October 2024
A Southie Tradition Is Back!
Please join perhaps as many as 5,000 South Bostonians to celebrate the return of the “Children’s Magical Halloween Castle” inside Fort Independence on Castle Island. The massive green doors on the Fort’s sally port will [...]
Colin’s Joy Project Library Unveiled at Julie’s Family Learning Open House
The Julie’s Family Learning Program’s 50th anniversary Community Open House Thursday featured a new playground, a new Pre-K classroom, and the newly completed Colin’s Joy Project Library! There were also face painters, crafts, and story [...]
Blessing of the animals
In honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals, the community came with their lovable family pets to the Annual Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, Oct. 6, outside of [...]
Councilors Flynn, Murphy Filed Resolution in Support of ILA
BOSTON, OCT. 9 -- At this week’s Boston City Council Meeting, City Councilors Ed Flynn and Erin Murphy filed a resolution in support of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA). The ILA is the largest union [...]
September 2024
Rick Winterson Honored
By Carol Masshardt Spoke Gallery celebrated their supporter, long-time board member, champion of many non-profits and writer, actor, scientist and neighbor, Rick Winterson at No Man’s Land on August 22, 2024. The urban landscape, really [...]
24th South Boston Street Fest to be held Sept. 21
The South Boston Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation (South Boston NDC), is excited to announce the 24th South Boston Street Fest, happening on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. (In case [...]