About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
29 04, 2022

Look Who’s Cooking!

2022-04-29T11:00:24-04:00April 29th, 2022|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Look Who’s Cooking!

    By Carol Masshardt (This series will focus on local chefs) Moonshine’s owner/chef, Asia Mei, could be doing a million things successfully. A Boston College graduate in Biology and Economics with minors in Film and Education, Asia, 40, was a competitive gymnast and has enough sustained intellectual and physical energy to take on most any challenge. She is a keen observer even as she moves at an Olympic pace. “I had a revelation that people had a passion for what they were doing, and I only hoped that I would find something that was mine,” she said of her early experiences. It would not have been easily predicated that this oldest child or Chinese immigrant parents from Silicon Valley, California would be so totally [...]

28 04, 2022

Guardian Angels: Julie’s Honors Ann D’Auria, Dianne Driscoll at Spring Event

2022-04-28T17:44:52-04:00April 28th, 2022|Categories: Education, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Guardian Angels: Julie’s Honors Ann D’Auria, Dianne Driscoll at Spring Event

By Ginger DeShaney Ann D’Auria and Dianne Driscoll are guardian angels for countless women and children at Julie’s Family Learning Program. “I marvel at their passion and their dedication. This is not easy work,” said Julie’s Executive Director Bob Monahan. “You have to have the right qualities as a staff person to be effective. Their commitment to the mission of Julie's is just extraordinary.” For their amazing work, Ann and Dianne will be celebrated as Angels at the Julie’s Spring Event on Saturday, May 7, at Florian Hall in Dorchester. “They came with all of the credentials, all of the passion, all of the full engagement in the mission of Julie’s, which really put them in the best position to be extraordinary,” Bob said of [...]

24 04, 2022

Making an Impact: Boys & Girls Club Promotes Four 

2022-04-24T10:13:11-04:00April 24th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Making an Impact: Boys & Girls Club Promotes Four 

By Ginger DeShaney  Jennifer Nunez, Angela Huber, Stephanie Greene, and Izzy Gonzalez are always there for the kids in Southie, providing a safe haven. “You know the phrase, be the person you wish you had when you were younger?” asked Stephanie. “We are trying to do that. “We want to make an impact on young people.” In recognition of their work ethic, talent, positive attitude, and heart, Jennifer, Angela, Stephanie, and Izzy have been promoted at the Edgerley Family South Boston Boys & Girls Club. “Living in South Boston, I see the kids in the neighborhood,” said Jennifer. “Knowing they have a safe place after school is important.” Angela added that some kids may not have a stable home life or a good support system. [...]

22 04, 2022

Sharing Her Gifts: Irinna Rosa Uses Her Experiences to Mentor Youth

2022-04-22T18:33:58-04:00April 22nd, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, Sports|Comments Off on Sharing Her Gifts: Irinna Rosa Uses Her Experiences to Mentor Youth

By Ginger DeShaney Through her participation in sports and her work with Boston Police Department District C-6, Irinna Rosa has grown into a confident young woman. As a tennis player and judo brown belt, Irinna has learned “confidence, leadership, don't be afraid to do things, and even though you are down, you always find a way to get out of your situation,” she said. “I have also learned that even though you're really stressing out, you should always give it your all and try your best at all times.” In turn, she mentors young people to try to instill those same traits and help them grow. “It just gives me joy helping people,” said the daughter of Isa and Francisco Rosa of South Boston. “Since [...]

1 04, 2022

Community Input Informs Moakley Park Design

2022-04-01T18:00:30-04:00April 1st, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Community Input Informs Moakley Park Design

By Ginger DeShaney South Boston gem Moakley Park will be getting a shiny makeover, inspired by feedback from the community. The Moakley Park Schematic Design and Phase 1 kickoff were discussed at a virtual public meeting hosted by the City of Boston’s Parks & Recreation Department last week. The proposed changes – from adding an adventure park and a community garden to creating a premier baseball field and resiliency strategies to deal with climate change – have been inspired by several years of engagement with residents and stakeholders, which has opened up opportunities in terms of planning for the park and understanding what's really important to people, said Allison Perlman, project manager with the Parks Department.  “This engagement led to the collective creation of goals [...]

1 04, 2022

Youth of the Year: Owen Rogers Grateful for Boys & Girls Club Mentors, Guidance

2022-04-01T17:54:08-04:00April 1st, 2022|Categories: Education, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Youth of the Year: Owen Rogers Grateful for Boys & Girls Club Mentors, Guidance

By Ginger DeShaney Owen Rogers credits the Edgerley Family South Boston Boys & Girls Club with helping shape the person he is today. ​​ “A lot of us who have been there since we were 6, we wouldn't be the people we are without the Club,” said the Edgerley Club’s 2022 Youth of the Year. “We wouldn't have any of these opportunities and resources that keep us in check … which is amazing. I can definitely say the Club is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. “It's been my No. 1 lifeline my whole life.” Owen said he was excited when he found out he won this prestigious award out of five applicants. “It's nice to be able to be a role model [...]

22 03, 2022

Together Again: Ollie’s ‘House Is Where the Heart Is’ Gala Back in Person

2022-03-22T15:03:06-04:00March 22nd, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Together Again: Ollie’s ‘House Is Where the Heart Is’ Gala Back in Person

By Ginger DeShaney After pivoting to online events for the last two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the South Boston Neighborhood House’s benefit and auction will be held in person for a night of food, drinks, silent and live auctions, and dancing.  “This year we are super excited to be back in person,” said Kathy Lafferty, executive director of the Neighborhood House, also known as the Ollie. The House is Where the Heart Is gala will be held on Friday, April 8, in the Plaza Ballroom (with access to outdoor space) at the Seaport Hotel, starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are $125.  Because the online events were so popular, the gala will incorporate some virtual components this year. For example, the silent auction will [...]

16 03, 2022

The St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast Hosted by Senator Nick Collins Returns Live

2022-03-17T07:35:05-04:00March 16th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on The St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast Hosted by Senator Nick Collins Returns Live

The annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast hosted by Senator Nick Collins returns live in-person after a two-year hiatus to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in South Boston with CBS Boston and Boston Neighborhood Network as media partners. “We are excited and grateful to be in person after two long and difficult years. The political landscape has changed both locally and nationally since I last hosted the Breakfast in person, so there will be some new faces but the same playful banter,” said Senator Collins.  “It is also a great day to showcase the rich Irish traditions of laughter and song, our nation’s immigrant roots, and the historical importance of the British Evacuation of Boston on March 17th, 1776.” The St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast will be held Sunday, March 20, starting 9 a.m at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. The [...]

14 03, 2022

Remembering Billie Jo Rogers/Ryan

2022-03-14T18:30:00-04:00March 14th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Remembering Billie Jo Rogers/Ryan

Back in the early 1980’s a group of young boys and girls became fixtures/participants at the Tynan Community Center.  Under the watchful eyes of Dan Monahan and Kathy Davis this group of teens participated in many programs and activities throughout the years. The girls became passionate for the game of basketball and soon displayed exceptional talent. Within 2 years, their hard work and dedication began to pay off under the leadership of a girl named Billie Jo Rogers/Ryan. Her talent as a point guard and ability to drive to the hoop was exciting to watch. Billie Jo and her teammates accomplished many victories and championships. The most memorable was in 1985 and 1986 when they became City Champs in the Girl’s 15 & Under Boston [...]

14 03, 2022

Expand, Rely, Respect, Equalize: City Outlines South Boston Seaport Strategic Transit Plan

2022-03-14T10:44:49-04:00March 14th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Expand, Rely, Respect, Equalize: City Outlines South Boston Seaport Strategic Transit Plan

The existing transportation infrastructure in the neighborhood – whether by car, transit, bike, or foot – can't handle the amount of expected growth in the South Boston Seaport District, city officials say. By 2030, the South Boston Seaport District is on track to be the second-largest employment district in the city with 89,000 jobs, said Matt Moran, transit team director of the Boston Transportation Department (BTD). And by 2030, the number of residents in the Seaport could reach approximately 31,000, matching other high-population neighborhoods in Boston.  “It's one of the fastest-growing areas within the state and possibly all of New England,” said Jim Fitzgerald, transportation planner with the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA). The draft of the South Boston Seaport Strategic Transit Plan was [...]

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