BPS Recommendations for Excel High School
Good Afternoon South Boston Civic Leaders and Community Members, Hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to share details regarding the recommendation to close Excel High School in [...]
Sports Hall of Fame Awards Record-Breaking 21 Scholarships
A record-breaking 21 scholarships were awarded by the South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund at its annual scholarship award ceremony Nov. 29 at the Curley Community Center. [...]
Unleash Your Inner Artist! The Wild One Brings Creative Fun to South Boston
The Wild One Creative Lounge offers a fresh, engaging, and quiet space for people to connect and create. Located in the basement of Love Child, 364 W. Broadway, The Wild [...]
Elected Officials Opposition to BlueBikes Expansion in South Boston
Dear Chief Franklin-Hodge and Commissioner Gove, We are writing to you today to express our concerns and opposition to the expansion of 7-14 BlueBikes stations in South Boston and the [...]
28 Bluebike Stations in South Boston
A presentation entitled “Bluebikes Open House” took place in the Tynan Community Center. It was presented by Kim Foltz, the Senior Bike Share & Active Transportation Planner in the City [...]
St. Peter Lithuanian Catholic Church 120 Years Old
By Birute Vaicjurgis Slezas HONORING YESTERDAY, CELEBRATING TODAY, BUILDING TOMORROW For over a century, it has symbolized a community’s deep Catholic faith and its Lithuanian roots. St. Peter Lithuanian Catholic [...]