We welcomed Fr. Frank Daly to our Gate of Heaven and St. Brigid Parishes and St. Augustine Chapel on January 3, 2017. Fr. Daly has replaced Fr. Michael Bova Conti, as our Parochial Vicar. Fr. Bova Conti is a retired priest and his ministry here has been a blessing to all of us. Hopefully when he returns to Boston in April he will join us again for a few more months. His ministry in assisting parishes around the Archdiocese is greatly appreciated. We wish him a much-deserved time off in a warmer climate and assure him of our prayers.
Fr. Frank Daly was born in the Allston section of Boston. He attended St. Anthony’s School and Boston Latin School, graduated from St. John’s Seminary and completed his seminary preparation in Rome where he was ordained in 1967. After many years in the ministry, he took leave, married and had a family. After the death of his wife and the past year in Pope St. John Seminary, with full support of Cardinal O’Malley and the approval of Pope Francis, he was recently returned to priestly ministry. A city “boy” at heart, he is delighted to be called to serve in this community of South Boston. We all welcome Fr. Frank Daly to our Parishes and South Boston Catholic Academy School.
On Sunday, January 22, 2017 all were welcomed to come to the 10:30 AM Family Mass at St. Brigid Church followed by coffee and refreshment after Mass. Many families attended this Mass including those families from South Boston Catholic Academy and those families from the Parishes Religious Education Program. Fr. Frank Daly was the celebrate at this Family Mass which gave Fr. Daly a chance to meet many of the children and their families who in turn had a chance to welcome him to our parishes. Fr. Liam Bergin, also, stopped by to say hello to the children and their families. All are welcome to the next 10:30 AM Family Mass at St. Brigid Church on Sunday, February 12, 2017.
South Boston Catholic Academy PreK to 6 has a Before School and After School Programs available and have small class size; high acceptance rate to Parochial, Private and Boston Exam Schools. Please contact: Mrs. Barbara Keohane with any questions or for a tour of the School atb.keohane@sbcatholicacademy.org or phone 617-268-2326 for more information. All families are welcome to come to South Boston Catholic Academy on East Broadway to visit our school at our Open House on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 from 9AM to 1PM.

A city “boy” at heart, he is delighted to be called to serve in this community of South Boston. We all welcome Fr. Frank Daly to our Parishes & South Boston Catholic Academy School.