10 01, 2019

Moonshine Still Shines

2019-01-10T14:28:14-05:00January 10th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Moonshine Still Shines

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes   Take any given Sunday fun day or game night in Southie, jump in an Uber, and head down East Broadway. Pass all the lines sprouting from the doors of The Broadway to Capo, Lincoln, Loco and keep going ‘til you hit the end of West Broadway, where you can waive at the ghost of  Stephis, and blow a kiss to the fading shadow of The (sorely missed) Maiden, before turning the corner to arrive at Moonshine 152.  In the vortex of closing establishments, it would seem any other restaurant in this spot would be in danger, but this is not a ship that’s going down any time soon - not with owner, Asia Mei, at the helm. Former Sous Chef [...]

10 01, 2019

Senator Collins Is Now Sworn In

2019-01-10T08:36:54-05:00January 10th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Senator Collins Is Now Sworn In

by Rick Winterson   South Boston Online had the privilege of an extensive interview with State Senator Nick Collins.  Nick had first assumed his State Senate seat (1st Suffolk District) last May, after it had been vacated by Linda Dorcena-Forry.  Prior to that, Nick had served four terms in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Senator Nick won a full term in the 1st Suffolk State Senate seat this autumn, and was sworn in at the beginning of the new state Senate session on January 2 by Gov. Charlie Baker.   He is from South Boston, and is a family man.  He and his wife Olivia (Liff), a family-care physician, welcomed their daughter Justine into the world last January. His length of service as an elected official [...]

7 01, 2019

Senator Collins Nominates Michael Hurley For Senate Clerk

2019-01-07T14:37:12-05:00January 7th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Senator Collins Nominates Michael Hurley For Senate Clerk

South Boston Native Sworn-In as Senate’s Chief Parliamentarian.  As the 191st General Court was officially sworn in for the 2019-2020 session on Beacon Hill last week, State Senator Nick Collins (D- Boston) stood to recognize the achievements of a neighbor and colleague, Michael Hurley, and to nominate him for the post of Clerk of the Senate.  “I rise today with pride to nominate Michael Hurley of South Boston as the Clerk of the Massachusetts Senate,” said Senator Nick Collins. “I am honored to nominate my neighbor, my constituent, friend, and colleague, and I am confident that he will serve this chamber with unrivaled professionalism and expertise.” Michael Hurley, a son of South Boston, attended Boston Public Schools, the John Boyle O’Reilly and the Governor James [...]

31 12, 2018

First Night Celebration – Including Two Rounds of Fireworks!

2018-12-31T09:18:57-05:00December 31st, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on First Night Celebration – Including Two Rounds of Fireworks!

Before we can welcome 2019, the city first needs to send off 2018 in true Boston-fashion at its annual First Night celebration.  Since 1975, Boston has rung in the new year with ice sculptures, live music and fireworks at its First Night event. More than 200,000 people are expected to attend this year’s celebration, according to Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. From where to watch the fireworks, to when headliner Chadwick Stokes is expected to take the stage, here’s everything you need to know about First Night Boston 2019. All First Night events are free and open to the public.  You can catch most of the scheduled events in Copley Square and Back Bay.  First Night festivities start at 12 p.m. Monday, Dec. 31 and last [...]

28 12, 2018

A Christmas Celebration:  St. Paul’s Boys Choir

2018-12-28T10:48:29-05:00December 28th, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on A Christmas Celebration:  St. Paul’s Boys Choir

by Rick Winterson (Photos by Teresa DeAmicis)   Last Sunday afternoon, December 23, “A Christmas Celebration” took place in the Gate of Heaven Church.  It featured the singing of the Choir of St. Paul’s Church, which is located at the beginning of Mt. Auburn Street in Harvard Square, Cambridge.  The Choir is an integral part of the St. Paul’s Choir School, a middle school for boys that trains them as choir singers.  When trained in singing, and then combined with adult voices, the Choir can sing complex and challenging choral works of great beauty.  Their works include many Christmas songs and carols.  Such was their presentation of “A Christmas Celebration” this last Sunday. John Robinson was the Director; Jeremy Burns provided the organ accompaniment.  Stephanie Scogna [...]

21 12, 2018

A Marian Manor Update

2018-12-21T13:25:09-05:00December 21st, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on A Marian Manor Update

by Rick Winterson      Marian Manor is in transition. The Manor is one of South Boston’s best-known landmarks – for its location and imposing structure on Dorchester Street below Thomas Park, but mostly for the excellent nursing care that it has offered for decades.  You are probably aware that the Manor was once the Carney Hospital, some 50+ years ago.  Changes in all medical care, including the Manor’s nursing care for the elderly and for swift recovery from acute medical problems, continue as well. One change that affects Marian Manor is the progress being made in effective at-home care for the elderly.  The Manor’s current clientele number 226, a significant drop from their capacity of 376. Please make no mistake.  This is a positive [...]

17 12, 2018

BPD Mourns Death of Former Commissioner Francis M. ‘Mickey’ Roache

2018-12-17T13:56:52-05:00December 17th, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on BPD Mourns Death of Former Commissioner Francis M. ‘Mickey’ Roache

In Memoriam: Today, on Monday December 17, 2018, the members of the Boston Police Department pause to mourn the passing of former Boston Police Commissioner Francis M. "Mickey" Roache. Commissioner Roache was appointed to the Boston Police Department in 1968 and served as Police Commissioner from 1985 until 1993. Commissioner Roache continued to serve the city as a member of the Boston City Council from 1996 through 2002. After his time as an at-large councilor, Commissioner Roache went on to become the Suffolk County Register of Deeds, a position he held until 2015. We ask that you join with us and keep the Roache family in your prayers as we thank our former commissioner for his service to the City of Boston.

13 12, 2018

New Northern Avenue Bridge Proposed

2018-12-13T10:51:02-05:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on New Northern Avenue Bridge Proposed

by Rick Winterson      It is common knowledge that the old Northern Avenue Bridge has been completely taken out of service, after it was closed for use by pedestrians and bicyclists to cross the Fort Point Channel.  The bridge, which was the original structure, is simply too corroded by more than a century of exposure to the elements and to salt water, as well as being stressed and strained by constant daily use as a drawbridge.  Actually, the term for this particular type of movable bridge is “swing bridge”, even though its human operator was called a Draw Tender. Currently, three other well-traveled bridges serve the very rapidly developing South Boston Seaport/Waterfront area – the Summer Street, the Congress Street, and the Evelyn Moakley [...]

6 12, 2018

Lally Inducted into BRL International Hall of Fame

2018-12-07T19:13:11-05:00December 6th, 2018|Categories: News, Sports|Comments Off on Lally Inducted into BRL International Hall of Fame

HAMILTON TOWNSHIP, NJ…The Babe Ruth International Board of Directors during their recent annual meeting, unanimously elected George Lally of Norwood, Massachusetts into its Hall of Fame. Babe Ruth League, Inc. has more than just top of the line competition.  It has a legacy stacked with thousands of alumni who have given unselfishly of their time and resources to provide all young athletes with an enjoyable, healthy and educational experience. Babe Ruth League established a Hall of Fame in 1968 to honor those superstars who have played a vital role in the development of the baseball and softball program for young people 4-18 years of age.   George Lally is one of those superstars. Though he was unable to make the Babe Ruth team as a teenager, [...]

5 12, 2018

USS Hudner Visits South Boston for Her Commissioning

2018-12-05T15:01:55-05:00December 5th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on USS Hudner Visits South Boston for Her Commissioning

The destroyer USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116) docked at the Flynn Cruiseport on the Reserved Channel on Monday, November 26.  Week-long events and festivities ensued – guided tours, press events, and celebrations – leading up to her formal Commissioning on Saturday morning, December 1.  This article deals with a South Boston student visit to the Hudner and her Commissioning.   by Rick Winterson      The Commissioning of any U.S. Navy ship is a major event.  American fighting ships are the best way of broadcasting America’s military strength rapidly, massively, and completely.  South Boston was honored last week by serving as the host port for the U.S. Navy’s newest ship – Commissioned as the “USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116)” after a week-long series of observances.  [...]

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