Last weekend in South Boston there was plenty of energy being expended on the playing fields and in the gyms, as youngsters played in softball, baseball and basketball games. From the Tynan gym to Moakley Park, kids from South Boston and the Boston area were busy competing, being with friends, and enjoying the outdoors.

At the Tynan Community Center gym, young kids are learning the fundamentals of hoop, as they play in the under 11 co-ed basketball league, sponsored by the South Boston Community Foundation. Pictured (from left) are Braeden, Mike, Keith and Mark. (Photo by Kevin Devlin)

Pictured at Moakley Park is the East Boston Saving Bank in the South Boston Babe Ruth League. The manager is Bobby McGarrell and the coaches are Jerry Galvin and Billy Crowley. The players are: Logan Crowley, Kevin Cully, John Goodine, Frank Casper, Cameron LaPaglia, Nolan Callow, Jack Feeney, Mike Brooks, Cole Askew, Sean Wilbanks, Tom Greeley, Ryan Galvin, Joey Morris, Walter Steele, Matt McDonald, Robert McGarrell, and Brian Baez. (Photo by Kevin Devlin)

Pictured at Moakley Park is the Boston Collegiate Charter School baseball team coached by Matt Underhill. The players are: Jimmy Manning, Sean Manning, Kevin McCarthy, Quinn McCarthy, Ryan Hosea, Joey Hosea, Zach Pessia, Nick Flohr, Luke Payne, Pat Kania, Alex Delarosa, Sean Murphy, Cliff Gedeon, Danny McMahon, Robert Hilliard, Joey Mauillari, Joey Morris, Chris DiMaggio, Mike Bolstad, Pat Lynch, and Ben O’Brien. The last seven players listed are from South Boston. The Boston Collegiate Charter School (BCCS) baseball team has won five consecutive charter school state championships and is currently 8-1 this season. (Photo by Kevin Devlin)