About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
21 06, 2018

Congratulations to Boston Latin School Class 2018

2018-06-21T09:47:59-04:00June 21st, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Congratulations to Boston Latin School Class 2018

On June 11, 2018, Boston Latin School, in its 383rd Commencement Exercise, celebrated the graduation of 412 students from Boston Latin School. The Ceremony took place at the Blue Hill Park Pavilion. Amongst the 412 graduates, were four students, who were named Captains to their team sport.  From left to right, Mari Barry, Cheer Captain, BC Nursing and BC Cheer Team, Coleman O’Toole, Baseball Captain, UMass, Lowell, Business Management, Claire Craddock, Lacrosse Captain, UMass Amherst, Political Science, and Joyce Welch, Hockey Captain, UMass, Amherst, Pre-Med. 

21 06, 2018

Beach & Park Update: Summer Brings Crowds of Pleasure Seekers

2018-06-21T09:44:23-04:00June 21st, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Beach & Park Update: Summer Brings Crowds of Pleasure Seekers

By Richard Campbell As the heat comes on Carson beach filled up with volleyball and swimming, while crowds lined up to purchase snack food at the counter of Molly’s Beachside Cafe, patrons across the way played baseball and volleyball on Moakley Field with kids enjoying the playground areas. Glorious is the walk out to Castle Island at this time of the year, and the Castle Island Association in partnership with the DCR does a commendable job of creating an inviting place to explore, swim, boat and hang out.  Old timers say the water is warmer at Pleasure Bay than Carson Beach, but we don’t have evidence of that. While Moakley field looked great the same can’t be said for The Will McDonough Field House, which [...]

21 06, 2018

Lawn on D Celebrates Summer with Lawn of Champions

2018-06-21T09:40:44-04:00June 21st, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Lawn on D Celebrates Summer with Lawn of Champions

By Richard Campbell This past Sunday families gathered to play games, exercise, listen to music by local bands and support local charities. The lawn itself is mostly artificial turf, surrounded by green grass, stages and pavilions, located behind the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.  I have to say having been to Lawn on D a few times, that it is a one-time entertainment in many respects.  The centrally located swings are fun for kids and adults, and they offer a special opportunity to make a spectacle of oneself, and the inflatable game stations are a hit with young kids. Sponsored by Citizen’s Bank, the events were free and ran all day, bringing in the older kids later for music scene. Some famous mascots: Red Sox [...]

19 06, 2018

Mark Rooney, Officially Launches Campaign to Represent 4th District as Governor’s Councillor

2018-06-19T15:20:41-04:00June 19th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Mark Rooney, Officially Launches Campaign to Represent 4th District as Governor’s Councillor

Mark Rooney, Officially Launches Campaign to Represent 4th District as Governor’s Councillor Outpaces Incumbents’ Supporter Signatures to Certify Spot on the Ballot in September   For Immediate Release June 19, 2018   Today, Mark Rooney of South Boston officially launched his campaign to represent the 4th District on the Governor’s Council.  One of eleven brothers from South Boston, he gathered more than enough signatures to secure a position on the ballot in the Democratic Primary on September 4, 2018. Time for Change: Rooney has embarked on a campaigned focused on brining new ideas and interest to the work of the Governor’s Council.  In just one week Mark Rooney personally met and gained the support of nearly 2100 people in communities across the district including Brockton, [...]

15 06, 2018

Crossing the Centuries: Bridging Cultures At the UMASS Boston Campus Gallery

2018-06-15T10:23:48-04:00June 15th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Crossing the Centuries: Bridging Cultures At the UMASS Boston Campus Gallery

By Richard Campbell Opening this week on the UMASS Boston campus is an interesting graduate work art show by Li Wang, who having returned from studying in Japan on a Ruth Butler scholarship, was influenced by works of traditional Asian artists. The beautiful creations this study inspired have an iconic and unique feeling to them- as though one is traveling back in time simultaneous to referencing current trends in art and iconography. The work is realized with particular skill and attention to detail, and well worth a visit. One of the critical aspects often missing in post-modern art is aesthetically pleasing work that entertains the viewer for its ingenuity that would make it personal art- art that one could purchase to display in a home [...]

15 06, 2018

South Boston Receives $30,000+ from SH/SB

2018-06-15T10:22:04-04:00June 15th, 2018|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on South Boston Receives $30,000+ from SH/SB

by Rick Winterson   “Save the Harbor/Save the Bay” (SH/SB) is a 32-year-old organization, founded in 1986.  Its name is self-explanatory.  You have almost certainly seen the results of SH/SB’s efforts.   The beaches of South Boston are now A+ squeaky clean.  They pass the regular bacterial tests virtually 100% of the time.  Just go to any one of our beaches – Castle Island, Pleasure Bay, the Sugar Bowl, M Street Beach, and Carson Beach, all the way around Old Harbor to Mother’s Rest.  You’ll see what South Boston Online means, as well as what SH/SB has accomplished. SH/SB is a key part of a superbly working public-private partnership.  The public side includes the efforts of Gov. Charlie Baker and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, along with [...]

15 06, 2018

Summer Take-Aways at the Boston Nutrition 2018 Conference

2018-06-15T10:16:58-04:00June 15th, 2018|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on Summer Take-Aways at the Boston Nutrition 2018 Conference

By Richard Campbell The Nutrition 2018 Conference ran this past week June 9th to 12th at the Hynes Convention Center gathering nutrition professionals from New England and around the nation.  The big take-aways were the effect of good nutrition on child development, and the continuing evaluation of the role the microbiome plays in health of individuals. Not surprisingly what your mother probably told you: “Eat your broccoli, it’s good for you.” Or “No, we don’t have any cookies, have a piece of fruit instead,” turn out to be advice that mounds of research prove to be the best in the world. Because this conference was filled with technical information, I present some highlights in the form of summer nutrition guidelines. This conference included more than [...]

15 06, 2018

Marijuana – Medical and Recreational – in South Boston: Questions Remain

2018-06-15T10:12:42-04:00June 15th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on Marijuana – Medical and Recreational – in South Boston: Questions Remain

by Rick Winterson      It’s well known that marijuana has been legalized in Massachusetts.  Medical marijuana is legal as you are reading this.  After a long delay, recreational marijuana (Question 4, approved by voters 54% to 46%) becomes legal at mid-year:   on Sunday, July 1, 2018.  Even though the vote on marijuana was unquestionably in favor of legalizing it, many questions about it still remain.  One of these questions is where to put marijuana retail stores, specifically, where to locate a store here in South Boston? On Tuesday evening, a marijuana retailer named Native Sun “Wellness”, made a presentation to the WBNA (the West Broadway Neighborhood Association), one of South Boston’s highly active civic groups.  The WBNA’s civic area is generally along Lower West [...]

13 06, 2018

The Bowery Bar – A Summer Hot Spot

2018-06-13T14:45:53-04:00June 13th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on The Bowery Bar – A Summer Hot Spot

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes     With summer approaching (and the Seaport scene becoming more congested every season), it’s the perfect time to welcome The Bowery Bar to Dorchester, set to open in mid-June.   As the list of new restaurants grows in our neighbor’s neighborhoods, this one is bound to be an instant hit. Located in the heart of Lower Mills, its name was derived from the definition of bowery (shaded by trees), inspired by its unique 2500 square foot patio. Complete with cooling water misters, flat screen TVs, and antique lounging tubs (you’ll see), this patio is shaping up to be one of Boston’s best outdoor spaces and favorite summer spots, because let’s face it, us Bostonians do love our outdoor drinks time. [...]

7 06, 2018

Dalton and The Sheriffs Come to Southie

2018-06-07T14:14:47-04:00June 7th, 2018|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Dalton and The Sheriffs Come to Southie

  by Rick Winterson      Country & Western in South Boston?  Why, certainly!  Every Tuesday night, that is. Plan a Tuesday drop in/hang out downstairs in the Supper Club at Capo Restaurant – 443 West Broadway, not very far from where Blinstrub’s sat for so many years.  Combine eating (varied Italian/American dishes), with drinking (inventive designer cocktails), and original C&W (“Dalton and The Sheriffs”).  And you know what?  At Capo, there’s no admission or cover.  Just show up Tuesday evenings and enjoy. Let’s mention that Dalton and The Sheriffs’ performances contain mostly their own original music, from half or more up to the entire gig, depending on the gig’s length and audience responses.  Why emphasize that fact?  Two reasons – because audiences consistently ask [...]

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