17 02, 2025

The Cannabis/Marijuana Buffer Zone

2025-02-17T10:14:46-05:00February 17th, 2025|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on The Cannabis/Marijuana Buffer Zone

Recently, South Boston Online read in Boston’s media that a move was afoot to reduce – or perhaps even eliminate – the buffer zone between authorized shops legally allowed to sell “cannabis”, which is actually “marijuana”.  This buffer zone is supposed to measure at least one-half (0.5) mile between any and all such shops. Several more variances from this restriction have been requested from City of Boston authorities by potential vendors.  We were told that around the Downtown area, the City of Boston has allowed three such variances. Perhaps a few facts should come next: Cannabinoids are a large (over 100) family of hemp plants, one of which contains THC. CBD is “cannabidiol”, which is sometimes confused with THC.  CBD comes from other, low-THC hemp [...]

7 02, 2025

Important New VERTEX Painkiller Is Approved

2025-02-07T10:17:01-05:00February 7th, 2025|Categories: Business, Education, Featured, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Important New VERTEX Painkiller Is Approved

By Rick Winterson  Vertex Pharmaceuticals is a worldwide biotechnology corporation. It was founded 35 years ago in Cambridge.  It has now established its global headquarters on Fan Pier in South Boston’s Seaport District. In addition, Vertex has international headquarters in London along with commercial branches and research sites in continental Europe, Australia, Latin America, the Middle East, and other points in North America.  More specifically, in its location at 50 Northern Avenue, Vertex is an integral part of South Boston’s Innovation District.  And Vertex has been truly innovative. In January of this year, Vertex announced that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) had just approved a recently developed Vertex product – it’s a new type of painkiller Vertex has named “Journavx.” According to trade/technical journals [...]

29 11, 2024

Unleash Your Inner Artist! The Wild One Brings Creative Fun to South Boston

2024-11-29T17:43:42-05:00November 29th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Unleash Your Inner Artist! The Wild One Brings Creative Fun to South Boston

The Wild One Creative Lounge offers a fresh, engaging, and quiet space for people to connect and create. Located in the basement of Love Child, 364 W. Broadway, The Wild One provides visitors with a unique creative escape from the ordinary. Guests can indulge in flower arranging, succulent garden creation, bracelet making, and other fun crafts, making it an ideal destination for a casual outing or a meaningful gift-making session. There will also be seasonal projects on select dates. “Love Child has always been about connecting people in the community,” said owner Colleen Dunleavy. “We wanted to figure out a way to make being creative more accessible.” While South Boston has a ton of restaurants and bars, The Wild One offers something different. It’s a [...]

7 11, 2024

“Sushi Guys” Opened

2024-11-07T09:56:02-05:00November 7th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on “Sushi Guys” Opened

by Rick Winterson  It’s always a pleasure to welcome new enterprises to South Boston.  One of these, with the picturesque name of “Sushi Guys”, is an example.  Exactly a month ago, Sushi Guys opened for business at 283C Old Colony Boulevard, in a handsome new building along Old Colony on the block between Vinton and Dorchester Streets. The cuisine at Sushi Guys is deliciously Japanese throughout.  There’s an incredible variety of menu selections that will satisfy every hungry customer.  We chose to dine on tasty bowls of miso broth accompanied by a serving of delicately flavored rice – the kind of rice called “sticky rice” by many South Bostonians (and that’s a compliment).  For entrees we decided upon maki, those sliced rolls of expertly crafted [...]

1 11, 2024

Restaurant Industry Advocates for “No” on Question 5

2024-11-01T09:57:34-04:00November 1st, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Restaurant Industry Advocates for “No” on Question 5

As Massachusetts approaches a critical vote, restaurant owners, employees, and industry advocates are rallying against Question 5. This legislation, called Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers, and introduced by an out-of-state activist group, would dramatically shift tipping policies for restaurant workers. While advocates argue the law aims to guarantee a $15 minimum wage for tipped workers, industry professionals warn that it could lead to higher menu prices, job losses, and a decline in service standards. “We weathered a massive storm through the pandemic,” said Roza Lyons owner Rob Fitzharris, whose restaurant hosted a press conference with Senator Nick Collins on Tuesday. “To do this to the bar and restaurant industry now, it's going to have a very negative effect on our survival. “Ultimately, if you ask [...]

10 10, 2024

Councilors Flynn, Murphy Filed Resolution in Support of ILA

2024-10-10T09:30:16-04:00October 10th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured, News|Comments Off on Councilors Flynn, Murphy Filed Resolution in Support of ILA

BOSTON, OCT. 9 -- At this week’s Boston City Council Meeting, City Councilors Ed Flynn and Erin Murphy filed a resolution in support of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA). The ILA is the largest union of maritime workers in North America and represents 45,000 members. Last week, they went on strike against the U.S. Marine Alliance (USMX) due to a labor dispute regarding fair wages, safe working conditions, and protections against automation. At midnight last Tuesday, dockworkers at 36 ports along the East and Gulf Coasts went on strike against the USMX, an alliance of container shipping lines and port operators, after contract negotiations between the ILA and USMX reached an impasse. The ILA was seeking wage increases on par with West Coast workers, as [...]

12 07, 2024

South Boston Artist: Dominique Nelson

2024-07-12T07:57:24-04:00July 12th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on South Boston Artist: Dominique Nelson

By Carol Masshardt Dominique Nelson, can turn an ordinary, imperfect, sun backed sidewalk into a stunning work of art. A twenty-five-year-old, life- long South Boston resident, she is an accomplished artist and teacher with a unique honesty and joy in who she is. The chalk drawings outside her East Broadway home near “H” are only the most obvious of the creations. She began drawing when her wise mother thought she needed to express more, and later at Boston Arts Academy and Mass. College of Art. If you know her mother, Luanne Litif, you will hear unmitigated, well-deserved pride and respect for a talented young woman who didn’t always have an easy course. Dominique is currently the Foundations Director at Artists for Humanity, where she teaches [...]

18 04, 2024

Boston’s Groomer Set to Open

2024-04-18T09:49:52-04:00April 18th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Boston’s Groomer Set to Open

By Carol Masshardt It’s a new name and a new, but familiar owner, Jenna Spaudling, 33, in a reconfigured, but the same space as the popular Broadway Dog Spa. It is a time to congratulate former owner, Michelle McDonnell, who opened on December 16, 2005, and retired at the end of March, and to welcome into her new role, trusted groomer, Jenna. Michelle set a standard for a work ethic and searched for talent over her years. “I can be a micromanager, I know that, but didn’t have to be with Jenna. She’s ready to take over.” And Jenna has been preparing for  this step over most of her life. “I started volunteering at Alliance for Animals when I was six years old,” she said [...]

2 04, 2024

Restaurant Proposed for Andrew Square

2024-04-02T16:54:30-04:00April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Restaurant Proposed for Andrew Square

Andrew Square and the neighborhood directly around it are being rapidly expanded and renovated.  This includes the very substantial “On the Dot” development and future plans for rebuilding the McCormack residences, as well as the recent opening of the novel “flat iron” building at 400 Dorchester Street.  This architecturally striking building combines ground floor retail space and five floors of living space above that overlook the Square from the triangle formed by Preble and Dorchester Streets. So far, the ground floor space in 400 Dorchester Street includes a barber shop, a Dan McCole mural, and a soon-to-be-opened restaurant.  The owner is Joshua “Josh” Weinstein, who presently owns a restaurant in East Boston named “The Quiet Few”.  In his own words, he will continue the “community [...]

16 02, 2024

Recreational Cannabis Dispensary Requesting to Extend Hours

2024-02-16T09:49:05-05:00February 16th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Recreational Cannabis Dispensary Requesting to Extend Hours

A virtual abutters meeting (via ZOOM) is now scheduled for Wednesday evening, February 28, at 6 p.m. Last October, Native Sun opened for business on their premises at 115 K Street, at the corner of East First Street.  The actual entrance to Native Sun’s premises is at 538 First Street.  Native Sun is a licensed Retail Recreational Cannabis Dispensary – the first of three total cannabis dispensaries that will eventually be granted licenses in South Boston.   It is owned by a business called Holland Brands SB LLC; it received its license from the Boston Cannabis Board.  And as you know, “cannabis” is Latin word that means “marijuana”. Recently, Native Sun decided they must expand the hours they are open for business.  In order for [...]

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