7 03, 2025

Councilor Flynn Calls for City and Boston Police Oversight for TNCs (Uber/Lyft)

2025-03-07T07:18:15-05:00March 7th, 2025|Categories: Education, Featured, News|Comments Off on Councilor Flynn Calls for City and Boston Police Oversight for TNCs (Uber/Lyft)

At this week’s Boston City Council meeting, Councilor Ed Flynn filed an order for a hearing to discuss the regulation on Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) by the City of Boston and the Boston Police Department (BPD), following an alleged sexual assault on a young woman in a rideshare last week in South Boston. Although TNCs are currently regulated at the state level under the MA Department of Public Utilities, Councilor Flynn called for the City of Boston and Boston Police Department to provide oversight at the municipal level, including a personal registration and fee to operate, fingerprinting, and an extensive background check. Discussions on prohibiting out-of-state operators is warranted, as well as TNCs being placed under the purview of Boston Police - similar to taxis [...]

7 02, 2025

Important New VERTEX Painkiller Is Approved

2025-02-07T10:17:01-05:00February 7th, 2025|Categories: Business, Education, Featured, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Important New VERTEX Painkiller Is Approved

By Rick Winterson  Vertex Pharmaceuticals is a worldwide biotechnology corporation. It was founded 35 years ago in Cambridge.  It has now established its global headquarters on Fan Pier in South Boston’s Seaport District. In addition, Vertex has international headquarters in London along with commercial branches and research sites in continental Europe, Australia, Latin America, the Middle East, and other points in North America.  More specifically, in its location at 50 Northern Avenue, Vertex is an integral part of South Boston’s Innovation District.  And Vertex has been truly innovative. In January of this year, Vertex announced that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) had just approved a recently developed Vertex product – it’s a new type of painkiller Vertex has named “Journavx.” According to trade/technical journals [...]

6 12, 2024

Sports Hall of Fame Awards Record-Breaking 21 Scholarships

2024-12-06T10:03:29-05:00December 6th, 2024|Categories: Education, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Sports Hall of Fame Awards Record-Breaking 21 Scholarships

A  record-breaking 21 scholarships were awarded by the South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund at its annual scholarship award ceremony Nov. 29 at the Curley Community Center. Twenty high school seniors and one 8th-grader received the awards that included one non-degree scholarship for a trade school and one $5,000 Scholar-Athlete scholarship given in honor of late founder and Board leader Ed Buccigross. Since its inception as a nonprofit in 1995, the South Boston Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship Trust Fund has awarded 270 students with scholarships totaling $466,000. The success is due to the support of the Boston community, vital sponsors, and local Boston businesses and organizations. Congratulations to the 2024 award winners! LEFTERIS MARKOS. It’s one thing to organize an event, it’s [...]

20 11, 2024

Elected Officials Opposition to BlueBikes Expansion in South Boston

2024-11-20T10:20:19-05:00November 20th, 2024|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Elected Officials Opposition to BlueBikes Expansion in South Boston

Dear Chief Franklin-Hodge and Commissioner Gove, We are writing to you today to express our concerns and opposition to the expansion of 7-14 BlueBikes stations in South Boston and the South Boston Waterfront. As we understand it, earlier this year, the administration announced 100 new BlueBikes stations throughout the City. South Boston neighbors and civic groups have contacted us to convey that they do not see the demand that would require expansion on that scale, especially when all new Article 80, Large and Small project, multi-family proposals are required by the City to have BlueBikes stations on site. As our offices have said many times to Boston Transportation Department (BTD) staff in both internal and community meetings, it is critical that the city be mindful [...]

19 11, 2024

28 Bluebike Stations in South Boston

2024-11-19T09:09:46-05:00November 19th, 2024|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on 28 Bluebike Stations in South Boston

A presentation entitled “Bluebikes Open House” took place in the Tynan Community Center.  It was presented by Kim Foltz, the Senior Bike Share & Active Transportation Planner in the City of Boston’s so-called “Streets Cabinet”, along with her crew of three assistants.  More information about the Streets Cabinet can be obtained on the Boston.gov internet. The objectives of the Bluebike Open House were three in number: 1.- Present information on the need to expand; 2.- List potential sites for new Bluebike rental stations; 3.- Ask for opinions on the best places in South Boston for these stations to be installed. The Open House presented diagrams of 28 possible new Bluebike stations in South Boston.  Fourteen locations were in the residential/small business area of South Boston; [...]

1 11, 2024

Restaurant Industry Advocates for “No” on Question 5

2024-11-01T09:57:34-04:00November 1st, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Restaurant Industry Advocates for “No” on Question 5

As Massachusetts approaches a critical vote, restaurant owners, employees, and industry advocates are rallying against Question 5. This legislation, called Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers, and introduced by an out-of-state activist group, would dramatically shift tipping policies for restaurant workers. While advocates argue the law aims to guarantee a $15 minimum wage for tipped workers, industry professionals warn that it could lead to higher menu prices, job losses, and a decline in service standards. “We weathered a massive storm through the pandemic,” said Roza Lyons owner Rob Fitzharris, whose restaurant hosted a press conference with Senator Nick Collins on Tuesday. “To do this to the bar and restaurant industry now, it's going to have a very negative effect on our survival. “Ultimately, if you ask [...]

10 10, 2024

Councilors Flynn, Murphy Filed Resolution in Support of ILA

2024-10-10T09:30:16-04:00October 10th, 2024|Categories: Business, Featured, News|Comments Off on Councilors Flynn, Murphy Filed Resolution in Support of ILA

BOSTON, OCT. 9 -- At this week’s Boston City Council Meeting, City Councilors Ed Flynn and Erin Murphy filed a resolution in support of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA). The ILA is the largest union of maritime workers in North America and represents 45,000 members. Last week, they went on strike against the U.S. Marine Alliance (USMX) due to a labor dispute regarding fair wages, safe working conditions, and protections against automation. At midnight last Tuesday, dockworkers at 36 ports along the East and Gulf Coasts went on strike against the USMX, an alliance of container shipping lines and port operators, after contract negotiations between the ILA and USMX reached an impasse. The ILA was seeking wage increases on par with West Coast workers, as [...]

10 09, 2024

Rick Winterson Honored

2024-09-10T10:48:51-04:00September 10th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Rick Winterson Honored

By Carol Masshardt Spoke Gallery celebrated their supporter, long-time board member, champion of many non-profits and writer, actor, scientist and neighbor, Rick Winterson at No Man’s Land on August 22, 2024. The urban landscape, really a swatch of land once ruefully overgrown and neglected just behind the high school, and now transformed, was an enchanted and fitting place to honor Rick with youth writing and art adorning the walls and trees. “I’m extremely grateful for this recognition,” said Rick, ever an astute observer, in his brief comments, “but my modest contribution has been multiplied so many times over by Medicine Wheel/Spoke. Look at the young people tonight and their art. It is really something. The gratitude goes to Spoke for what they have done.” Unlikely [...]

21 08, 2024

Erin Murphy Humbly Seeking Your Support

2024-08-21T09:28:19-04:00August 21st, 2024|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Erin Murphy Humbly Seeking Your Support

Dear Fellow Suffolk County Residents, I am Erin Murphy, and I am humbly seeking your support in the upcoming Primary Election on Tuesday, September 3rd. Over the past three years, it has been both an honor and a privilege to serve the vibrant and diverse communities of our great City as your At-Large City Councilor. I want to share with you why I am the best choice for Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court for Suffolk County.  A Record of Results: During my time as a legislator on the Boston City Council, I have been dedicated to delivering tangible results for our neighborhoods. I have consistently lifted the voices of my neighbors and championed important causes that directly impact our community. From advocating for better [...]

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