Blog Medium Image2012-08-08T02:54:23-04:00

Councilors Flynn, Murphy Filed Resolution in Support of ILA

BOSTON, OCT. 9 -- At this week’s Boston City Council Meeting, City Councilors Ed Flynn and Erin Murphy filed a resolution in support of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA). The ILA is the largest union of maritime workers in North America and represents 45,000 members. Last week, they went on strike against the U.S. Marine Alliance (USMX) due to a [...]

By |October 10th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured, News|Comments Off on Councilors Flynn, Murphy Filed Resolution in Support of ILA

Rick Winterson Honored

By Carol Masshardt Spoke Gallery celebrated their supporter, long-time board member, champion of many non-profits and writer, actor, scientist and neighbor, Rick Winterson at No Man’s Land on August 22, 2024. The urban landscape, really a swatch of land once ruefully overgrown and neglected just behind the high school, and now transformed, was an enchanted and fitting place to honor [...]

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24th South Boston Street Fest to be held Sept. 21

The South Boston Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation (South Boston NDC), is excited to announce the 24th South Boston Street Fest, happening on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. (In case of rain, the festival will be held on Saturday, Sept. 28.) East Broadway, between I and L streets, will be transformed into a bustling celebration [...]

By |September 6th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on 24th South Boston Street Fest to be held Sept. 21

South Boston Voices: Edmund Toomey

(This series features those who have long connections of over thirty years in South Boston, and those with three years or under.) By Carol Masshardt Acutely aware of history and well attuned to the wonders and challenges of 2024, Edmund Toomey’s life experiences and perspectives could fill a book. But at 85, he prefers a life of privacy and reflection [...]

By |August 23rd, 2024|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on South Boston Voices: Edmund Toomey

Erin Murphy Humbly Seeking Your Support

Dear Fellow Suffolk County Residents, I am Erin Murphy, and I am humbly seeking your support in the upcoming Primary Election on Tuesday, September 3rd. Over the past three years, it has been both an honor and a privilege to serve the vibrant and diverse communities of our great City as your At-Large City Councilor. I want to share with [...]

By |August 21st, 2024|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Erin Murphy Humbly Seeking Your Support

Colin’s Joy Project Rock Painting Event a Celebration of Joy, Love, Remembrance

Rocks hold a special meaning for the McGrath family.  “After the accident, when we were still in the hospital, people dropped off painted rocks on our front steps. It started with one rock that just said ‘love’ on it,” said Kerri McGrath, Colin’s mom. “And the next thing you know, our entire front steps were covered in rocks.” Colin McGrath [...]

By |August 16th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Colin’s Joy Project Rock Painting Event a Celebration of Joy, Love, Remembrance
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