Illuminous: Getting A Little Better with Each Year
By Richard Campbell Illuminous is an annual Downtown Crossing art event that draws a little larger crowd each year as the recovery process of the once moribund shopping district has been springing back to life. As far as art installations are concerned the show was a combination of conceptually challenging, space age beauty and quirky events. For its fourth annual [...]
Secure Voting Machines: The MIT Solution Already Exists
By Richard Campbell As the election results are coming in this writer decided to look a little more deeply into the 20-year-old voting machine debacle. Many Americans believe they are informed regarding the integrity of our outdated system of voting. Our technology challenged officials either claim there are no serious problems, or they can’t be fixed in a reasonable time. [...]
Cardinal O’Malley Visits: With Thanks for 125 Years of Faith
By Richard Campbell The parishioners of Our Lady of Częstochowa gave Thanksgivings a little early this year with an elaborate celebration that included a special visit from the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean O’Malley to celebrate their churches’ 125th anniversary. Distinguished guests from near and far crowded in with the congregation for a mass that moved beyond the traditional [...]
Armistice Day at 100
In America of course, we now call November 11 “Veterans Day”. That is highly fitting, in memory of all our military veterans. During World War I, American forces joined with European forces, clinching the Armistice on Monday morning, November 11, 1918, at 11 o’clock – exactly 100 years ago. President Eisenhower changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954. [...]
South Boston Catholic Academy Celebrates All Saints Day
South Boston Catholic Academy News Celebrating All Saints Day! On November 1, 2018 the 5th and 6th graders of South Boston Catholic Academy traveled to Catholic TV in Watertown to celebrate the All Saints Day Mass on TV with Father Robert Casey, our Pastor. Each student dressed up as one of their favorite saints. While at school, we all celebrated the All [...]
Moms’ Club Teal Pumpkin Project Celebration
by Rachel Pearson On Saturday, October 20th, MOMS Club of South Boston members and families gathered together for a Teal Pumpkin Project themed Halloween Party at the South Boston Neighborhood House. The Teal Pumpkin Project is a nationwide movement that encourages offering non-food treats in addition to traditional candy/ food items to trick-or-treaters at Halloween. It is a way for [...]