Blog Medium Image2012-08-08T02:54:23-04:00

Battle of the Badges.

by Richard Campbell The six city tour known as the Battle of the Badges of Police and Fire Hockey Clubs of Boston, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto and Montreal started this past Friday the 2nd, in Dorchester and South Boston, and continued through the weekend. SBO was there to cover teams at Murphy Rink Saturday at noon for the mixed [...]

By |February 7th, 2018|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Battle of the Badges.

South Boston Catholic Academy News

Thank you to Junior Achievement (JA) of Northern New England for their continued partnership with State Street and South Boston Catholic Academy. JA invests in youth today to empower them to strengthen our communities tomorrow. Through hands-on learning experiences delivered by State Street volunteers they are exposing students to different career paths and businesses, money management and how to start [...]

By |February 1st, 2018|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy News

Nicholas Nixon: Persistence of Vision at the ICA

By Richard Campbell Bridging the span between documentary and art photography Nicholas Nixon’s current show at the ICA recreates the passage of time from 1975 to our current day. For younger viewers unfamiliar with the depth and quality of art photography created using the 8x10 format in black and white darkroom processed and printed on real photographic paper, these images [...]

By |February 1st, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Nicholas Nixon: Persistence of Vision at the ICA

“75 on Courthouse Square” Opened Friday

by Rick Winterson In another piece of good news for South Boston’s One Seaport at Courthouse Square, a new restaurant has located there. At 5 p.m. last Friday evening, January 26, “75 on Courthouse Square” opened its doors on the second floor of WS Development’s VIA building. The restaurant will be open seven (7) days a week for dinner. At [...]

By |February 1st, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on “75 on Courthouse Square” Opened Friday

McGrath Returns as SBCA President, Announces 2018 Evacuation Day Events

State Representative Nick Collins will Serve as General Chairman The South Boston Citizens’ Association has announced that Tom McGrath, who stepped down from the presidency of the Association at the close of its 2017 Evacuation Day events, is returning to act as interim president for the foreseeable future. “Last March I made my farewell speech at the Evacuation Day Banquet,” [...]

By |February 1st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on McGrath Returns as SBCA President, Announces 2018 Evacuation Day Events

The State of Water: Getting Better

  Water is by far the most valuable resource needed to sustain life. You can live without natural gas, oil, even electricity; but you won’t last long without fresh water. From this perspective it is they pretty surprising how much we take drinking water for granted- as we do clean water in the Boston Harbor. While water departments in many [...]

By |February 1st, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on The State of Water: Getting Better
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