About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
14 02, 2019

A Valentine’s Letter to the Lone Ladies

2019-02-14T09:07:45-05:00February 14th, 2019|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on A Valentine’s Letter to the Lone Ladies

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes Another Valentine’s Day, another night of binge-watching Netflix with the only reliable dates left on the planet, Ben & Jerry. You tell yourself next year will be different, but just peek out the window at the Wild Wild West of today’s dating world and you’ll see the hope that’s escaped your body, running off down the road with your cookies-n-cream, dodging bullets. The dating apocalypse is upon us, ladies. And it’s hard to say who has it worse; the young women who will never experience what it’s like to actually be courted, or us divorcees who reminisce about the yester years as we watch chivalry writhing in the corner, gasping its last breath. While there are new age dating rules every [...]

12 02, 2019

BPD Officers Arrest Store Clerk for Unlawful Sale of Marijuana Cigarettes and Edibles in South Boston

2019-02-12T12:36:37-05:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: News|Comments Off on BPD Officers Arrest Store Clerk for Unlawful Sale of Marijuana Cigarettes and Edibles in South Boston

Acting on several community complaints and concerns relative to the unlawful sale of marijuana and marijuana-infused edibles out of the King Smoke Shop at 600 East Broadway Street in South Boston, detectives assigned to District C-6 (South Boston) with help from both the District C-6 (South Boston) and District A-1 (Downtown) Drug Control Units initiated an investigation to better understand the facts and circumstances fueling the concerns. As a result of the investigation, which included undercover purchases of marijuana inside the store, officers were able to accumulate sufficient evidence and cause to charge two employees of the establishment with the unlawful sale of marijuana. On today’s date, Monday, February 11, 2019, an officer working in an undercover capacity entered the establishment and purchased several marijuana [...]

12 02, 2019

Mayor Walsh Urges Residents to Take Caution, Abide by Snow Regulations

2019-02-12T09:13:10-05:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: News|Comments Off on Mayor Walsh Urges Residents to Take Caution, Abide by Snow Regulations

Mayor Walsh announced preparations for today’s winter storm.  A wintry mix will begin at midday, from 12 - 1:00 p.m., with snow beginning to fall between 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday. The snow will continue throughout the evening, falling at a rate of an inch an hour, impacting evening commutes. Temperatures will begin in the low 30s, and steadily rise. Overnight, the storm has the potential to bring seven inches of snow to Boston. Wednesday morning, rain will begin between the hours of 2:00 - 4:00 a.m.   Due to the travel conditions, Boston Public Schools is cancelling all after-school activities.   School will remain open on Tuesday, and BPS plans to keep school open on Wednesday.  However, officials will continue to monitor the forecast and [...]

10 02, 2019

Marijuana Facilities Nearer Than You Might Think

2019-02-10T12:27:33-05:00February 10th, 2019|Categories: Editorial, Featured|Comments Off on Marijuana Facilities Nearer Than You Might Think

by Rick Winterson    In many ways, this article is a follow-up to the 3 articles in South Boston Online on marijuana by Brianne Fitzgerald, Nurse Practitioner (NP) and the Founder of Recoverymattersma.org.  Ms. Fitzgerald is a highly qualified individual on this issue.  We encourage you to read carefully all of the articles, which you will find at the end of this Editorial.  In our opinion, Ms. Fitzgerald’s articles made two (very) important points:  First, her articles were written for parents, teens (i.e., soon to become young adults), and adults of all ages.  Marijuana use – especially recreational – is a family and a “grown-up” issue.  Second, marijuana use – even if it’s only for medical purposes – must be openly and publicly discussed, long [...]

10 02, 2019

Cannabis for Chronic Pain

2019-02-10T11:44:45-05:00February 10th, 2019|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Cannabis for Chronic Pain

Brianne Fitzgerald, NP - Recoverymattersma.org At first glance it looks like a no brainer.  Recreational cannabis legalization first took place on the West Coast and the first serious wave of opioid addiction took place in Appalachia and Maine.  If all you do it eyeball the numbers and jump to the idea that pot = less opioid use you have missed a lot.  The data is indeed messy.  Some say that cannabis is a gateway drug (and from where I sit 100% of the patients, I see identify cannabis/alcohol/nicotine as their initiation into further drug use).  This is not causal it is by association because we have not done systemic studies and yet 72,000 people fatally overdosed on opioids in 2017.  Should we continue to beat [...]

10 02, 2019

The Science of Marijuana

2019-02-10T11:41:45-05:00February 10th, 2019|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on The Science of Marijuana

Brianne Fitzgerald NP, Recoverymattersma.org   This is a tough one, as we have little scientific information on marijuana.  It is a schedule 1 drug and therefore limited rigorous scientific research has been conducted.  We do know from anecdotal information, social medical, personal experiences and hearsay that there are serious issues related to its use.   Marijuana is not harmless and yet it does not lead to fatal overdoses as alcohol does.  The potency of current strains may shock those who have not tried it for decades.  It can produce a serious dependency and regular use does interfere with job and school performance.  It is best to be avoided if you are an adolescent.  Casual use by adults poses minimal risk for healthy people.  Marijuana though is [...]

7 02, 2019

Flynns to be Celebrated at Paraclete Reception

2019-02-07T15:56:41-05:00February 7th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Flynns to be Celebrated at Paraclete Reception

By Rick Winterson    Let us give you the details first.  The Paraclete Center, widely known for its educational mission in South Boston, will hold its Annual 2019 Reception on Thursday evening, February 28, at Boston College High School from 6 until 8 p.m. (free parking available).  Phone Eileen MacNeil (781-812-7099) or Christine McConville (617-834-0538) for tickets; order tickets online at paraclete.org. This is an event not to miss, because the high point of an already enjoyable evening will be the celebration of the Flynns – Ambassador and Mrs. Flynn and their family.  And “celebration” is certainly the right word. You see, the Flynns have always been devoted – truly devoted – to South Boston and its interests.  And yet, they are well known for [...]

7 02, 2019

Parade Chief Marshal John Beatty – A Perfect Fit

2019-02-07T11:17:58-05:00February 7th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Parade Chief Marshal John Beatty – A Perfect Fit

by Rick Winterson   Credit the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council (the AWVC) with making an excellent choice.  They have selected South Boston’s John Beatty to be the Chief Marshal of the 2019 St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade.  In this function, John will assume a leadership position in the Parade itself on Sunday afternoon, March 17, as well as hosting the Parade Chief Marshal’s Banquet on the evening of March 2, and performing numerous other functions during our “Parade Season” this year. And to use a phrase, John is a “dyed-in-wool” South Bostonian.  He was “born down on I Street; raised up on Fourth Street”, to use another paraphrase.  His mother, Carol, still lives here also – in Castle Cove.  She’s the lady who brings [...]

7 02, 2019

Councilor Flynn Request Hearing on After Hours Construction & Development Issues

2019-02-07T10:02:41-05:00February 7th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Councilor Flynn Request Hearing on After Hours Construction & Development Issues

Cites Quality of Life Concerns Throughout District   Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn announced that he will call for a hearing next week regarding the issue of after hours and weekend construction. Flynn relayed concerns brought to his office from residents throughout District 2 related to construction work being done outside permitted hours - early in the morning, late in the evening, or on the weekend or holidays without permits. Moreover, community leaders called attention to permits granted for after hours and weekend work in the South End, while others pointed to issues of public safety, rodent control, and adhering to approved plans. "Whether I am in the South End, South Boston, Chinatown, Beacon Hill, Back Bay, the Bay Village, or Downtown - residents frequently express concerns [...]

4 02, 2019

Tips and Information for The Patriots’ Parade – MBTA Game Plan

2019-02-04T11:12:30-05:00February 4th, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Tips and Information for The Patriots’ Parade – MBTA Game Plan

On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, hundreds of thousands of people are expected to join regular weekday commuters as the City of Boston celebrates another Patriots’ championship.  Parade-goers travelling on the MBTA are encouraged to visit mbta.com/patriots for full information on service, service adjustments, and purchasing fares. All customers are strongly urged to purchase roundtrip fare in advance. Parking availability can be checked at some of the busiest MBTA stations on Twitter @MBTA_Parking. Daily parking rates are $2 – $15 with cash, credit, or mobile phone.  As a result of the anticipated crowds, trains and platforms will experience extremely heavy volume. Customers should exercise caution, stay safe, and be prepared for longer commutes and crowded conditions associated with the high demand for service. The MBTA thanks our regular riders [...]

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