The Perfect Gift: Groundbreaking Marks Start of Michael Joyce Playground Renovation
By Ginger DeShaney Ground was officially broken Monday afternoon on the Michael Joyce Memorial Playground at Marine Park. The $1.4 million renovation project came together through the strong partnerships of [...]
Annissa Essaibi George A New Opportunity for Service
By Carol Masshardt Endless passion, energy and focused commitment describe the new Executive Director of Big Sister Association of Greater Boston, former second place mayoral candidate in the City of [...]
‘Be Like Finnbar!’ South Boston Youth Recognized for his Good Works
By Ginger DeShaney Finnbar Starosky is a community leader … and he’s only 12 years old. “I always want to help out my community,” he said. “It feels nice to [...]
It takes a Village to Make a City
By Carol Masshardt There are flashier places than Broadway Pastry and Coffee Shop on 258 West Broadway. But, as a customer, has there ever been a generation that didn’t like [...]
Senior Standouts: SB Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund Hands Out Awards
Since its founding in 1995, the South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund has awarded 232 grants for a total of $366,000 to the deserving youth of South [...]
Women in the Trades – Leanne Boylan
By Carol Masshardt “Working hands do this work,” said South Boston daughter and Union 223 Laborer, Leanne Boylan, 57, and no one can tell the story better than she can. [...]