11 05, 2016

Photo: It’s time to re-tire

2016-05-11T15:29:26-04:00May 11th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on Photo: It’s time to re-tire

“It’s Time to Re-Tire” used to be the slogan of the old, once-famous Fiske Tire Company, featuring the young boy with a candle, a long, white nightshirt, and a tire over his shoulder. This picture, which has nothing to do with Fiske, was taken on East Eighth Street, in the Bayview area between I and K streets.  No one, even the police officer on detail there, seemed to know what happened. It’s not a result of Grand Prix Boston – that got cancelled - and it’s still a bit too early in the year for Halloween pranks. (Thanks to Ed Oliver-Bohlds for the tip) –Rick Winterson

11 05, 2016

Team Opportunity plans fundraiser to fight addiction

2016-05-11T15:29:13-04:00May 11th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Team Opportunity plans fundraiser to fight addiction

Team Opportunity Foundation, a recovery program based in Quincy, is holding a fundraiser Saturday. The event is at Carson’s Place (the teacher’s union hall) Saturday, May 14, at 7 p.m. Music will be provided by DJ Dru Errico. Tickets cost $20. For tickets, contact any of the following people: Tom McCarthy: 781-858-6335 Robert Pacitti: 617-910-7728 Judy McCarthy: 857-221-6465 Rich Evans: 857-200-0012 Lorrie Linehan: 617-755-5629 Jamie Kelly: 617-594-8057 John Lavey: 781-974-3258 For more information Team Opportunity Foundation, visit the organization’s Facebook page: Facebook.com/teamopportunityfoundation  

11 05, 2016

Basketball league teaches fundamentals

2016-05-16T14:51:07-04:00May 11th, 2016|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Basketball league teaches fundamentals

By KEVIN DEVLIN The South Boston Community Development Foundation has sponsored an under 12 co-ed basketball league at the Tynan Community Center gymnasium. The main purpose of an introductory program such as this one is to give inexperienced youngsters a basic understanding and feel for the game. Learning the fundamentals of hoop should be an enjoyable experience. It will be a time of discovery, learning, hard work and hopefully, fun. Fun, as in “fundamentals” as they are introduced to the basics of basketball. Players need to be taught to win with grace and lose with dignity, worrying less about the final score while thinking more about how the game is supposed to be played. Players will only improve if they are told what they are [...]

10 05, 2016

Walsh visits Medal of Honor Park for community coffee hour

2016-05-10T17:38:13-04:00May 10th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Walsh visits Medal of Honor Park for community coffee hour

By SUSAN DOUCET Community members gathered at Medal of Honor Park Tuesday morning for the opportunity to have a cup of coffee with Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. The neighborhood coffee hour allowed South Boston residents to speak with Walsh, hear from other city and elected officials, have a free coffee, and for some, simply allowed the chance to have a photo taken with the city's mayor. This is the 18th year of the annual Neighborhood Coffee Hour Series, according to a statement from the mayor's office. The series runs through late June throughout the city. In addition to Walsh, various local officials gathered at Medal of Honor Park or M Street Park Tuesday. Boston Parks and Recreation Department Commissioner Chris Cook, at-large Boston City Councilor Annissa Essaibi [...]

9 05, 2016

Obituary: Alexandra Johanna Greathouse

2016-05-10T10:48:15-04:00May 9th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Obituary: Alexandra Johanna Greathouse

Alex Greathouse (left), with her sister Maddy Greathouse Alexandra Johanna Greathouse was a 26-year-old “adopted” daughter of Boston who died on May 3rd, leaving behind: 42 pairs of insanely cute shoes An assortment of high quality false eyelashes Dozens of books, from Macbeth to Ethics of Public Relations to Hot Guys and Baby Animals, and Countless lives forever enriched by her generous heart, lusty spirit, and mischievous smile. Alex was a spunky kid who spent her early years at the family owned Ship Harbor Inn, in Washington state. She welcomed guests, hung out with the maids, and along with her sister Maddy, cared for a menagerie of animals that included a miniature donkey, and an alpaca. She did well in school, was active [...]

5 05, 2016

Proposed South Boston Starbucks rejected

2016-05-05T17:39:17-04:00May 5th, 2016|Categories: Business, Happenings|Comments Off on Proposed South Boston Starbucks rejected

South Boston will not soon have another Starbucks Coffee. The city's licensing board unanimously rejected the license for a Starbucks proposed for the corner of L Street and East Broadway on Thursday morning. Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh "was also opposed due to the lack of neighborhood support," wrote a spokesperson for the mayor in an email Thursday. The proposed Starbucks was for a property at 749 East Broadway. Michael Norton owns the property. According to numerous articles, there was much opposition this week to the proposed Starbucks. Last week, community members gathered at the location, South Boston Online reported: "In general, those gathered were firmly against opening a Starbucks there, due to potential traffic problems, a lack of neighborhood notification, and no perceived need for yet [...]

4 05, 2016

Boston Shines: Community comes together to clean neighborhood

2016-05-04T15:37:08-04:00May 4th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Boston Shines: Community comes together to clean neighborhood

By SUSAN DOUCET Fort Point looks more like it’s now truly spring following the cleaning of gardens and the planting of flowers last week as part of Boston Shines. Wormwood Park and A Street were the focus of a volunteer neighborhood clean-up effort on Friday and Saturday. “That’s the spine of the neighborhood,” said Cameron Sawzin of the Fort Point Neighborhood Association while standing along the fence on A Street on Friday afternoon. This was the neighborhood association’s 12th annual Boston Shines event. Boston Shines is a citywide initiative to clean Boston’s neighborhoods and is organized in different parts of the city during weekends in April and May. On Friday, members of local businesses gathered to clean tree circles and along the fences on A [...]

4 05, 2016

Third annual memorial honors Timothy Cook

2016-05-04T14:23:33-04:00May 4th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Third annual memorial honors Timothy Cook

By KEVIN DEVLIN The friends and family of U.S. Navy Petty Officer Timothy “Doc” Cook held a memorial mass at the Gate of Heaven Church and afterwards presented four scholarships in his name to four Boston College High School students, on Sunday, May 1. The scholarship luncheon was held in the basement of the church. The recipients, all South Boston residents, were eighth-grade student Jack Matthews, and three seniors, Michael Arcadipane, Michael Flaherty and Matt McDonnell. Jack Matthews is the son of John and Amy Matthews. Michael Arcadipane is the son of Thomas and Nancy Arcadipane. He will be attending Merrimack College. Michael Flaherty is the son of Michael and Laurene Flaherty. He will be attending Providence College. And Matt McDonnell is the son of [...]

4 05, 2016

Rev. Burns Stansfield celebrates 25 years at Fourth Presbyterian Church

2016-05-04T14:22:50-04:00May 4th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Rev. Burns Stansfield celebrates 25 years at Fourth Presbyterian Church

By RICK WINTERSON Twenty-five years ago, on Sunday, May 1, 1991, the Rev. Burns Stanfield stepped into the sanctuary of South Boston’s Fourth Presbyterian Church on Dorchester Street, where he had just been appointed as pastor. Thus began a historic transition period for the church, as it grew and prospered, became an integral part of the South Boston scene, added a parish center next door, and developed a well-deserved reputation for music and the performing arts (Burns is himself a talented professional musician). Last Sunday, May 1, the church dedicated its annual fundraiser to Burns, his dedicated community leadership, and his highly successful tenure as the pastor of the Fourth. It was exactly 25 years to the day after Burns took up his calling here [...]

4 05, 2016

Sr. Maryadele honored at Laboure Reception

2016-05-04T14:22:05-04:00May 4th, 2016|Categories: Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Sr. Maryadele honored at Laboure Reception

By RICK WINTERSON There was a pleasantly insistent buzz in John Hancock Financial’s stunning fourth floor atrium last Thursday evening. It was a gala crowd of South Boston’s staunchest supporters. Everyone anticipated the service award, to be conferred upon Sr. Maryadele Robinson, as she approaches her 30th year at South Boston’s Laboure Center. Fr. Joe White asked for a blessing, “Lord God of All Creation.” And how rare is applause after a benediction? Well, it happened at the Laboure Center’s Spring Reception last Thursday. Without the slightest exaggeration, a glorious spirit pervaded the crowd of guests and the very air all around them. Bob Kelly, the chair of Laboure’s advisory board, emceed the fete; his first speaker, Catholic Charities President Deborah Rambo, extolled Sr. Maryadele’s record [...]

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