The State Election is TUESDAY, November 8, 2022. If you are a registered voter, you can still vote early at City Hall on Friday, November 4.  Check it out at voting.And if you are still in doubt about Mid-term Elections, we suggest that you think about the four questions on the 2022 Mid-term Election ballot:

1.- Additional tax on income over one million ($1,000,000) dollars:

   A YES vote would authorize that tax, which could raise an additional $1-2 billion for schools and transportation but there are two things to consider – first, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has an estimated tax surplus right now of roughly $5 billion; second, the State Constitution forbids a graduated (stepwise) income tax.  Do we need to raise more tax money right now?  Is a tax that cuts in stepwise at $1 million a “graduated’ tax that could be unconstitutional?

   A NO vote keeps the tax structure as it is now.

2.- Regulation of dental insurance:

   A YES vote would require an 83% use of dental insurance premiums to pay claims; a NO vote would keep claim payments as they are now.

  3.- Add more package-liquor sales licenses:

   A YES vote would greatly expand packaged, off-premise liquor sales by allowing additional stores, outlets, and retailers to obtain the necessary licenses

   A NO vote would keep retail package store licenses as they are now.

4.- Driver’s license eligibility:

   A YES vote would keep the existing, recently passed law that allows driver’s licenses to be issued to residents who cannot prove they are in the U.S. lawfully – including illegal immigrants.

   A NO vote would repeal that licensing law.