Miss Soper’s second grade got to know their new classroom by playing a game of “I Spy”. This was one of the first class projects they did. Students ventured around the room to find items that began with each letter of the alphabet. South Boston Catholic Academy is an academically rigorous, supportive Catholic Elementary School Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEAS&C). South Boston Catholic Academy (www. South Boston Catholic Academy News SBCatholicAcademy.org) is currently accepting applications for all classes PreSchool-Grade 6. We have Before School and After School Programs available and have small class size; high acceptance rate to Parochial, Private and Boston Exam Schools. Please contact: Mrs. Barbara Keohane with any questions or for a tour of the School at b.keohane@ sbcatholicacademy.org or phone 617- 268-2326 for more information.screen-shot-2016-09-22-at-10-41-08-am screen-shot-2016-09-22-at-10-41-14-am

