About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
23 05, 2018

The Wiz at the Lyric: Reaching for Magic

2018-05-23T16:59:40-04:00May 23rd, 2018|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on The Wiz at the Lyric: Reaching for Magic

By Richard Campbell The Lyric Stage mounted a revival of the 1970’s musical “The Wiz” this past Sunday, with guest director Dawn Simmons at the helm, Musical Director Allyssa Jones, and Choreography by Jean Appolon.  It was a show that had some amusing and touching moments, that introduced Boston audiences to up and coming talent, but the production overall was a little underwhelming.  One of the distinguishing features of this musical- besides it’s snappy score, clever jokes, and endearing characters- is a synergy between energetic choreography and pure magic. What we get here was an earnest group trying hard to take flight, hampered by a lack of continuity in production values, more attributable to the leadership roles than the talents of the cast. The powerful [...]

23 05, 2018

Clerk Magistrate Salvatore “Sal” Paterna Honored as ‘Person of the Year’

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00May 23rd, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Clerk Magistrate Salvatore “Sal” Paterna Honored as ‘Person of the Year’

  South Boston Resident Shines at Annual Dinner Meeting   The Bar Association of Norfolk County (BANC) selected Clerk Magistrate at Dedham District Court Salvatore Paterna as the recieptent of this year’s ‘Person of the Year’ award. The ’Person of the Year’ award is presented by the Bar Assocation’s Council members and officers to an individual who has achieved outstanding community service in Norfolk County.   “It’s an honor to be recognized by the Bar Asssocaition of Norfolk County as the ‘Person of the Year,’ said Sal Paterna. “Each and every day I manage a demanding courthouse and I make it a priority to give back to the community I serve.”   The ‘Person of the Year’ award has been given out every year since [...]

23 05, 2018

Mayor Speaks of Plans at Flaherty Park Coffee Hour

2018-05-23T16:38:14-04:00May 23rd, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Mayor Speaks of Plans at Flaherty Park Coffee Hour

by Rick Winterson   On Thursday morning, May 17, Mayor Walsh held one of his patented Neighborhood Coffee Hours.  The location was in the Flaherty Park on the north leg of B Street.  This was the sixth such event, out of a total of 17 the Mayor had scheduled all across the City of Boston between late April and mid-July this year.  The Mayor, District 2 City Councilor Ed Flynn, at-large City Councilor Annissa Essabai-George, and several City officials were on hand.  Perhaps most important, an estimated 200 or more local residents showed up.  All in all, it was quite a well-attended event. Plans are afoot to improve upon Flaherty Park.  It is currently a mixed use green space, with most of the equipment designed [...]

18 05, 2018

Grand Opening at Ethos Learning Center

2018-05-18T14:48:23-04:00May 18th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Grand Opening at Ethos Learning Center

By Richard Campbell Ethos Early Learning Center held a Grand Opening at their new West Broadway location on Saturday, May 12, and South Boston Online followed up on our earlier coverage from the company inception this past January, to see the early childhood learning center fully prepared for accepting children. The learning program is modeled on a hybrid Montessori / Reggio Emila / Steiner Method approach, and the staff at this new center showed excitement as their small school looked perfectly modeled for South Boston. Particularly for parents of small babies growing into toddler stages, many of whom have busy professional lives working in the city, this kind service is a most welcomed addition in the neighborhood. Having achieved all state and city inspections and [...]

18 05, 2018

St. Augustine Chapel at 200: The Work Begins

2018-05-18T14:23:48-04:00May 18th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on St. Augustine Chapel at 200: The Work Begins

by Rick Winterson   The Year 2018 A.D. is a historic year in South Boston.  It is the 100th Anniversary of the World War I Armistice (November 11, 1918).  Records show that 103 servicemen from South Boston lost their lives in “The War to End All Wars”. Equally as historic in a local sense is the 200th Anniversary of St. Augustine Chapel and Cemetery on Dorchester Street at the corner of Sixth.  It is a Chapel built in memory of Father Francis Anthony Matignon, who served as the parish priest for Boston and all of New England until his death on September 19, 1818, 200 years ago.  He was truly Boston’s “Pioneer Priest”; he is buried in the Chapel, which was begun in 1818 and [...]

11 05, 2018

Boston Scores with One Hen Fundraiser at District Hall

2018-05-11T09:57:34-04:00May 11th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Boston Scores with One Hen Fundraiser at District Hall

By Richard Campbell Educational empowerment never seemed so fun as when One Hen, a division of Boston Scores, brought out students to pitch their projects to well-wishers and contributors during their charitable event held this past Thursday at District Hall in the Seaport.  The curriculum of One Hen focuses upon teaching student entrepreneurship fundamentals and giving back to the community. In practical terms students learn how to start a business, create and market a product, and turn their profits towards helping others in need. During the evening the student’s finished products were displayed as they demonstrated entrepreneurial and social skills in preparation for a life of service. Prominently on hand was Katie Smith Milway, author of the award-winning children’s book: “One Hen: How One Small [...]

10 05, 2018

Marine 5K Honor Run Kicks Off Spring at Carson Beach

2018-05-10T15:42:32-04:00May 10th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Marine 5K Honor Run Kicks Off Spring at Carson Beach

By Richard Campbell This past Saturday the 17th Annual Boston Marine Corps 5K Honor Run was dedicated to Lance Corporal Alexander Scott Arredondo, USMC, of Randolph, MA. Arredondo was deployed several times with the 1st Battalion 4th Marines between 2003 and 2004 and was killed in action in the city of A Najaf, Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom on August 25th, 2004. Although he was only 20 years old when he passed on, all accounts of this young soldier’s life revealed a person who touched many lives, was very athletic, and demonstrated significant leadership skills on and off the battle field.   Representatives for most of the Massachusetts military services and first responders from Boston were well in evidence, performing security and ceremonial duties before the [...]

10 05, 2018

Julie’s Family Learning Program awarded $25,000 per year for 10 years South Boston nonprofit receives Cummings Foundation grant

2018-05-10T11:01:44-04:00May 10th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Julie’s Family Learning Program awarded $25,000 per year for 10 years South Boston nonprofit receives Cummings Foundation grant

Julie’s Family Learning Program is one of 33 local nonprofits awarded a total of $10 million from Cummings Foundation through its new Sustaining Grants program, which provides funding for up to 10 years.  Bob Monahan, Executive Director, and Carrie Coughlin, Director of Development, represented the nonprofit at a May 3 awards night at TradeCenter 128 in Woburn. Julie's high touch, long term engagement with individual mothers and their children provides a path to stability for families living in poverty. Currently, 50% are homeless, the rest live in public housing. Many struggle with childhood trauma, addiction, domestic violence, unemployment and poor health. Our intensive, holistic curriculum of adult basic education and life skills, combined with licensed, certified childcare, emergency supports and basic needs, and, most importantly, [...]

4 05, 2018

36th Annual Laboure Spring Reception Honors Fr. Joe White

2018-05-04T15:37:24-04:00May 4th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on 36th Annual Laboure Spring Reception Honors Fr. Joe White

by Rick Winterson   Fr. Joseph M. White is well known in South Boston.  A few years ago, Fr. Joe was the Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish at E and West Third Streets.  He’s now the Pastor of the West End’s St. Joseph Parish, but we are still fortunate to see a lot of him around here.  Last Thursday evening, April 26, the Laboure Center conferred their 2018 Jack Shaughnessy Service Award upon Fr. Joe at the Laboure’s 36th Annual Spring Reception.  He is a devoted parish priest, who willingly serves our community in a variety of ways. For a long time, Fr. Joe has worked on the problem of substance abuse, especially ministering to addicted people themselves and to their immediate families.  [...]

3 05, 2018

2018 Boston Take Steps Walk for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

2018-05-03T09:47:26-04:00May 3rd, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on 2018 Boston Take Steps Walk for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation

This year I am honored to serve as the Executive Council Co-Chair for the 2018 Boston Take Steps Walk for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Last year, Boston Take Steps raised $340,000 for research, education, and programs to benefit the mission of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation. Furthermore, our walk was the 3rd top Take Steps fundraising event in the country! Nationally, the Take Steps Walk program raises more than $10.5 million annually towards mission-critical research and patient education and support programs. Through our efforts last year, TEAM BUTLER RAISED NEARLY $42,000! (A huge thank you to all, you should know that we were a top 5 Team in the country in 2017)! Many of you now know my wife Sheila's story and how Crohn’s disease [...]

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