8 06, 2017

Excel High School Events

2017-06-08T10:33:52-04:00June 8th, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Excel High School Events

As the school year comes to a close, Excel High School held two events in the past week.  Sports Night took place on Thursday evening, May 31 in the school assembly hall.  The various teams and coaches were called to the stage by Mr. Brandon Arthur and other staff members and presented awards and certificates.  The annual Knight Award for overall excellence was presented to senior Claudia Camacho.  The students and staff gave a hearty round of applause to Headmaster Stephanie Sibley as she ends six years leading the school.  She was presented a framed jersey.  The prom took place on Friday evening, June 1 at Lombardos in Randolph.  Many car-pooled in long dresses and tuxedos, arriving around 7 p.m. for an evening of dinner and dancing [...]

8 06, 2017

Save the Harbor Awards SB with Grants For Free Beach Programs

2017-06-08T10:17:43-04:00June 8th, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Save the Harbor Awards SB with Grants For Free Beach Programs

Save the Harbor/Save the Bay awarded more than $55,000 in Better Beaches Program Grants to support more than 40 free beach events and activities on the Boston Harbor region’s public beaches this summer in a ceremony on Boston’s Fish Pier on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017. Among the 27 organizations from Nahant to Nantasket that received grants this year were five with programs in South Boston. BCYF Curley Community Center received $3500 for the Curley Community Center Summer Series, Mass Kiting received $1000 for the 3rd Annual International Kite Surfing Film Festival, South Boston Neighborhood House received $3500 for Family Fun Nights on the Beach and Olliepalooza, Greater Boston YMCA received $2500 for free swimming lessons at Carson Beach, and YES received $1767 for their program Outdoor Adventure: [...]

8 06, 2017

Life Is Good Kids Foundation Comes to South Boston

2017-06-08T10:03:15-04:00June 8th, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Life Is Good Kids Foundation Comes to South Boston

by Rick Winterson An important issue has been simmering in South Boston for a long time. It was emphatically brought into the open earlier this year of 2017 at a meeting of the South Boston Association of Non-Profits (SBANP). The members of SBANP spoke loudly and clearly that “Trauma” – especially childhood trauma – should become an essential focus of the SBANP mission here in South Boston. You may well ask how much of an effect trauma has on South Boston’s young people. From a non-medical, lay person’s standpoint, an accurate, meaningful answer is “a lot!” Poverty, violence, lack of good parenting, and neighborhood bullying can all be traumatic to children. And no one in South Boston has to be told that we have substance [...]

1 06, 2017

Out Across Space & Time: Kennedy Museum Guests Nail the Value of NASA

2017-07-20T16:49:15-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on Out Across Space & Time: Kennedy Museum Guests Nail the Value of NASA

By Richard Campbell As part of the 100th anniversary celebration of the birth of John F. Kennedy, the astronaut and engineer guest speakers for this past Sunday at Space Exploration Day came well prepared to deliver. “We choose to go to Mars…” said Chief astronaut Christopher Cassidy, echoing Kennedy’s famous inspirational speech that launched the space program. And when space electrical engineer Su Curley detailed the operational aspects of the modern day space suit with vivid demonstrations, there was no question: American astronauts are in good hands. These are skilled ambassadors for NASA with a gold mine of personal experiences to relate. Starting with a video feed from astronaut Jack Fischer on the international space station, multiple hands on scientific demonstrations, to fascinating stories of [...]

1 06, 2017

Fitzgerald Post’s 2017 Wreath Laying Ceremony

2017-06-01T10:47:12-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Fitzgerald Post’s 2017 Wreath Laying Ceremony

by Rick Winterson Last Sunday, May 28, the Thomas F. Fitzgerald Post, VFW No. 561 (Veterans of Foreign Wars) conducted its annual Memorial Day ceremony. This involved a solemn laying of the 2017 ceremonial wreath at the South Boston Vietnam Memorial - the nation’s first such memorial – in Medal of Honor (M Street) Park. The event was led by Ed Flynn, Commander of the Post. Occurring exactly 100 years after the U.S. entered World War I in 1917, it seemed that this year’s wreath laying was especially significant. World War I was called “The war to end all wars” soon after it ended. In part, this was due to many weapons of war that were used for the first time – gas warfare, the [...]

1 06, 2017

Tim ‘Doc” Cook Memorialized

2017-06-01T10:34:56-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Tim ‘Doc” Cook Memorialized

by Rick Winterson Sunday morning on May 21, there was the 8 a.m. Memorial Mass at St. Brigid Church for Timothy John Cook – Tim “Doc” Cook – who was a Corpsman in the Marines in Iraq. Afterward, the Timothy “Doc” Cook Foundation awarded three $1,000 scholarships in his name. This event, the Fourth Annual, took place in St. Brigid Hall. Thomas Casper, Eric Lopes, and James McDonnell were the three scholarship recipients. “Doc” was a hero in many ways – one of them, a highly unusual way. He was a Corpsman who brought medical care to the wounded on the battlefield, under actual hazardous combat conditions. In addition, he noticed that the ambulances for transporting the wounded away from the battleground were inadequate. They [...]

1 06, 2017

A Street Park Dedicated

2017-06-01T10:26:19-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on A Street Park Dedicated

The A Street Park is another small green gem in South Boston, nestled in the ell formed by the State Street Building and the new parking garage. It has gentle grass slopes, curving pathways, and plenty of playing surfaces for those proverbial “children of all ages” who live in South Boston. A crowd of perhaps 100 or more showed up for a coffee-and-doughnuts mid-morning fete, on one of the few sunny May days we’ve had recently. In his remarks, Mayor Marty Walsh spoke of “green space” plans, echoing the “Emerald Necklace” concept of Frederick Law Olmstead 150 years ago. With Councilor-at-Large Michael Flaherty and Rep. Nick Collins, and accompanied by a boy named Jack, Walsh unveiled the Park’s sign.

1 06, 2017

Collaborative Rededication June 6

2017-06-01T10:22:28-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Collaborative Rededication June 6

Joseph Nee was an “Angel”, an angel nicknamed “Dodo” – the kind of angel one finds only in South Boston. You’d see him everywhere, enjoying himself and urging everyone else to have a good time, too. But behind the scenes, Dodo was a quiet, effective, non-stop mover-and-shaker for the good of our community. That was especially true of the South Boston Collaborative Center. Join us Tuesday evening, June 6, at 6 p.m. for the rededication of the Collaborative Center in Dodo’s name, immediately followed by a reception celebrating his life at The Lawn on D. by Rick Winterson The South Boston Collaborative Center was established in the mid-1990s to combat the epidemic of drug-related, teenaged suicides plaguing the South Boston community. Joseph Nee, more frequently [...]

1 06, 2017

Andrew Square Station: Ready for a Reboot!

2017-07-20T16:56:12-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Business, Featured, News|Comments Off on Andrew Square Station: Ready for a Reboot!

By Richard Campbell One T worker told me: “the wheel that squeaks gets the grease.”  Well, now I’m squeaking.  Riders of the MBTA may have noticed a number of station upgrades: some quite extravagant, others very long running.  I believe it is our turn. As any rider of the MBTA knows there is considerable inequality of care across stations of the transit system.  For if you are in the tonier neighborhoods, let’s use Arlington street stop in Back Bay as an example, your station will be manicured very carefully so as not to offend the high end clientele.  But when you reach certain less desirable neighborhoods, well the condition and cleanliness can take a plunge. Shouldn’t there be consistent standards? Riders may also notice the [...]

1 06, 2017

Six South Boston students graduate from Archbishop Williams high School 

2017-06-01T10:07:38-04:00June 1st, 2017|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Six South Boston students graduate from Archbishop Williams high School 

Six Archbishop Williams High School students from South Boston were among the 124 graduates at the Braintree school’s 65th Commencement Exercises on Thursday, May 25. Front from left: Deirdre Grealy, Baileigh McCarthy, Jaelyn Kenneally. Rear: Brendan Toland, Matthew Hogan. Not shown: Christian Roche.

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