About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
3 03, 2022

Growing Concern: Fort Point Residents Fight to Save Trees from Demolition

2022-03-03T19:50:27-05:00March 3rd, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Growing Concern: Fort Point Residents Fight to Save Trees from Demolition

Fort Point residents Rocco Giuliano and Philip Manna are working to save the 39 honey locust trees slated to be bulldozed on the site of Related Beal’s proposed ChannelSide development. Incorporating signs with tree facts, banners, and prayer flags, the duo from the 249 A Street Visual Artists Cooperative is raising awareness and fighting for the trees, which are tabbed to come down for the new development at 244-284 A Street. “Phil and I love those trees,” Giuliano said. “They are very beautiful trees.” In discussions with Stephen Faber, the executive vice president of Related Beal, and landscape developer Robert Adams of Halvorson, “it became apparent to us … that they intended to just destroy all these trees,” Giuliano said.  Giuliano told them the trees [...]

24 02, 2022

JOKR Growing Fast in South Boston

2022-03-02T07:32:43-05:00February 24th, 2022|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle, News|Comments Off on JOKR Growing Fast in South Boston

Because South Boston is one of the most thriving neighborhoods in Boston, JOKR decided it was the perfect fit for its instant grocery delivery business.  And it is.   JOKR is offering $100.00 of your first 3 orders (Use code GET100). “Thanks to South Boston, after one month, Boston became the fastest-growing market of all the cities where JOKR operates globally,” said Tyler Trerotola, JOKR’s US CEO. “The results have been amazing, proving that betting for South Boston as the first store in Boston was the right decision.”   JOKR, located at 301 W. Broadway, opened in November.   Trerotola said South Boston’s growing population of young families and professionals appreciates what JOKR has to offer. “The access to grocery shopping in South Boston was limited, with not [...]

19 02, 2022

Unsung Hero Award Recipients

2022-02-19T08:51:40-05:00February 19th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Unsung Hero Award Recipients

SBCA President Tom McGrath and Executive Board are pleased to announce that on Saturday, February 26th,2022, at the Kick-off Breakfast, The Henry Knox Award Presentation will take place at the Seapoint Restaurant, 367 East 8th Street, at 10:00 a.m. Family, Friends and Neighbors are respectfully invited to attend this wonderful event. A $15, donation is requested at door to help off-set costs. This year’s event will once again feature great music of Bob Fowkes and Curragh’s Fancy. The event Chairman will be Senator Nick Collins who will continue to lead the fight to preserve the historical importance of Evacuation Day while serving in the Massachusetts State Senate. “As president of the Association, it is an honor for me to appoint Nick to kick-off the festivities. [...]

11 02, 2022

Romina Bendo and Patrick Dillon Enter the Mayor of Southie Race

2022-02-11T08:25:33-05:00February 11th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Romina Bendo and Patrick Dillon Enter the Mayor of Southie Race

With great excitement we can announce  Romina Bendo and Patrick Dillon as Candidates for Mayor of Southie in 2022. Romina is a proud, hard-working Southie mom who has a long track record of working in public service and believes her campaign is a great opportunity to give back to the community that has helped her so much over the years.  Originally from Albania, Romina moved to South Boston almost ten years ago and has found a home in Southie with her husband and two kids. Currently working at the Massachusetts State House in the Regulations Division, Romina is also a Citywide Parent Council and is the Public Policy Director at Young Democrats of Massachusetts. Romina holds a bachelor’s degree in Diplomacy and a master’s in [...]

11 02, 2022

Missing on Mass Ave Facebook Page Offers Support for Families

2022-02-11T08:37:07-05:00February 11th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Missing on Mass Ave Facebook Page Offers Support for Families

By Ginger DeShaney One mother’s love has sparked an online community that offers support and comfort to families with loved ones on Mass & Cass. Dawn Cobb started the Facebook page “Missing on Mass Ave” at the end of October as a group where family and friends can post about their loved ones who are believed to be missing or haven’t been heard from in the Mass Ave. area of Boston. There are already more than 6,500 members, which shows the great need for a page like this. This group is really special, said page administrator Brianna Kelley: “And it's even more special how it was formed. It just took one mother's pain and suffering and devotion to not only try to help her own [...]

10 02, 2022

Community Comes Together to Make Diaper Depot Dream a Reality

2022-02-10T19:15:14-05:00February 10th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Community Comes Together to Make Diaper Depot Dream a Reality

By Ginger DeShaney Cheryl Itri had a dream to create a Diaper Depot and the community came together to make it a reality. Itri, director of early education & care programs at South Boston Neighborhood House, envisioned a place where families could access what they need for their babies without barriers and without judgment.  The Ollie Diaper Depot’s grand opening will be held Saturday, Feb. 12 at noon at 1187 Columbia Road, the Ollie’s preschool. “We’re so excited about the Diaper Depot,” said Kathy Lafferty, executive director of SBNH. “Everyone really worked together and came together to make it happen.” The Depot will be open the second Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the fourth Wednesday of each month from [...]

4 02, 2022

SBCA Jimmy Flaherty Breakfast & Essay Poster Competition Topics Announced

2022-02-04T10:21:28-05:00February 4th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on SBCA Jimmy Flaherty Breakfast & Essay Poster Competition Topics Announced

SBCA Jimmy Flaherty Kickoff Breakfast Saturday, February 26th SBCA President Tom McGrath and Executive Board are pleased to announce that on Saturday, February 26th,2022, at the Kick-off Breakfast, The Henry Knox Award Presentation will take place at the Seapoint Restaurant, 367 East 8th Street, at 10:00 a.m.  Family, friends and neighbors are respectfully invited to attend this wonderful event.  A 15.00 donation is requested at door to help off-set costs. This year’s event will once again feature great music of Bob Fowkes and Curragh’s Fancy. The event Chairman will be Senator Nick Collins who will continue to lead the fight to preserve the historical importance of Evacuation Day while serving in the Massachusetts State Senate. “As president of the Association, it is an honor for [...]

1 02, 2022

Dorchester Bay City – 2022 Update

2022-02-01T09:24:39-05:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Featured, Real Estate|Comments Off on Dorchester Bay City – 2022 Update

by Rick Winterson For the past few years, a project entitled “Dorchester Bay City” (DBC) has been in the works – from initial exploratory discussions to the formation of development/construction organizations, and recently followed by the first property usage plans and proposed building designs.  Briefly, the DBC development agent is Accordia Partners, LLC; the DBC area is just over 35 acres.  Initial proposals (all of them still under review) amount to more than six million square feet and the total DBC project cost will be several billion dollars, particularly if much of the space is devoted to life sciences – a very fast-growing (but costly) Boston industry. Make no mistake, DBC is a massive project entirely located within the district we call “Columbia Point”.  The [...]

1 02, 2022

Dorchester Bay City – “Housing and Economic Development”

2022-02-01T09:21:52-05:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Real Estate|Comments Off on Dorchester Bay City – “Housing and Economic Development”

The second of four virtual meetings in 2022 concerning the proposed Dorchester Bay City project (the “DBC”) took place via ZOOM on Thursday, January 20, from 6 to 8 p.m.  The two key topics discussed were housing, followed by economic development, with particular emphases on affordable housing and jobs that would become available as DBC is developed. The overall outline of this meeting had diversity, equity, and inclusion as its themes.  The benefits claimed from the DBC project include economic/small business development in a little-used part of Boston, protection of the Harbor Point neighborhood (and its residents) from storms and sea level rise, resilient infrastructure for outdoor pursuits (biking, walking, beaching), building sustainably green structures that are carbon neutral, and enhancing Boston’s access to nearby [...]

31 01, 2022

History Comes Alive at the Boston Bailey

2022-01-31T09:26:41-05:00January 31st, 2022|Categories: Business, Featured, Happenings, Lifestyle|Comments Off on History Comes Alive at the Boston Bailey

By Ginger DeShaney The Boston Bailey B&B is the home of American history. Or at least a home of American history. The Boston Bailey, a 5-star registered short-term rental property at 101 P Street, is owned by Bill and Maureen Bailey. One suite is called “One By Land,” another is called “Two If by Sea,” and the third is “The Paul Revere Suite.” There’s also the “Tea Party Welcome Room.” The history brings people in, said Bill, a history buff who noted the house’s foundation dates to 1832-33 and the oldest frame goes back to 1875.  Bill was always reading “dry, old” history books even though he already knew the endings, he joked. “... you look at the virtue of the people back then when [...]

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