About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
22 06, 2016

SBAA Creates Boathouse Mural

2016-06-22T14:18:12-04:00June 22nd, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on SBAA Creates Boathouse Mural

Dan and Dennis, officers and members of the SBAA (South Boston Arts Association), execute a 9-foot by 30-foot mural on the northwest side of the boathouse at the Harry McDonough Sailing Center on Castle Island.  This mural, a very fitting nautical scene, is a replica of Irish artist John Skelton’s “Landing the Curragh”.  Such an effort is just one chapter in the SBAA’s mission:  Creating community art for the enjoyment and inspiration South Boston’s residents as well as its many visitors.

22 06, 2016

The “Fright Island” Proposal: Part II (It’s Still “NO!”)

2016-06-22T14:10:40-04:00June 22nd, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on The “Fright Island” Proposal: Part II (It’s Still “NO!”)

   Last week (on page two of our June 16 issue), South Boston Online editorialized against a proposal to hold 18 performances of a ticketed, for-profit Halloween event called “Fright Island” in Fort Independence on Castle Island.  “Fright Island” would be joint effort between local entrepreneurs and a Las Vegas event staging group; it would perhaps be somewhat similar to New Hampshire’s “Spooky World”; and it would take place annually for up to 18 years. The Massachusetts DCR (Department of Conservation and Resources) is backing “Fright Island” as a way to raise what it refers to as badly needed state funds to further the DCR’s mission.  On Saturday morning, June 18, DCR Commissioner Leo Roy, who was appointed by Governor Baker, addressed South Boston residents [...]

22 06, 2016

Paraclete Names Hall for McDevitt

2016-06-22T14:02:00-04:00June 22nd, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on Paraclete Names Hall for McDevitt

Last Friday, June 17, South Boston’s Paraclete Center named its main hall for benefactor Paul McDevitt, a man whose spirit indeed partakes of The Paraclete (you might have heard that Paul hasn’t been well).  The Paraclete’s yard was filled with Paul’s family and friends, pipes were sounded, and the naming ceremony began. Eileen DeMichele, Executive Director of the Paraclete Center opened and capably emceed the ceremony.  She welcomed those attending.  Father Cyril blessed the occasion, as well as the newly named McDevitt Hall.  Board Chair Joseph Harney formally dedicated the hall; Albert Kaneb paid a well-deserved tribute to his friend Paul McDevitt.  Mayor Martin J. Walsh delivered a brief speech in praise of Paul and his efforts.  There is that well-known cliché about “seeing grown [...]

22 06, 2016

South Boston Catholic Academy News

2016-06-22T13:51:21-04:00June 22nd, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy News

Congratulations to our 6Th Grade Students.  Your hard work and preference have paid off!  Our 6th grade students have been invited to attend serval prestigious schools for the 2016-2017 school year. Congratulations to our K2 Students who will be entering First Grade and to all our wonderful students for another great school year.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone, when we come back to school in September.  A happy and safe summer to all from all of us at South Boston Catholic Academy. South Boston Catholic Academy is an academically rigorous, supportive Catholic Elementary School accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEAS&C). South Boston Catholic Academy (www.sbcatholicacademy.org) is currently accepting applications for all classes PreSchool-Grade 6.  We have Before School [...]

16 06, 2016

Acknowledging Jonathan McCarthy

2016-06-16T12:19:10-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Acknowledging Jonathan McCarthy

On a monthly basis, the South Boston Neighborhood House, aka the Ollie, recognizes their youngsters by announcing two “Student Spotlight” winners. These young members are spotlighted for their good behavior, being kind, caring and considerate, being good students, as well as just being super kids overall. Jonathan McCarthy is one of the Ollie spotlight winners for May. Jonathan McCarthy, 9, is the son of Heather McCarthy. He has two sisters, Melissa and Hannah, and he loves his nephew Jayden. He has a kitten his sisters named Batman but he calls him Black Panther. Jonathan attends the Condon Elementary School which is located on D Street in South Boston. He’s in the third grade, his favorite subject is math, and someday wants to play in the [...]

16 06, 2016

City of Boston’s Outdoor Pools and Family Friendly Beach Open Saturday

2016-06-16T12:13:45-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on City of Boston’s Outdoor Pools and Family Friendly Beach Open Saturday

The City of Boston’s two outdoor pools, the BCYF Clougherty Pool in Charlestown and the BCYF Mirabella Pool in the North End are opening for the season this Saturday, June 18.  These pools, along with 15 others that are open year-round, are operated by Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) the City of Boston’s largest youth and human service agency .  The outdoor pools will remain open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to dusk (around 7 p.m.) until Labor Day.   Also opening Saturday is the City’s “Family Friendly Beach” at the BCYF Curley Community Center in South Boston. The beach will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends.  All [...]

16 06, 2016

South Boston Groups Win Grants for Beach Programs

2016-06-16T12:09:06-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on South Boston Groups Win Grants for Beach Programs

Ten groups from South Boston were awarded grants to support their programs this year. The BCYF Community Center received $5,000 to support their Beach Jam and additional summer programming, MASSKiting received $2,570 for their 2nd Annual International Kiteboarding Film Festival, the L Street Ice Swimmers received $1,000 to support the promotion of their programs, the South Boston Neighborhood House received $7,500 for their Family Fun Nights, the City Point Neighborhood Association received $1,500 to support the Pleasure Bay Arts Festival, the South Boston Leadership Initiative received $5,000 for the Youth Fitness Program Expansion at M Street Beach, South Boston Stars received $3,000 for the Youth Beach Boot Camp at Carson Beach, the Greater Boston YMCA received $8,500 for Swimming and Aquatics Lessons at Carson Beach, [...]

16 06, 2016

SBNH Flag Day and Flag-Raising Celebration

2016-06-16T12:04:09-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on SBNH Flag Day and Flag-Raising Celebration

On Tuesday, June 14 from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, South Boston Neighborhood House (SBNH) staff and members of the Senior Center celebrated Flag Day, as well as the raising our their own flag. SBNH Executive Director, Kathy Lafferty, opened the program with a Moment of Silence for all of the individuals impacted by the recent horrific tragedy in Orlando, Florida. Senator Linda Dorcena Forry (in absentia) and Representative Collins were then thanked for the support they give to the community and especially to our seniors. The SBNH staff is so grateful this year to have been approved in both the House and the Senate budget for a line item that will support their seniors and the work which SBNH staff members undertake at the [...]

16 06, 2016

Police Teach Tennis at Old Harbor

2016-06-16T11:54:34-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on Police Teach Tennis at Old Harbor

The Boston Police Department’s Frank Williams and Officer Roy (both are standing in the rear row) took time last Sunday to teach tennis on the court next to Old Harbor.  They are both from South Boston’s Station Six.  More than a dozen young athletes picked up racquets and tennis balls supplied by the BPD.  Everyone had a great time; a pizza supper followed.

16 06, 2016

South Boston Catholic Academy Students Have Fun At Field Day

2016-06-16T11:50:49-04:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy Students Have Fun At Field Day

The students from South Boston Catholic Academy, Grades K1-Grade 6 participated in their annual Field Day at Marine Park.  Most importantly, the weather held out!Fun was in the air as everyone participated in relay races, ball skill games and obstacle courses. After all the activity, it was nice and refreshing to have watermelon slush after the games.  Grades 1-6 kept score, and although only 3 teams received ribbons, every one of the participants were awarded with great sportsmanship, leadership and cooperation.  There was a tie for First Place.   Congratulations to First Place Teams The Ducks and The Tigers.  The Chimps came in Third Place.   It turned out to be a fun and wonderful day for all!

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