Summer Block Party
Saturday, August 17, 12-9 p.m. Enjoy a FREE summertime event at the Lawn on D with inflatables (adults only after 5), lawn games, entertainment, and food/drink for all ages! Family activities are scheduled throughout the afternoon, and live music is on tap in the evening. Limited free parking. Visit for schedule and details.
Peter Barbuto, the New President/CEO of the Gavin Foundation
Over this last weekend, an important management change occurred in South Boston. Friday, was the last day that John McGahan served as the long-time leader of the Gavin Foundation. Peter Barbuto formally assumed the position of Gavin Foundation’s President and CEO. The changeover was marked with a breakfast at the Gavin’s Devine Center. Obviously, John and Peter’s transition was “in [...]
South Boston Elected Officials Support Increased Public Safety Resources
The South Boston elected officials support the installation of Shot Spotter technology to assist law enforcement response to shootings in real time. After a series of shootings in South Boston, the South Boston delegation had a meeting at the MaryEllen McCormack and West Broadway Housing Development and have remained united in support of this technology. Despite some pushback from advocates [...]
South Boston Artist: Dominique Nelson
By Carol Masshardt Dominique Nelson, can turn an ordinary, imperfect, sun backed sidewalk into a stunning work of art. A twenty-five-year-old, life- long South Boston resident, she is an accomplished artist and teacher with a unique honesty and joy in who she is. The chalk drawings outside her East Broadway home near “H” are only the most obvious of the [...]
Second In-Person Meeting: The Summer Street Pilot Program
by Rick Winterson Over the past twelve months, the Summer Street Pilot Program has progressed from a concept to the actual six-month execution of the Pilot Program between early December in 2023 until early June this year. Last month, we reported upon this Program, after an update meeting and Open House in the CRISPR meeting room on A Street. The [...]
Summer Street Pilot Program Open House Meeting Tonight
SBTAP (the South Boston Transportation Action Plan) has the mission to improve traffic of all kinds in the central area of South Boston. Last week, SBTAP held a community meeting and presented an initial list of draft recommendations to accomplish this. Patrick Hoey, the Neighborhood Planning Director from the BTD (Boston Transportation Department) gave the presentation. It is important to [...]