Boston Clergy to Hold a Police Support Vigil in Wake of Tuesday Police Shootings and a Weekend Police Stabbing

Black clergy in Boston will convene tonight, at 7 p.m., at St Peter’s Church in the Bowdoin Geneva section of Dorchester in prayer as a show of support for the city’s police. On Tuesday, three Boston police officers were shot after a day-long standoff in Dorchester. This past weekend a police officer was stabbed by a civilian in the Grove Hall section of Boston during a domestic dispute. Boston police officers have come under attack in recent days while in the line of duty. Clergy will gather to express their concerns.  “We run the risk of descending into domestic chaos and anarchy in Boston if law enforcement officers in our city fall prey to acts of senseless and arbitrary violence,” said Rev. Kevin Peterson. “The police must be protected so that they can protect the public. Its as simple as that.”  The vigil will be attended by prominent Black clergy in the city including the Rev. Eugene Rivers, Pastor Miniard Culpepper and the Rev. Bruce Wall.  “When police somehow become victimized by intentional acts of violence from members of the public we have turned the corner in terms of effectively maintaining a balance between appropriate law enforcement and public safety. There must be a show of  support for public safety officers on the front line who are trying to keep the peace,” added Peterson.