10 03, 2023

PKL Already a Big ‘Dill’ in South Boston

2023-03-10T13:18:36-05:00March 10th, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, Sports|Comments Off on PKL Already a Big ‘Dill’ in South Boston

By Ginger DeShaney PKL Boston is not just a pickleball facility. It’s a destination. A gathering place. A celebration waiting to happen.  “There’s somebody every day who is celebrating something and you get to be part of those moments,” said Katie Coakley, one of the owners of PKL at 64 C St. “That connection is what drives me; it's what brings me into work every day.” PKL opened in June 2022 and already thousands upon thousands of people have gone through its doors, including 20,000 unique pickleball players.  The 22,000-square-foot facility, which features amazing space monkey murals by BlindFoxArt throughout, houses five pickleball courts. For the hardcore pickleballers, there are leagues, tournaments, and open play. For beginners, PKL offers lessons, clinics, and mixers.  “It doesn’t [...]

8 03, 2023

It Takes a Community

2023-03-08T08:02:28-05:00March 8th, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured|Comments Off on It Takes a Community

Not every Boston neighborhood has a hotel and not every hotel has a Claudio Pereira as General Manager. The Cambria Hotel, across from Broadway Station has sweeping rooftop views of the city, restaurants, event space, and this inspired manager who has made South Boston home. “I like how friendly everyone is in South Boston, and there is a beach with volleyball and beautiful views.  I enjoy seeing the people who walk their dogs, and there is just a sense of community. I didn’t just want to work at the hotel, but to know the barber, grocery stores, and other businesses,” he said. “I knew in about a month in that I liked it better than New York City, and that’s a big deal, plus my [...]

4 03, 2023

South Boston Ambassador: Marisa Carlini: business owner, coach, teacher, volunteer

2023-03-04T12:27:02-05:00March 4th, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on South Boston Ambassador: Marisa Carlini: business owner, coach, teacher, volunteer

By Ginger DeShaney When you see Marisa Carlini in the neighborhood, she will likely have a smile on her face.  Whether in her shop (LUXE home interiors), coaching on the softball field or basketball court, or teaching at Miss Linda’s School of Dance, it’s important for Marisa to give back. “I care about kids; I love teaching them,” she said. “You walk out happy.”   Marisa played basketball and softball and was a dancer herself. So it was natural for her to help out in the community. Her kids, Chloe, 12, and Sadie, 13, have been going to Miss Linda’s forever. To give back, Marisa teaches 4- and 5-year-old dancers.  Her kids go to South Boston Catholic Academy and she coaches basketball there. She’s also involved [...]

23 02, 2023

Be Rebellious: Strength Training, Mental Health Focus of New South Boston Gym

2023-02-23T19:06:25-05:00February 23rd, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Be Rebellious: Strength Training, Mental Health Focus of New South Boston Gym

By Ginger DeShaney Rich Rowland wants you to rebel against the things that are bringing you down. Rich created Rebel Athletic Club “because I wanted people to rebel against a lot of the things that sort of either oppressed them in their minds or their ideas or what they see fitness as being.” His fitness philosophy is unique. “I think for a lot of people, they think of aesthetics: I need to lose weight. I want to look good. But the reality is, and the thing that I enjoy the most, is when people are working out, they're getting huge mental benefits from it, too. So to me, mental health equals physical health.” Rich believes that engaging in consistent workouts has a huge positive impact [...]

17 02, 2023

It’s All About Community: Bernie Nania

2023-02-17T10:40:28-05:00February 17th, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on It’s All About Community: Bernie Nania

By Carol Masshardt Bernard “Bernie” Nania has been seeing South Boston eyes for two decades.  As the optician at Two Opticians on West Broadway for the past 15 years he knows a thing or two about people, eyes, and products. “It’s a big deal when you need to see and can’t,” he said. “It can be your whole life. You can’t work, or get places, and people get into a panic. Not everyone has a spare pair of glasses,” he said. “I listen and never rush anyone.”  Every known scenario has come his way, and he meets them all with a calm philosophy. “I figure out what people need and let them know they have they options. Sometimes, they don’t think they have recourse if [...]

2 02, 2023

A New Point of View: Men’s Clothing Store Brings a Different Vibe to the Neighborhood

2023-02-02T19:09:00-05:00February 2nd, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on A New Point of View: Men’s Clothing Store Brings a Different Vibe to the Neighborhood

By Ginger DeShaney The Point Clothing Lounge is a slam dunk for Brendan Carter, a son of South Boston and a former college basketball player and coach. The recently opened shop at 135 Emerson St. carries high-quality men’s clothing and accessories, but it’s so much more than that. “We want it to be an experience,” said Brendan, the founder and CEO. “It's very homey,” said the son of Jean and Paul Carter, who have lived on East Sixth Street (in City Point, thus the store’s name) for 46 years. “You feel like you're in someone's apartment; that’s the vibe we’re trying to give off.” While neighborhood shops cater mostly to women, Brendan created a one-stop shop for men, offering clothes, accessories, skincare products, even wireless [...]

26 01, 2023

Have a Juicy Day: Bamboo Beach Brings Tropical Vibe to the Neighborhood

2023-01-26T14:15:17-05:00January 26th, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Have a Juicy Day: Bamboo Beach Brings Tropical Vibe to the Neighborhood

By Ginger DeShaney A visit to Tenerife in 2019 sparked a dream that Nicole Jankowski and Anxhelo Taho have now brought to life in South Boston.  “We had the best time and we were only there for three days, but it was so much fun,” Nicole said. On the last day, they found a juice cafe right on the water. “It was just beautiful,” Anxhelo added. “The atmosphere was great.” Nicole, who was 19 years old at the time, knew right then: “We need to take this home because I don't know of any place like that.”  Bamboo Beach Juice Bar opened Thursday, Jan. 26, at 687 E. Second St. in South Boston. The shop features juices, smoothies, acai bowls, wellness shots, and three types [...]

23 01, 2023

South Boston Real Estate Recap: Interest Rates Cause Transaction Numbers to Plummet

2023-01-23T18:31:28-05:00January 23rd, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News, Real Estate|Comments Off on South Boston Real Estate Recap: Interest Rates Cause Transaction Numbers to Plummet

 By Ginger DeShaney  Interest rates are wreaking havoc on the real estate market. In South Boston, real estate transactions in 2022 were down 34 percent from 2021, but at the same time, median prices have increased, said a longtime South Boston realtor. In 2021, there were 933 transactions; in 2022, that number was down to 615, of which 467 were condos.  “It’s not shocking given what happened with the interest rates spiking up,” said Jackie Rooney, broker/owner of Rooney Real Estate. “The interest rate is the main culprit.” Sales volume of condos and single-family and multi-family homes is down almost $300 million in 2022, Rooney said, noting that almost 40 percent of that amount came in the fourth quarter. Increasing median prices are a testament [...]

19 01, 2023

Local Artist’s Cards, Custom Pieces Inspire Big Feelings

2023-01-19T18:15:18-05:00January 19th, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Local Artist’s Cards, Custom Pieces Inspire Big Feelings

By Ginger DeShaney Becca McGovern makes little things that inspire big feelings. Maker / Scholar, her South Boston small business, is guided by this mission. And so is Becca. “My family has a special tradition of making even the everyday ordinary things a holiday, and I've tried to bring that mentality into my small business,” said Becca McGovern, the artist behind Maker / Scholar. By day, Becca is a senior product marketing manager for Upside, a tech company. By night and weekends, Becca creates greeting cards, custom art, and accessories for her small business. “I was taught very early just to make things special … a random day could be a holiday or celebration,” Becca said. Her grandma lived with Becca’s family in Weymouth for [...]

5 01, 2023

CAN-do Attitude: Photo Sparks a New Passion Project for Local Candlemaker

2023-01-05T18:32:56-05:00January 5th, 2023|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on CAN-do Attitude: Photo Sparks a New Passion Project for Local Candlemaker

By Ginger DeShaney A photo of vintage beer cans started Devon McGinty on a creative journey that now provides her with a therapeutic outlet. “These are really cool looking,” Devon said about the beer cans in the photo she saw on SOWA’s Instagram page in 2020. She has always liked vintage and retro things. So she went and bought the cans, not knowing what she would do with them.  “I was brainstorming and I just came up with the idea of making candles out of that,” she said. “I like retro vintage mixed with modern and I just think it's a really cool way to keep things modern but also pay tribute to older things.” The only thing was, she’d never made a candle. So [...]

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