Going Green: Southie Woman Recycles Christmas tree, Creates St. Patrick’s Day Tree
By Ginger DeShaney Andrea Antonucci has started a new tradition, transforming her Christmas tree into a St. Patrick’s Day tree. She got the idea from a post by Jenn Nauyokas LaMountain on the Southie Community Bulletin Board. “Around that time, I was going to take down my tree but I didn’t want to,” Andrea said. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was home all the time and wanted to keep the tree up so she could continue to enjoy it. “I knew I could use some of my Christmas ornaments,” she said. She repurposed green, gold, and white Christmas ornaments. She also had Ireland ornaments that she had bought for her mom but got back when her mom died. Andrea bought Irish ornaments from Southie’s [...]