About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
22 09, 2016

Laboure Center Offers After School Tutoring

2016-09-22T10:25:25-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Laboure Center Offers After School Tutoring

Youth Tutoring Youth (YTY) will begin this year on October 11th. Laboure is currently enrolling students in grades 3-5 in their free fun after school program that runs from 3:00-6:00 pm Monday-Thursday. Laboure is also hiring youth for our Teen Leader tutoring positions. We are interviewing academically talented teens ages 15-18 who are interested in working with children in the South Boston Community. Please contact Katie Mazzeo, YTY Program coordinator at 617-464-8575

22 09, 2016

Massport Helps Kids Back to School

2016-09-22T10:12:03-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Massport Helps Kids Back to School

Some 35 children served by South Boston’s Tierney Center started school with a new backpack full of school supplies and new clothes provided by Massport. This is the 9th year that Massport has partnered with programs in South Boston and East Boston to support families at the start of school year.

22 09, 2016

Need Help with a Drug Problem? Call 311. Right Away!

2016-09-22T10:08:53-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Need Help with a Drug Problem? Call 311. Right Away!

   South Boston Online has published a series of articles on the severe drug problems in South Boston – 17 such articles actually, from the fall of last year to the spring of 2016.  These articles have been somber and even outright tragic in nature.  But now, another way to obtain help is here.  The City of Boston, led by Mayor Martin J. Walsh, has opened the City’s 311 hotline to calls from those who need assistance with a drug or alcohol problem.   By Rick Winterson      Last week, Mayor Martin J. Walsh launched a program entitled “311 for Recovery Services”.  This program is a new hotline support system.  It is the City of Boston’s response to our community’s severe problems with drug [...]

22 09, 2016

Vietnam Memorial at 35

2016-09-22T10:04:59-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Vietnam Memorial at 35

by Rick Winterson   In the late ‘70s, support was increasing in South Boston to erect a formal memorial of some kind, dedicated to those 25 heroic men from South Boston who lost their lives in Vietnam.  It wasn’t only from the friends and relatives of those brave military men – it was a community-wide sentiment.  Concerned residents went to work – washing cars, seeking small donations door-to-door, holding Southie “times”, and so on.  Major donors or government grants were nowhere to be found. And it worked.  Something north of $28,000 was raised; South Boston’s Vietnam Memorial became much more than just a dream.  In the fall of 1981, the Memorial was first dedicated.  Thirty-five years later, on September 18, in the year of 2016, [...]

15 09, 2016

South Boston Catholic Academy News Welcome!

2016-09-15T10:11:12-04:00September 15th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy News Welcome!

On September 7 we welcomed our K2 to 6 grade students, families, faculty and staff to another wonderful school year of faith, family and academic excellence at South Boston Catholic Academy.  In the morning we gathered in the school yard, with our school community for morning prayer. In the classroom, Ms. McCarthy read "First Day Jitters" by Julie Danneberg to her brand new first graders. We were not expecting the surprise ending! After a class discussion, we learned that many of us had the jitters on our first day of school - including Ms. McCarthy!  We took care of that by learning a new poem called, "Jitter Juice."  Of course, we then had to make jitter juice. It was extra fun when we got to [...]

15 09, 2016

South Boston Development Update: PART TWO

2016-09-15T10:02:34-04:00September 15th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Real Estate|Comments Off on South Boston Development Update: PART TWO

In South Boston Online’s last issue, we presented PART ONE of an update on major developments in South Boston. That focused on the Waterfront, from Fort Point, where GE is locating their corporate headquarters, to the proposed power plant site development at the eastern end of Summer Street on the Reserved Channel. Now, let’s journey to Perkins Square, then down Dorchester Street, to the Andrew Square/South Bay neighborhoods. by Rick Winterson Down Broadway in Perkins Square, a proposed project by Sorrent Co., rendered by Pisani & Associates, essentially replaces the buildings on the northwest corner of Dorchester Street and West Broadway, between Stats and Santander Bank. The new structure will contain underground parking, three retail units on the ground floor, and several residences on the [...]

15 09, 2016

South Boston Street Festivel Saturday

2016-09-15T09:57:54-04:00September 15th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on South Boston Street Festivel Saturday

The South Boston Chamber of Commerce, working in conjunction with South Boston NDC – is pleased to announce that the 17th Annual South Boston Street Festival will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Over the past sixteen years, the festival has grown significantly and has become South Boston’s most highly anticipated events, attracting over 8,000 residents and visitors. Attendance and all entertainment is FREE. This year’s festival will once again feature “The Best of South Boston” including over 100 merchants, restaurants, artists and community organizations, which will fill East Broadway from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Live performances will take place on two stages providing festival goers with live entertainment throughout the day. Call the Southie Shuttle for FREE transportation within South Boston, to [...]

15 09, 2016

SBAA September Meeting

2016-09-15T09:52:08-04:00September 15th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on SBAA September Meeting

The SBAA (South Boston Arts Association) held its monthly meeting last Saturday morning. As soon as SBAA President Dan McCole opened the meeting, it became immediately evident that community activity was a key topic. One important business item was the pursuit of a South Boston center for the arts – perhaps in one wing of the proposed new development on Summer Street, where the mothballed power plant now sits. Dan thanked Nancy Maggs for her striking poster about the mural painted by 11 SBAA artists on the Harry McDonough Sailing Center’s north. Look for yourself; it’s easily seen across Pleasure Bay. The SBAA’s new Public Relations Director, Janice Williams from Roslindale, was then introduced. Janice is pictured to the right in the photo above. She [...]

15 09, 2016

Ninety-One Year’s Young

2016-09-15T09:47:11-04:00September 15th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Ninety-One Year’s Young

"She’s older than the Michael" "J. Perkins Elementary School, and on January 10, 2017, will be celebrating her ninety-sec- ond birthday, with family and friends, at her home in the Old Colony Development. Her name is Frances Isabella Noto." "Frances is the daughter of the late Gaspere “Frank” Len- tini and Marie DeAmicis, who immigrated to America from Italy and found a home at Kemble Place in South Boston. Frances was the second young- est, named after her late sister and first born, who died at an early age. Frances’ three older brothers are deceased and died in their early sixties. Her sister Angie died at the age of 80, her sister Josephine passed away at the age of 91, Anne died at the age [...]

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