29 12, 2020

Learning to Adapt: South Boston Club Offers Remote Program

2020-12-29T17:03:02-05:00December 29th, 2020|Categories: Education, Featured|Comments Off on Learning to Adapt: South Boston Club Offers Remote Program

By Ginger DeShaney  It has been a tremendous challenge for parents to juggle their jobs AND their young kids’ remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston created the Remote Learning Program to help provide relief. The Edgerley Family South Boston Club is part of this innovation. Enrolled students “go to school” at the Club, where they log onto their computers for Zoom classes with their teachers. “The parents are definitely appreciative of what we are able to provide for their kids,” said Harry Duvall, the executive director of the South Boston Club. “There’s definite value in creating conditions where students can learn and study.” The Club offers a place that’s welcoming, safe, and comfortable, with an expectation of learning. [...]

5 12, 2020

Sons and daughters of Southie: Ten students receive Sports Hall of Fame scholarships

2020-12-05T15:36:02-05:00December 5th, 2020|Categories: Education, Featured|Comments Off on Sons and daughters of Southie: Ten students receive Sports Hall of Fame scholarships

By Ginger DeShaney Ten South Boston students were awarded $2,000 South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund scholarships Monday night, and each one of them was grateful to have grown up in Southie. The South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund held a Zoom ceremony on Monday night to honor the recipients for their hard work, academic excellence, dedication, community involvement, and citizenship. “All 10 of you truly deserve this,” said Moss Lynch, vice chair of the South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund. Since its inception 25 years ago, the organization has awarded 201 scholarships worth $296,500. The grant program is educational in nature and services all South Boston high school graduates regardless of where they attend school.  [...]

22 06, 2020

The 2020 Timothy “Doc” Cook Scholarship Awards

2020-06-22T08:14:43-04:00June 22nd, 2020|Categories: Education, Featured|Comments Off on The 2020 Timothy “Doc” Cook Scholarship Awards

The Timothy “Doc” Cook Foundation’s Scholarship Awards ceremony was conducted on Saturday afternoon.  The gathering took place on Dorchester Heights in brilliant sunshine, cool early June weather, and at the top of the City of Boston’s highest natural elevation.  It was a perfect day to salute the memory of an outstanding American military man – a man who volunteered for the Marines and served on combat duty in Iraq as a Medical Corpsman.  And of course, those attending the Awards took COVID-19 precautions, especially face coverage and social distancing. The Cook Awards are actually educational scholarships.  Led by Joe Cook (Tim’s father), they were presented to 12 deserving young scholars last weekend, which is a commendable increase from the three or four scholarships when these [...]

29 05, 2020

Mayor Walsh Announces Distribution of 10,000 Community Care Kits

2020-05-29T08:14:44-04:00May 29th, 2020|Categories: Education, Featured|Comments Off on Mayor Walsh Announces Distribution of 10,000 Community Care Kits

Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) this weekend will distribute the first half of the 20,000 care kits assembled over the course of this week to various community outreach partners, meal sites, and testing sites in Boston, building on the Mayor’s commitment of making critical resources available to residents. Each kit contains a mask, hand sanitizer, gloves, anti-bacterial wipes, soap, and a booklet with information from the City on COVID-19 facts and resources. The City of Boston is dedicated to providing access to these basic necessities to our most vulnerable population during this pandemic, and keeping residents informed while giving them the tools needed to adhere to the safety guidelines outlined by the Boston Public Health Commission.  Providing residents with the tools [...]

3 06, 2019

Farewell and Thank you, Deacon Adam!

2019-06-03T11:40:25-04:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: Education, Featured|Comments Off on Farewell and Thank you, Deacon Adam!

All were welcome to a Farewell and Thank you reception for Deacon Adam Rosinski, SJ, that took place downstairs in Cardinal Cushing Hall following the 10:30 Mass at St. Brigid Church at which Bishop Robert Hennessey was the celebrant and Deacon Adams assisted.  Deacon Adam will be ordained as a Jesuit Priest on Saturday, June 8, 2019 in New York. We thank Deacon Adam for his year of service to our parishes and congratulate him on his ordination to the priesthood.  Our prayers and best wishes go with him.  God Bless you, Deacon Adam!  

7 03, 2019

Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes Adult Confirmation Classes and Lent Schedule

2019-03-07T06:06:11-05:00March 7th, 2019|Categories: Education|Comments Off on Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes Adult Confirmation Classes and Lent Schedule

Adult Confirmation Classes Classes are open to anyone who is over the age of 18, has been baptized into the Catholic Church, and has received First Penance and First Communion, but not yet been Confirmed.  Documentation for Baptism and First Communion must be provided.  Classes will meet in the Parish Offices at 841 East Broadway from 6:30PM – 8PM.  Class Dates…Thursday, March 14, 21 & 28 and on Thursday, April 4 and 11th.  If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Karin at cannata.sbgh@gmail.com or call the Parish Office 617-268-2122.   Lent 2019 Tuesdays During Lent The Holy Rosary – Tuesday Evenings at 6:30PM at Gate of Heaven Church on East Fourth Street Wednesdays During Lent 6:30PM – 7:30PM Prayer, Reflection, Adoration & Confession [...]

28 02, 2019

Offering a Place to Worship South Boston Seaport Catholic Collaborative

2019-02-28T08:32:05-05:00February 28th, 2019|Categories: Education, Featured, News|Comments Off on Offering a Place to Worship South Boston Seaport Catholic Collaborative

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes   While many are aware of the challenges facing todays churches, (from limited parishioners to closings as a result of financial hardships, structural dangers, and more), not enough is said about the extraordinary efforts and good works of those determined to rise to those challenges by continuing to offer the community a safe place to gather, worship, nurture and even nourish.  Formed by the Archdiocese of Boston in 2015, the South Boston Seaport Catholic Collaborative (SBSCC) serves four catholic communities: St. Peter, St. Monica-St. Augustine, St. Vincent, and Our Lady of Good Voyage.  For covering such a vast area (Old Colony, West Broadway, Fort Point and the Seaport), the SBSCC is managing to do a remarkable job catering to the ever-growing [...]

25 01, 2019

The Fate of St. Brendan / St. Ann: “Let Us Gather, Not Scatter”

2019-01-25T11:23:08-05:00January 25th, 2019|Categories: Education|Comments Off on The Fate of St. Brendan / St. Ann: “Let Us Gather, Not Scatter”

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes   When Rev. Brian Clary and Rev. Bob Connors arrived at The Collaborative of St. Brendan / St. Ann in June of 2018, they inherited a litany of challenges, from structural problems of deferred maintenance in upwards of 2 million dollars, to a $750,000 combined debt to the Archdiocese, as well as a dwindling number of parishioners. Then there was, of course, the stigma of the past. The Dorchester churches are not alone in diving attendee numbers considering the growing number of the nondenominational these days, as well as a demographic shift as more families move out of neighborhoods. It was, however, hit hard by the sex abuse crisis of 2002, which continues to haunt. Considering these two particular parishes were [...]

12 01, 2019

State Street and Junior Achievement Inspiring SBCA Students

2019-01-12T12:03:15-05:00January 12th, 2019|Categories: Education, Featured|Comments Off on State Street and Junior Achievement Inspiring SBCA Students

Thank you to State Street and all of our partners at Junior Achievement who came to teach our students on Friday December 14.  JA is a volunteer-delivered, kindergarten-12th grade program that fosters work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, and uses experiential learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential.  Junior Achievement (JA) of Northern New England appreciates their continued partnership with State Street and South Boston Catholic Academy to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. JA invests in youth today to empower them to strengthen our communities tomorrow. Through hands-on learning experiences delivered by State Street volunteers they are exposing students to different career paths and businesses, money management and how to start a business. Students are [...]

7 01, 2019

The Martin Richard Foundation Challenges Young People to Bring Communities Together

2019-01-07T13:13:32-05:00January 7th, 2019|Categories: Education|Comments Off on The Martin Richard Foundation Challenges Young People to Bring Communities Together

The Martin Richard Foundation is calling on young people ages 5-22 to submit their ideas for bringing their communities together in service with projects that promote peace, justice and kindness. Through the Foundation’s Bridge Builder Program, up to 30 applicants will be selected to receive $500 grants to turn their idea into reality. Applications are due Friday, January 18 and are available at MartinRichardFoundation.org.   Projects should be led by young people; display peace, justice and kindness as core values; and tackle an issue that warrants attention in their neighborhoods or schools. Adults may apply on behalf of the young people who will carry out the project, and educators, youth development professionals or coaches can help to support the project. Groups will be notified of their selectionby [...]

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