colony is the plan for a new five story residential building with retail space on the site of Bell’s Market. The project designers Stefanov Architects have teamed up with developer Rashide, LLC, to put together a comprehensive proposal to the Boston Development Planning Association (BDPA). The proposal submitted in late 2017 is for new five-story 32 new residential rental apartments that are primarily market rate, with 5 affordable units and will include 23 below level parking spaces. It will have about 7,000 sq. feet of retail space- which will include a new Bell’s Market, on the 9th street side and a café on the 8th street side. Other amenities [...]

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