About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
26 01, 2017

South Boston – Exhibition City

2017-01-26T15:15:25-05:00January 26th, 2017|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on South Boston – Exhibition City

by Rick Winterson      The neighborhood of South Boston wears many guises.  Not the least it is a place of beauty, and when called for, it’s a place of protest as well.  Both of these particular roles were reflected last weekend in two recent fine art exhibits. One exhibit at the Medicine Wheel’s Spoke Gallery (110 K Street, second floor), another at The Distillery Gallery (216 East Second Street, lower level).    Medicine Wheel’s Spoke Gallery is the site of a striking exhibition of eight large works by John Provenzano, who has his own studio in South Boston’s King Terminal.  John’s medium is acrylic on canvas; the dimensions of his painting generally exceed six feet.  His creations are brilliantly colorful semi-abstractions, which also contain [...]

26 01, 2017

Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes News… Welcome Father Frank Daily

2017-01-26T15:03:49-05:00January 26th, 2017|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes News… Welcome Father Frank Daily

We welcomed Fr. Frank Daly to our Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid Parishes and St. Augustine Chapel on January 3, 2017. Fr. Daly has replaced Fr. Michael Bova Conti, as our Parochial Vicar. Fr. Bova Conti is a retired priest and his ministry here has been a blessing to all of us. Hopefully when he returns to Boston in April he will join us again for a few more months. His ministry in assisting parishes around the Archdiocese is greatly appreciated. We wish him a much-deserved time off in a warmer climate and assure him of our prayers. Fr. Frank Daly was born in the Allston section of Boston. He attended St. Anthony’s School and Boston Latin School, graduated from St. John’s Seminary and [...]

26 01, 2017

Rep. Lynch Calls for Strong Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board

2017-01-26T14:48:35-05:00January 26th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Rep. Lynch Calls for Strong Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board

JANUARY 23,BOSTON, MA – Today, Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (D-Boston), the lead Democrat on the National Security subcommittee, wrote to President Donald J. Trump calling for an operational bipartisan Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. Currently, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board consists of only two members, has no chairman, and lacks the quorum necessary to do its work. Congressman Lynch urged the President to appoint a full membership to the Board so it can fulfill its critical mission to conduct robust oversight of United States counterterrorism policies and programs in the shared interest of national security and the protection of privacy and civil liberties. “The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board plays a critical role in protecting Americans’ privacy and civil liberties and [...]

26 01, 2017

In Defense of Defense

2017-01-26T14:40:58-05:00January 26th, 2017|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on In Defense of Defense

by Rick Winterson      It bears repeating that the Patriots’ defense was the target of much criticism during the 2016 regular season.  But it bears repeating only to demonstrate how senseless the boo-birds have been all season long.  This writer guesses that they got tired of criticizing the Presidential campaign, or simply got crowded out of that particular issue by all the partisan tweets.    There was a school of thought that the “Points Against” statistic, where the Pats led the entire NFL – yes, both Conferences – was somehow meaningless, because the Pats played a lot of weak teams.  Well, whether that’s true or not, the Pats’ Points Against figures demonstrate the value of their defense in both playoff games – 17 Points [...]

26 01, 2017

Association Chooses Edward Flynn for 2017 Chairman

2017-01-26T14:37:18-05:00January 26th, 2017|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Association Chooses Edward Flynn for 2017 Chairman

South Boston Citizens’ Association President Thomas E. McGrath has announced that Edward Flynn of the U.S. Navy (Retired) will serve as General Chairman of the Association’s 2017 Evacuation Day commemoration by the SBCA Executive Board.         “The executive board and I look forward to working with Ed, to ensure once again the success of this unique community celebration, the commemoration of the British evacuation of Boston in 1776,” said McGrath.  Eddie is a lifelong resident and active member of the SBCA his entire adult life. His dedication to the South Boston Citizens’ Association and the neighborhood of South Boston will continue to make it a great place for all who live here. We are honored to list him as a member, and even prouder to [...]

26 01, 2017

World War I Committee’s Meeting

2017-01-26T14:33:01-05:00January 26th, 2017|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on World War I Committee’s Meeting

By Rick Winterson      During this Year of Our Lord 2017, and the next, 2018, World War I (WWI) and all its events will reach the century mark.   Constant nation-to-nation controversy in Europe flared into WWI in 1914.  The incident that began it was the assassination of the Archduke of Serajavo.  Nearly 100 years ago, on Friday, April 6, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for approval to declare war on Germany.  It was granted.  WWI ended 19 months later on Armistice Day (now Veterans Day in the U.S.), November 11, 1918.    As the century mark approaches for this historic conflict, South Boston is preparing to memorialize the part played in that War by the residents and happenings of, in, and around South [...]

12 01, 2017

Pvt. Kaes Remembered

2017-01-12T15:17:36-05:00January 12th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Pvt. Kaes Remembered

In this 100th year since we entered World War I on April 6, 1917, South Boston Online is publishing a series of articles about that conflict – “The War to End All Wars”.  Our aim is twofold:  First, to assess the impact of that war on local history, and second, to gain momentum and support for a World War I Memorial on South Boston’s soil.   by Rick Winterson and Mary Ryan      Mary Ryan works in education administration for UMass Boston at 150 Mt. Vernon Street, in the Corcoran-Jennison Office Building.  She’s a born-and-brought-up South Bostonian, who lives in Milton now.  She went to school for ten years at Gate of Heaven, graduated from South Boston High School, attended UMass Boston as an [...]

12 01, 2017

2016 a Good Year at BPD Station C-6; Three Key Issues in 2017

2017-01-12T15:06:24-05:00January 12th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on 2016 a Good Year at BPD Station C-6; Three Key Issues in 2017

by Rick Winterson      Every key organization that serves the public should have goals for the coming year.  Our own Station C-6 at 101 West Broadway near B Street is no exception.  Station C-6’s Commander is Capt. Joseph Boyle; he views 2017 as an opportunity to address three key Community Policing areas:  Quality-of-Life Issues, Property Crime, and Violent Crime.     These three will be discussed later, but first some good news from last year, 2016.  So-called “Part One” crimes include the most serious offenses.  In rating year-long Part One crimes in any given area (including South Boston), figures are important.  Compared to 2015, Part One offenses in 2016 dropped from 1,460 incidents to 1,231 in the area covered by BPD Station C-6.  That’s a [...]

11 01, 2017

City of Boston Credit Union

2017-01-11T15:09:33-05:00January 11th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on City of Boston Credit Union

City of Boston Credit Union Celebrates New Member Campaign with Kevin Chapman (City of Boston Credit Union, Boston, MA) – Recently City of Boston Credit Union kicked off a new advertising campaign featuring actual members as the talent. The members and their families were invited to a screening party at the Hard Rock Café, Boston emceed by the Credit Union’s celebrity spokesperson, Kevin Chapman. Chapman, originally from Dorchester and a member of the Credit Union for over 20 years, recounted his personal beliefs in the Credit Union and why it is important to him to remain a member even when his acting career takes him to far off locations, sometimes for long periods of time. Each of the four members: Randy Brinson, Warren Chase, Mike [...]

17 11, 2016

South Boston Catholic Academy News

2016-11-17T10:17:02-05:00November 17th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy News

Spanish class at South Boston Catholic Academy is much more than learning the Spanish language, it is also about exposing the children to different Hispanic cultures, showing them how the Spanish varies from one region to another and from one country to another and colorful traditions, games and festivities that occur in Hispanic countries, children learn the differences we have between countries and the similarities we have between people.  Children learn the names of the parts of the body by playing Loteria (Mexican bingo) and traditions such as All Souls Day, in Mexico it is dia de los muertos (Day of the Dead) held on November 1 and 2 with food, music and altars.  This is done in honor and memory of loved ones.  Our [...]

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