6 10, 2022

JCALPRO Scholarship Winners Poised to Make a Difference

2022-10-06T17:35:20-04:00October 6th, 2022|Categories: Education, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on JCALPRO Scholarship Winners Poised to Make a Difference

By Ginger DeShaney Two outstanding Boston students who are going to make a difference in this world were awarded $2,500 JCALPRO scholarships.  Madison Rull and Angelica Angulo were presented with big checks at the 22nd South Boston Street Fest on Sept. 17. Awarding the scholarships – in honor of Dave Wilson and Floyd Jones, two members of the JCALPRO family – is a way for the company to give back to the South Boston community for all its support. Madison Rull of South Boston, who graduated from the Newman School, is a freshman at Merrimack College where she is double majoring in Early Childhood Education and Human Development and Services. Madison’s parents were drug addicts and life was not easy. After many tumultuous years, and [...]

19 09, 2022

Outdoor Art Series Returns to Rec Station

2022-09-19T16:12:26-04:00September 19th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Outdoor Art Series Returns to Rec Station

By Ginger DeShaney The outdoor Recreation Station Art Series is back for its second season at the Pappas Way greenspace and it is drawing repeat customers.  Felicity and Sarah Cooper participated in art events last year and are excited for this year’s offerings. They participated in the fabric painting class with artist Susana McDonnell on a recent Saturday afternoon.  “It’s fun,” Felicity said. “We’re learning a new skill and get to be outside,” Sarah added.  The duo likes that the series exposes them to different types of art and materials. “The instructors are really great. It’s a nice setting by the water. There’s a breeze,” Sarah said. “They provide everything you need. It’s nice.” Felicity and Sarah are hoping to participate in the next two [...]

18 09, 2022

Look Who’s Cooking! Gabe Branch

2022-09-18T18:21:54-04:00September 18th, 2022|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Look Who’s Cooking! Gabe Branch

By Carol Masshardt  An artist from Sioux City, Iowa, Gabriel (Gabe) Branch, is also a serious and experienced cook and the new Chef at Gray’s Hall on East Broadway. His creativity and thoughtfulness seem a particularly good match for this popular and mature small plate and wine bar, and it all started when he was eleven years old. “My friend’s dad was a member of the Elks, and they needed help, so I started busing. From there I worked at a pizza place for seven years, and then in Iowa City, I was a dishwasher, then started cooking, and was a line cook at a dinner. I also studied painting, photography, sculpture, and still like art, but I took this route in a sort of [...]

18 09, 2022

South Boston Street Fest Provides Full Day of Fun

2022-09-18T13:02:50-04:00September 18th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on South Boston Street Fest Provides Full Day of Fun

By Rick Winterson The 22nd South Boston Street Fest provided five full hours of non-stop festivities. Between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday, more than 80 local artists, merchants, and South Boston organizations of all kinds attracted thousands of visitors from all over South Boston and the surrounding communities. Dozens of booths lined East Broadway between the blocks of I and L streets, along with a small curlicue onto K Street to complete this lineup. Shopping, great food, many children’s activities, and continuous live entertainment on two stages were offered by the Fest. Led by the South Boston Chamber of Commerce and the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation (SBNDC), a number of agencies, businesses, and generous individuals had come forward to support the Fest’s activities.  [...]

16 09, 2022

GOAL! South Boston Soccer League Kicks Off Season

2022-09-16T14:28:58-04:00September 16th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, Sports|Comments Off on GOAL! South Boston Soccer League Kicks Off Season

By Ginger DeShaney It was a full-circle moment for some parents last week as the upstart South Boston Soccer League kicked off its first season with a meet-and-greet and parade at Moakley Park. When Jean Matthews was a kid, she played for South Boston Youth Soccer, which has been revitalized as the South Boston Soccer League. Now she’s getting her 6-year-old son, Ryan, into it. “I love it,” said Jean, who played soccer until she was 21. “It’s good for the kids.”  Ryan added, “It’s great.” Jack Feeney also played SB Youth Soccer. “I used to do it when I was a little kid. I'm excited for him to do it,” he said about his 3-year-old son.  Jack got friendship and great memories from his [...]

15 09, 2022

Friday Night Lights: Youth Flag Football League Brings Community Together

2022-09-15T19:21:47-04:00September 15th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, Sports|Comments Off on Friday Night Lights: Youth Flag Football League Brings Community Together

By Ginger DeShaney The football action was fast and fierce. The cheering was thunderous. The girls and boys were having a blast on the field and parents couldn’t contain their enthusiasm on the sidelines. The electric atmosphere of Friday Night Lights has come to South Boston, thanks to Allison Baker and her hard-working team. Friday Night Lights, the brand-new Kickoff For Kids Youth Flag Football League, has 230 boys and girls ages 6-13 on 16 teams. There’s a girls’ division (ages 7-13), peewee boys (6-8), and junior boys (9-13).   “It’s fun to watch,” said dad and peewee coach David Byrne. “It’s a community feel with the parents. It really brings everyone together and strengthens the community.” While Allison was out and about Saturday after opening [...]

11 09, 2022

Honoring Our Heroes: Boston’s Tunnel to Towers 5K Remembers Those Lost on 9/11

2022-09-11T14:58:59-04:00September 11th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Honoring Our Heroes: Boston’s Tunnel to Towers 5K Remembers Those Lost on 9/11

By Ginger DeShaney The Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk in South Boston today, Sept. 11, had significant meaning for those who participated. “It was one of those days in our country where everyone remembered where they were,” said runner Joe Trecarichi. “Our country stopped. Out of tragedy we found the strength to come back.” The event was all about honoring heroic first responders, he said. Courtney Sheppeck and Michelle Hynes run every Sunday, so when they heard about the Tunnel to Towers 5K, they signed up. Michelle’s husband is a first responder and she said the race was a way to honor all first responders and to remember 9/11. “I felt like I was doing something for our community,” Michelle said. John Dion, [...]

9 09, 2022

South Boston Lithuanian Club Makes Comeback After COVID

2022-09-09T10:46:34-04:00September 9th, 2022|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on South Boston Lithuanian Club Makes Comeback After COVID

By Ginger DeShaney Back in the day, the South Boston Lithuanian Club was the place to be. Today, with $1 million in renovations, the Club president is hoping it will regain that status. “The Club has been here forever,” said president Joe Austras. “But COVID shut us down.”  Renovations were already under way at the Club, also known as the South Boston Lithuanian Citizens’ Association, before the pandemic hit. Beautiful ADA-accessible bathrooms were put in on the fourth floor.  When COVID hit and shut everything down, the Club decided to expand its renovation. “We decided, let’s take advantage of being shut down.” The main hall on the fourth floor was revamped. A permanent bar replaced a portable bar, and with input from caterers, an amazing [...]

1 09, 2022

Moving Season: Despite Better Timing, It’s Still a Tough Week for Locals

2022-09-01T14:33:21-04:00September 1st, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News, Real Estate|Comments Off on Moving Season: Despite Better Timing, It’s Still a Tough Week for Locals

By Ginger DeShaney The Sept. 1 lease cycle puts a lot of pressure on our neighborhood – from clogged traffic and mounds and mounds of trash, to long lines at local businesses. But because the move-out (Aug. 31) and move-in dates fall midweek, we may have gotten a bit of a reprieve this year.  Jackie Rooney, broker/owner of Rooney Real Estate in South Boston, said some tenants couldn’t take time off during the week, so they were able to move out last weekend. “That works a little bit better in the sense that the move-out, the move-in are not all concentrated on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. It’s a little more gradual this year.” Historically, the Sept. 1 cycle was put in place in areas [...]

19 08, 2022

Round Table Garden Update

2022-08-19T09:42:57-04:00August 19th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Round Table Garden Update

For your information, South Boston is the home of a special and unique organization.  The founder of this organization is a local resident, George Benner.  George established it more than a dozen years ago in 2008, and he named it the “Round Table”.  If you think you remember that the first Round Table was part of the stories about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, you are absolutely correct. In George’s case, South Boston’s Round Table is devoted to gardening – yes, gardening.  The Round Table’s gardens are located in and around the Mary Ellen McCormack Project, between Old Colony/Columbia and Dorchester Avenue.  These gardens have one, single purpose:  the harvesting of nourishing vegetables that are available for free to residents of [...]

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