16 08, 2024

Colin’s Joy Project Rock Painting Event a Celebration of Joy, Love, Remembrance

2024-08-16T19:26:17-04:00August 16th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Colin’s Joy Project Rock Painting Event a Celebration of Joy, Love, Remembrance

Rocks hold a special meaning for the McGrath family.  “After the accident, when we were still in the hospital, people dropped off painted rocks on our front steps. It started with one rock that just said ‘love’ on it,” said Kerri McGrath, Colin’s mom. “And the next thing you know, our entire front steps were covered in rocks.” Colin McGrath was almost 3 years old in July 2018 when he was killed by a vehicle in South Boston. Despite their grief, Kerri and Brendan McGrath started Colin’s Joy Project to bring joy into the lives of others just as Colin did.  Wednesday’s Colin's Joy Project Rock Painting & Music Party was a celebration of love, joy, and remembrance. Kerri said people had also left rocks [...]

13 06, 2024

Honoring a Hero: Students Receive Scholarships in Memory of Timothy “Doc” Cook

2024-06-13T12:07:03-04:00June 13th, 2024|Categories: Education, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Honoring a Hero: Students Receive Scholarships in Memory of Timothy “Doc” Cook

Timothy “Doc” Cook was a man for others, saving countless lives as a Navy Corpsman in the Iraq war. The 13 exceptional students honored with scholarships this year in Tim’s memory are boys and girls for others as they work to bring awareness and help to veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Tim lost his battle with PTSD in March 2013 due to his combat experiences; he was 28 years old. Since then, his dad, Joseph Cook, family, friends, businesses, and neighbors have raised money in his memory for scholarships. “The Timothy (Doc) Cook Foundation will continue to have spirit, hope, and strength to make a difference for others,” Joseph said. “As always, we will remain being grateful one day at a time.”  [...]

15 05, 2024

‘Our Biggest Fight’: McCourt visits South Boston to Get Technology Conversation Started

2024-05-15T10:26:55-04:00May 15th, 2024|Categories: Education, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on ‘Our Biggest Fight’: McCourt visits South Boston to Get Technology Conversation Started

By Ginger DeShaney The Internet as we know it is broken, according to the book “Our Biggest Fight.” Renowned author, advocate, and Project Liberty founder Frank H. McCourt’s latest book delves into the alarming consequences of technology on today's youth, shedding light on its role in exacerbating mental health challenges, fostering a sense of isolation, and leading to teen suicide. As a longtime ally and former board president of the South Boston Neighborhood House (SBNH), McCourt visited South Boston to bring his message to the neighborhood, spark meaningful dialogue, and drive collective action. By hearing directly from parents and community members, he hopes to glean valuable perspectives that can inform effective strategies for addressing technology's adverse effects on youth mental health. SBNH Executive Director Kathy [...]

28 04, 2024

A Run for the Tierney Center

2024-04-28T08:50:44-04:00April 28th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on A Run for the Tierney Center

One day after thousands of runners trekked 26.2 miles from Hopkinton to the Back Bay finish line, The Anne M. Lynch Homes at Old Colony hosted a shorter fun run involving runners who work for Beacon Communities, team members from the Tierney Learning Center (TLC), and kids from the community center to show support for the Run for Tierney Boston Marathon team. The marathon team, consisting of Beacon team members, TLC staff, and TLC partners, will donate 100% of the money they raise to programs and services at the TLC that promote education, empowerment and self-sufficiency for families living at Old Colony. “The inspiration for this fun run stems from a team of dedicated runners participating in the Boston Marathon on behalf of the Tierney [...]

13 04, 2024

Creative Brilliance Shines at Boys & Girls Club Art Show

2024-04-13T10:23:45-04:00April 13th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Creative Brilliance Shines at Boys & Girls Club Art Show

Armed with colorful visions and boundless creativity, kids from the Edgerley Family South Boston Boys & Girls Club showcased their artistic talents last week at the Club's judged art show. “I like the fact that I can draw things I haven’t experienced yet,” said 8-year-old Sierra Lites. “And I can make my own styles. I can draw something I want to experience one day.” Danae Dahabreh, 8, likes art “because there’s not only one way to do it” and it makes her happy. Kay’ary King, 12, likes art because he’s good at it and loves that he can create without boundaries.  “The art gallery was inspired by some of our kids who submitted for the national arts competition,” said the Club’s Stephanie Greene. “Unfortunately, none [...]

8 04, 2024

Why Run a Marathon: Susan Hurley

2024-04-08T09:00:32-04:00April 8th, 2024|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Why Run a Marathon: Susan Hurley

By Carol Masshardt Susan Hurley, 61, is the founder and owner of Chairty Team.org, established to support charity runners and the organization they represent. She is also a life force, who in addition to working as a consultant with the South Boston Neighborhood House’s running team, plans to run the Boston Marathon again this year. And, all with a serious health condition. “I started running in second grade, and haven’t stopped,” she said. “Connecting philanthropy with my passion for running allows me to see people accomplish so much and it benefits the community.” Susan Hurley was a New England Patriots Cheerleader in the late 1980’s, raised children and started a business, all while training for and running marathons. Her core motivation is a belief that [...]

5 04, 2024

Ladies Wednesday Night Bowling League

2024-04-05T10:51:55-04:00April 5th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Ladies Wednesday Night Bowling League

By Carol Masshardt Make no mistake, the forty or so ladies, ages twenties to eighties, own the bowling alley on Wednesday nights from September-April. They come from a variety of jobs, backgrounds, abilities as bowlers, and though some don’t actually recall how they came to join, they surely know why they stay. “It’s the camaraderie,” said Jeanne Hogan, who comes from her healthcare job at Tufts Medical Center. “I have only been coming about three years, but there are some thirty-plus. It is a fun group. We laugh, we bowl, there are banquets and get togethers. It breaks up the week and the winter. I have good and so good nights at the bowling, but it’s not about winning and losing,” she said. Betty Dillon [...]

21 03, 2024

Why Run a Marathon?

2024-03-21T11:37:28-04:00March 21st, 2024|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Why Run a Marathon?

By Carol Masshardt (The next few weeks will profile the running team for the SBNH) “I don’t want to sugar coat it. The dark, brutally cold morning runs can be tough, but then you see a sun rise, and I do it with all the other charity runners, so you get close and it’s worth it.” Devin Baker, originally from Montpelier, Vt. has lived in Boston for three years. She is twenty-five years old, a soccer and basketball player in her youth and now a University of Vermont graduate and an accountant. It would be easy for Devin to enjoy the fullness of her young adult life without running several days a week and “long runs” of seventeen miles on a March weekend. But running [...]

11 01, 2024

Celebrating Three Kings Day, Community

2024-01-11T18:00:08-05:00January 11th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Celebrating Three Kings Day, Community

City Councilor Flynn and South Boston En Accion Host Event City Councilor Ed Flynn and South Boston En Accion Executive Director Mercy Robinson celebrated Three Kings Day with a well-attended community supper Wednesday evening at the West Broadway Community Center. “I’m honored to partner with Mercy on this wonderful Three Kings event,” Councilor Flynn said, noting it’s an important day, especially in the Latinx community. “I just want to say thank you, Mercy, for the great work you do in the community.” Mercy was happy to see everyone come out for the event. “When we come together as a community, when we get to know each other as neighbors, we have love for one another. We really are changing the structure of the community.” At-large [...]

13 12, 2023

    Naa-Jauh Benton: Emerging Leader

2023-12-13T09:10:37-05:00December 13th, 2023|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on     Naa-Jauh Benton: Emerging Leader

At twenty-three, Naa-Jauh Benton, a graduate student at Tufts University, is determined to combat inequities. She had a strong start working in her teen years at the SB Action Center, and the Condon Community School and an internship with the Boston Police. Other than her time as a student, graduating with honors from Bridgewater State University, she has only lived in South Boston. “I feel like the main thing I received here was an education” she said, and it began at the Condon School, “I still remember the core values of looking within yourself, knowing your strengths, and getting better and helping others. They contribute to who I am today, and I am thankful for Barbara Kelly and Deborah Flaherty who helped me develop my [...]

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