About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
28 02, 2018

CPA Forum at Tierney Center

2018-02-28T15:09:31-05:00February 28th, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on CPA Forum at Tierney Center

by Rick Winterson First, a brief backstory: “CPA” stands for “Community Preservation Act”, an act that the Massachusetts state legislature passed in 2000, seventeen years ago. Brief ly stated, this involved levying a 2% surcharge on existing property taxes, which would then be earmarked for funding preservation projects. “Community Preservation” was loosely defined; it included three general types of project – 1.- Historic, 2.- Parks & Open Space, and 3.- Affordable Housing. In the following year, 2001, the CPA’s 2% levy failed to pass in Boston. Fifteen years later in 2016, with the CPA surcharge being cut in half to 1%, the preservation levy passed, garnering an impressive 74% of the vote. As of now, Boston’s surcharge generated $20 million ($20,000,000) in preservation funds for [...]

28 02, 2018

Civic Innovation Series Packs Seaport District Hall

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00February 28th, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Civic Innovation Series Packs Seaport District Hall

By Richard Campbell This past Tuesday evening a packed meeting at District Hall in the Seaport featured a forum sponsored by Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center and Venture Café on the housing crisis in Boston. It was a rather spirited presentation by development representatives, housing planners, architects, and city officials from the mayor’s innovation lab. The forum explored Boston’s current housing crunch in considerable detail, to provide some possible solutions to the exploding housing shortage impacting community neighborhoods. This is a subject near and dear to Mayor Walsh’s policies for the future of Boston, as he has repeatedly made plans for ramping up more affordable housing in the city. Presenters touched on the the real estate building boom in the Seaport, the effects of student [...]

21 02, 2018

CLEAN SWEEP! Keep Southie Clean

2018-02-21T15:30:44-05:00February 21st, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on CLEAN SWEEP! Keep Southie Clean

Until Sunday, February 25 (at any time you choose), it’s “Help Clean Up The South Boston Neighborhood”. But the good news is that Dede, Lyllie, and Dyan have pitched in to help. The photo shows them cleaning up the intersection of K Street and East Broadway. You can help too! The DPW will provide brooms, trash bags, and whatever you need. When you are done dial 3-1-1 to have your bagged trash picked up. Questions? Contact Councilor Ed Flynn, Donna Brown, Kathy Lafferty, Dyan La Rosa, Gino Provenzano, or Cathe Walsh.

21 02, 2018

Boston Design Center Series: Galerie d’Orsay in the Seaport

2018-02-21T15:27:34-05:00February 21st, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Boston Design Center Series: Galerie d’Orsay in the Seaport

By Richard Campbell The venerable Newbury Street Galerie d’Orsay opened a pop up gallery in the Boston Design Center to work hands-on with interior designers looking to acquire art for businesses and residences in the fast growing Seaport. South Boston Online got the full tour of the main gallery, and the satellite branch in the Seaport from Camille Super (pictured above), one of the fine art consultants. Founded by art historian and curator, Sallie Hirshberg in the year 2000, the Galerie d’Orsay, besides selling premier art works from around the world, offers in home consultations, regularly curates showings at the Newbury Street Gallery, and has a well-educated staff that welcomes art enthusiasts for in house for tours. The pop-up gallery at the Seaport specializes in [...]

21 02, 2018

Nicely Done: The Progressive New England Boat Show

2018-02-21T15:01:27-05:00February 21st, 2018|Categories: Happenings, News|Comments Off on Nicely Done: The Progressive New England Boat Show

By Richard Campbell Some trade shows at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center may be more dazzling, but it would be hard to find a more congenial group than the nautical purveyors collected this past week at the New England Boat Show as produced by Progressive Insurance. Outside of the sheer quantity of every conceivable water traveling craft, from sail boats to jet skis, yachts, fishing boats, tugs, craft cruisers; this show had plenty of vendors offering training, maintenance, and ancillary products. The show’s guide claims that the Massachusetts recreational boating industry has an annual impact of $2.1 billion a year. It seemed like I saw $2 billion dollars-worth of nautical equipment in the 250 displays at this one show. Being in the older demographic, [...]

14 02, 2018

New Notre Dame Education Center Building Planned for 200 Old Colony Avenue.

2018-03-08T14:37:31-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: Real Estate|Comments Off on New Notre Dame Education Center Building Planned for 200 Old Colony Avenue.

For Immediate Release March 8, 2018   Notre Dame Education Center and All Saints LLC have an agreement to build a new education facility and 55 units of housing at 200 Old Colony Ave., the present site of the education center today that is directly across from the Washington Village Development site in South Boston. More than 500 adults annually take advantage of both day and evening classes at Notre Dame Education Center.  NDEC has two departments, Adult Education Services and Youth Education Services.  Learn more at www.ndecboston.org A majority of the Center’s students walk from the surrounding neighborhoods and/or take public transportation.  Once construction is completed Notre Dame Education Center Inc. will own and operate this nearly 10,000 sq. ft. ground level facility.   [...]

14 02, 2018

Big Pharma at the Trough of Advertising

2018-02-14T15:33:21-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on Big Pharma at the Trough of Advertising

By Richard Campbell One of the mysteries of the current day health care scene is the role of advertising in big pharma. By some estimates Americans spend over 300 billion dollars a year on prescription drugs. It’s big business. It was pointed out by Ana Swanson of the Washington Post, that the research firm Global Data did a study that showed in 2013, 9 out of 10 of the biggest pharmaceutical companies spent more on advertising than on research. If this is true, the level of corporate hucksterism has reached an all-time high in that industry. In the late nineties when restrictions were lifted on advertising prescription drugs, the flood gates were opened. We see the results today. One might ask what these often embarrassing, [...]

14 02, 2018

Boston Globe Travel Show Shines Light On Warm Climes

2018-02-14T15:20:12-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: Business, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Boston Globe Travel Show Shines Light On Warm Climes

By Richard Campbell It is approaching the middle of February when Bostonians are so ready to travel somewhere warm. In the spirit of advancing anyone’s odds of escaping the cold, dark, and wet, South Boston Online stepped in to see the Boston Globe Travel Show at the old Seaport World Trade Center exhibit hall that ran this weekend, February 9-11. My focus here is upon warm places- you know those areas in the world that have green grass, sunshine, beaches, and a more carefree life. Some of these ideas are for quick getaways, and others are for more serious travelers. As many South Bostonians have probably observed, the Norwegian Cruise Line routinely docks at our pier, to cruise locals from Boston to the Caribbean, Mexico, [...]

14 02, 2018

Ribbon Cut at Gavin Quincy ATS/CSS

2018-11-27T13:06:35-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: Business, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Ribbon Cut at Gavin Quincy ATS/CSS

by Rick Winterson South Boston’s Gavin Foundation has been in the forefront of the war (yes, it’s a war) against the ongoing opioid crisis, as well as providing a full spectrum of services that deal with addiction, recovery, and substance abuse. The Foundation has 14 key programs, facilities, and activities, which are centered in South Boston but range over the City of Boston and down into Quincy. The Gavin’s Quincy operation is a 64-bed, state-of-the-art, rehabilitation facility that provides medically managed services – comprehensive treatment from caring, licensed professionals. It was established in 2015; it was initially a partnership with the Phoenix House. Late last year, in December, the Gavin Foundation took full ownership of the Quincy facility. It is now called “Gavin Foundation Quincy [...]

7 02, 2018

WPI Cuts Ribbon in Seaport

2018-02-07T15:12:22-05:00February 7th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on WPI Cuts Ribbon in Seaport

  by Rick Winterson   Worcester Polytechnic Institute, known by everyone as WPI, is a private research university in Worcester.  WPI engages in all aspects of technical arts and applied science.  As of last Wednesday morning, January 31, it has officially (and ceremoniously) opened a new innovation facility on the South Boston Waterfront.  At noontime, a contingent of officials, led by WPI President Laurie Leshin, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty, and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh began their remarks leading up to the ribbon cutting itself. Entitled simply “WPI Seaport”, this technical facility now occupies the ground floor at 303 Congress Street.  Its location is both strategic and beautiful. Strategically, it anchors the western end of the South Boston Seaport, which is also [...]

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