About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
28 03, 2018

ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse

2018-11-27T16:35:25-05:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on ACES: Educators Present on Child Abuse

By Richard Campbell One of the more complex and widespread problems in today’s educational environment is how to educate students who are dealing with Adverse Child Experiences, commonly called ACEs. With the ASCD Conference emphasis upon educating the whole child, a group of educators from South Central Pennsylvania came prepared to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center with an in-depth presentation for educators on how to detect, evaluate, and respond to the problem of ACEs. Their presentation was entitled: “ACEs Paradigm Shift in How the School Community Can Address the Whole Child.” The presenters were Ellen G. Smith MD., School Counselor, Meg Riley M.ED, MMS, and Jeannette Fodness, Teacher and Instructional Coach M.Ed, who are professionals working in their respective school districts with educators and [...]

28 03, 2018

South Boston Bantams Capture the Gold Medal in Lake Placid, New York

2018-03-28T16:06:04-04:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on South Boston Bantams Capture the Gold Medal in Lake Placid, New York

By Bobby McGarrell This past weekend the South Boston bantams participated in the Can/Am Challenge Cup in Lake Placid, New York. Teams from various states such as Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Minnesota were all competing to take home the gold medal. Our South Boston team took to the ice in the opening-round to face the Exton Kings of Exton, PA. There wasn’t anything regal about this team as our boys totally dominated the game from start to finish with a 7-0 thumping. The next game proved to be a lot of the same as the local heroes thrashed the Valley Forge Colonials from Oaks, PA. 8-1. The following contest proved to be a very physical contest with the NJ Rhinos from Mahwah, NJ. [...]

28 03, 2018

Marching Together

2018-03-28T15:42:27-04:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Editorial, News|Comments Off on Marching Together

By Mayor Martin J. Walsh It was a scene similar to one Boston’s seen before. This past weekend, on a cold Saturday morning, tens of thousands of people gathered to kick off another march demanding national change. Except this time, we gathered at Madison Park Vocational High School in Roxbury, ready to start our route to the Boston Common. And this march was even more remarkable, because it had been created and organized by our students. In fact, all throughout our nation, our young people are leading the charge and fighting for stricter gun control laws. At Boston’s March for Our Lives, the organization, the message, the passion -- it started with our students, and our young people. It’s hard to believe it’s been just [...]

21 03, 2018

SBCA’s Annual Banquet – A Great Evening

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00March 21st, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on SBCA’s Annual Banquet – A Great Evening

by Rick Winterson Last Friday saw the South Boston Citizens’ Association (the SBCA) 138th Annual Evacuation Day Banquet, a part of the 242nd Annual Evacuation Day Events. It commemorated March 17, 1776, the day that the British left Boston for good – the very first victory in our War for Independence commanded by General George Washington. Some 300 celebrants attended, greeted by the SBCA’s 11-year President Tom McGrath. For your information, the SBCA is the nation’s oldest civic organization. It was a gala indeed. Curragh’s Fancy provided Irish songs and music. Malden Comic Dave Russo showed no mercy to the Head Table – the “Head Table to Infinity”. The Convention Center’s corned beef and cabbage was outstanding. The high point of the evening was the [...]

21 03, 2018

Goings On – St. Patrick’s / Evacuation Day

2018-03-21T18:37:43-04:00March 21st, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Goings On – St. Patrick’s / Evacuation Day

by Rick Winterson Last Saturday, was “the day itself” (so to speak). It was March 17, the combined St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day. If you are seeking a more explicit tie-in between both observances, Gen. George Washington called for “Saint Patrick” to be used as the countersign password on Dorchester Heights on March 17, which turned out to be our celebrated Evacuation Day, Washington’s first Revolutionary War victory. The South Boston Citizens’ Association (SBCA) continued its ongoing work in commemorating and celebrating Evacuation Day. Saturday morning at 9, Fr. Joe White said the Evacuation Day Memorial Mass in the historic (200 years old this year) St. Augustine Chapel. This was followed by observances on Dorchester Heights, the site of the actual fortifications that led the British evacuating [...]

21 03, 2018

The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council

2018-03-21T18:24:05-04:00March 21st, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council

It is worthwhile repeating a few facts and figures about last Sunday’s 2018 St. Patrick’s/ Evacuation Day Parade. An estimated 125 marching units participated in this year’s Parade. On Monday, we read in Boston’s daily newspapers that maybe as many as a million spectators attended the Parade, despite the uncomfortably cold weather. That makes out Parade the largest in New England and the third largest in the country, Frankly, South Boston Online doubts that a million spectators showed up. However, based on previous years, half of that number, or 500,000, would not be unusual. To put that number in perspective, please consider that 500,000 people would fill 25 TD Bank Gardens for the Celts and Bruins, 12 Fenway Parks for the Red Sox, or 7 [...]

21 03, 2018

Friday, April 6th:The 2018 “Ollie” Benefit & Gala

2018-03-21T19:15:11-04:00March 21st, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Friday, April 6th:The 2018 “Ollie” Benefit & Gala

by Rick Winterson Perhaps a definition and a bit of history at first: the South Boston Neighborhood House at H and Sixth is affectionately nicknamed “The Ollie”, standing for the Neighborhood House’s Founding Spirit, Olivia James. When “Ms. Ollie” started the Neighborhood House 117 years ago, it was originally a settlement house. Briefly stated, it changed with the times - it now serves both the young and senior residents of South Boston, supporting family and neighborhood life in countless ways. In just 15 days, Friday, April 6, from 6 till 10 p.m., the Neighborhood House will hold its Annual Gala – a truly elegant live and silent auction, along with complimentary beverages, hors d’oeuvres, music, and dancing. You can preview the auction items at facebook.com/ [...]

18 03, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Photos

2018-03-21T18:08:36-04:00March 18th, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on St. Patrick’s Day Parade Photos

South Boston Online at the Parade! Photography by Richard Campbell Mayor Walsh with Congressman Lynch   Runners Relax ! Police Bagpipes   Police Lead Off. Pipes Marine Band City Councilor Ed Flynn and his wife Kristen. Guys having Fun. Marching On! Queens Bagpiper Queens University Playing Ayanna Pressley   Henning has the look! More Bagpipes! Air Force Kings of Horses Firefighters Music Man   Falun Daffa Steel Workers Union Tin Men Selfie with Fire Person Irish Lass

14 03, 2018

The Parade is ON!

2018-03-14T18:48:16-04:00March 14th, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on The Parade is ON!

Above: Woods School of Irish Dance students are ready for the parade! By Rick Winterson You don’t need to be told that South Boston, Boston, and much of Eastern Massachusetts have been plagued with triple Northeasters that included heavy snows and gusts of hurricane-force winds. However, South Boston Online wants to assure you that the St. Patrick’s/ Evacuation Day Parade will step off from the staging area near Broadway Station at 1 p.m. this coming Sunday, March 18 – come rain or come shine. In other words – the Parade is ON, as planned! The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council (the SBAWVC) is the group that has been responsible for the Parade for the last 70 years. Every year under the SBAWVC’s stewardship, the [...]

14 03, 2018


2018-03-14T18:12:42-04:00March 14th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Edtorial

North-South Link Tunnel: It’s About Time Recent studies on the feasibility of an underground tunnel to connect North and South Stations prompted by Congressman Seth Moulton, and completed by students of the Harvard Kennedy School. suggests that the cost may be lower than originally believed. The report: Connecting the Northeast: A Cost Estimate for the North South Rail Link, was completed in August 2017. While anyone in their right mind considering Boston’s over priced major construction projects would be justified in questioning whether Boston can actually complete a transportation construction project without fleecing the tax payers- especially when the MBTA is involved- the report deserves to be considered. The North-South Link is estimated in the report of costing 5.9 billion dollars in 2025 dollars, and [...]

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