28 12, 2017

Reebok Brings Christmas to 25 Drydock

2017-12-28T10:14:05-05:00December 28th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Reebok Brings Christmas to 25 Drydock

by Rick Winterson   About two months ago (in our October 26 issue, page 12) South Boston Online welcomed the Reebok Store to South Boston’s Innovation and Design Building at 25 Drydock Avenue.  Last Wednesday evening, as the Winter Solstice approached, Reebok opened its doors to 50 young people from South Boston’s Boys & Girls Club and its Condon School on D Street, who arrived in a bus promptly at 5 p.m.  Then, each of these young people lined up and received a brand new pair of Reebok sneakers.  It was a joyful and affecting Christmas event. The Boston Police Department’s Station C-6 on West Broadway arranged this event with Reebok’s Kyle Gordon, Senior Manager (Retail B2B & Events).  On hand to oversee the festivities [...]

28 12, 2017

Onward to a Beautiful Schools Movement in South Boston

2017-12-28T10:09:09-05:00December 28th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Onward to a Beautiful Schools Movement in South Boston

By Richard Campbell It is admirable that Boston mayor Martin Walsh pledged to spend 1 billion to recreate Boston school architecture starting in January 2017. Advancing from preliminary studies of 2015-2017, the community may soon know in great detail the kinds of new buildings that are being designed for the future. Mayor Walsh in his December 13th announcement outlined the first three schools in neighborhoods outside of South Boston slated for improvements: The Carter School, Boston Arts Academy, and The Josiah Quincy Upper School.   We will probably hear more details about school building plans in the new year. These three projects augment the new buildings already slated in other locales than South Boston: Dearborn STEM Early College Academy in Roxbury, designed by Jonathan Levi, projected [...]

28 12, 2017

Successful Christmas dinner, Despite Storm

2017-12-28T10:06:25-05:00December 28th, 2017|Categories: Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Successful Christmas dinner, Despite Storm

by Rick Winterson   Christmas morning was a storm-caused white-out.  We had finally a white Christmas in South Boston - so white that it became hazardous.  Even so, Christmas Dinner volunteers showed up in St. Monica Hall to prepare, cook, serve, and deliver the Annual McDonnell/Kelley Christmas Dinners for more than 300 people.  What a great bunch! As always, spirits were high.  There was a constant buzz of humor and good cheer.  Given the driving conditions on Christmas morning, perhaps a special Southie shout-out should go to those who volunteered their time and their cars to do the deliveries.  But everyone pitched in – there’s a Christmas message there for certain, especially in highly critical times like these.  “Feed my lambs.” At the end, John [...]

21 12, 2017

Craft Boston Holiday Reveals Accomplished National Artists

2017-12-21T16:52:09-05:00December 21st, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Craft Boston Holiday Reveals Accomplished National Artists

By Richard Campbell Surely one of the most spectacularly staged art events during the holiday season is the annual Craft Boston Holiday Show held at the Hynes Convention Center. Sponsored by the Society of Arts and Crafts, (head quartered in the Seaport District). The lavish presentation was quite an abundant fine art gift collection.  From pottery to woodwork, jewelry and fabric arts, to fashion and household designer furniture, strolling through the vast displays revealed quite a lot of treasure. It is impossible to leave that show without buying something.  The level of artistry displayed by over 100 artists who were selling their works would put most ordinary craft festivals to shame. The majority of this craft show contained heirloom quality art work, and many works [...]

21 12, 2017

Seaport Building Continues: Adding Omni Brand Major Hotel

2017-12-21T10:17:26-05:00December 21st, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Seaport Building Continues: Adding Omni Brand Major Hotel

By Richard Campbell This past week the Boston Planning Development Agency approved a new Omni Hotel across from the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.  The hotel has two 21 story towers, 1,054 rooms, and encompasses 788,500 sq. ft.   It is designed by the monster international firm Elkus / Manfredi Architects.  As readers might imagine, this is a massive hotel complex that includes generous 40,000 feet of street facing retail space, parking and landscaped areas.  The land on which the hotel is being built is owned by MassPort, with project development by David Cos. Elkus / Manfredi is known in this district for its many building designs from the Fan Pier gateway to the waterfront including One Marina Park, Fan Pier Boulevard’s Vertex headquarters, Liberty Wharf, [...]

21 12, 2017

Children’s Museum “Snowmazing” Amazes

2017-12-21T16:56:19-05:00December 21st, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Children’s Museum “Snowmazing” Amazes

The Children’s Museum on Congress Street in South Boston sets a worldwide example for the learning experiences (and the fun) with their exhibits.  The Museum has embarked upon its year-end school break program called “Snowmazing”.  Stop by from December 26 to December 30.   by Rick Winterson      “Snowmazing”, the winter exhibition at the Children’s Museum is, well, amazing, as is the entire Museum itself, known worldwide as a leader in meeting young peoples’ needs and interests. This writer was conducted on a guided tour of the Museum by Jo-Anne Baxter, Director of Public Relations, last week, starting with “Snowmazing”, which includes some of the most eye-catching, popular exhibits there. Skate with your socks on, at an inside “Snowmazing” skating rink surfaced with slippery, [...]

21 12, 2017

Conroy’s Last Plunge

2017-12-21T10:10:19-05:00December 21st, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on Conroy’s Last Plunge

by Rick Winterson      The 2018 Polar Plunge, perhaps the longest continuous annual custom and event in South Boston, will happen on Monday morning, January 1 (of course), at 9 a.m.  The location – the Curley Community Center (a.k.a. “The L”) on Day Boulevard at the foot of L Street, on the K Street Beach side.    South Boston’s historic Polar Plunge has been a faithfully followed local custom for over 115 years – at least since 1901.  Our hometown’s Plunge is the oldest in the country.  Very possibly, South Boston residents took part in unrecorded Plunges going all the way back to the Civil War.  Soldiers in that years-long conflict learned the value of sanitary habits, including bathing; they brought these health-giving customs [...]

21 12, 2017

BPS Tries Damage Control On School Start Times

2017-12-21T19:27:19-05:00December 21st, 2017|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on BPS Tries Damage Control On School Start Times

Three Hour Meeting Held at Condon School By Richard Campbell Students and parents of the Boston Public Schools were activated into respectful protest Tuesday night at the Condon School in South Boston over the ham handed moves by the BPS Board’s to change start times for elementary and secondary students- seemingly with little regard to parent’s opposition to major aspects of the plan. The community at the Condon School was in unanimous agreement about the efficacy of changing times for students. Expressed in so many ways by many people the consensus was: “Please don’t do this, it will ruin our lives.” While the decision to move older adolescent kids to later start times had a slightly better reception, the concept of completely disturbing the lives [...]

15 12, 2017

“Toys for Tots” in South Boston

2017-12-15T12:15:03-05:00December 15th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on “Toys for Tots” in South Boston

by Rick Winterson   You have surely seen and heard of the “Toys for Tots” program, first founded by Major Bill Hendricks, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, and his wife Diane.  Actually, the idea occurred to Diane, after she had unsuccessfully tried to find a way to get Christmas toys to needy children. Just as a reminder, here are a few remarkable facts and figures describing “Toys for Tots”.  In this Year of Our Lord 2017, “Toys for Tots” has turned 70 – Diane and Bill Hendricks began it in 1947.  If you would like to see a heart-warming sight, take the elevator to the Eighth Floor of South Boston’s Design & Innovation Building at 21 Drydock Avenue by the Flynn Terminal.  You’ll see an entire [...]

15 12, 2017

“For Now” Opens

2017-12-15T12:11:51-05:00December 15th, 2017|Categories: News|Comments Off on “For Now” Opens

by Rick Winterson      “For Now”, located at 68 Seaport Boulevard on the edge of One Seaport’s Courthouse Square, is a retail incubator.  Inside “For Now”, there are thirteen - Lucky 13 - small pop-up shops, which take many forms - racks, steps, shelves, pegboards, tabletops, and mannequins.  Each one of these is really a small business of its own, featuring elegant, enticing crafted goods. It is the concept of the “For Now” proprietors, Katharine ReQua and Kaity Cimo, that small but creative businesses belonging to craftspeople can pilot their wares in a real-life, bricks-and-mortar marketplace at “For Now”.  They can then move on, after one, or two, or three months, to achieve their own independent e-commerce success.  But they are here for, well, [...]

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