February 2024
Kathy Lafferty: Community Leader
Observant and energetic, Kathy Lafferty, Executive Director of the South Boston Neighborhood House, was shaped by early experiences on the same streets she can nearly see from her office on H St. “I remember looking [...]
January 2024
Councilor Flynn Selected to Serve on National League of Cities (NLC) Public Safety and Crime Prevention Federal Advocacy Committee
Councilor Flynn was selected to join the National League of Cities (NLC) 2024 Public Safety and Crime Prevention (PSCP) Federal Advocacy Committee. The selection comes in addition to the recent announcement of his selection to [...]
Cafe Porto Bello Takes the Pizza Crown
We asked, you answered. The top vote-getter in South Boston Online’s Best Pizza in South Boston poll is … Cafe Porto Bello! What makes the pizza so good? Donna Palermo, who works at the restaurant [...]
Sharing a Love of Reading
For South Boston’s Linda Chiaramonte, it started a dozen years ago when she spotted a flyer at the library. Literation’s, a program designed to help students reach reading proficiency by fifth grade was seeking volunteers [...]
Celebrating Three Kings Day, Community
City Councilor Flynn and South Boston En Accion Host Event City Councilor Ed Flynn and South Boston En Accion Executive Director Mercy Robinson celebrated Three Kings Day with a well-attended community supper Wednesday evening at [...]
Senator Collins Announces Appointments to the SBCDF
Senator Nick Collins recently selected LTC Tim Murphy, MANG and Mrs. Haley (Dillon) Walsh to his appointed seats on the South Boston Community Development Foundation (SBCDF). “Tim and Haley know the community well having participated [...]