Growing Concern: Fort Point Residents Fight to Save Trees from Demolition
Fort Point residents Rocco Giuliano and Philip Manna are working to save the 39 honey locust trees slated to be bulldozed on the site of Related Beal’s proposed ChannelSide development. Incorporating signs with tree facts, banners, and prayer flags, the duo from the 249 A Street Visual Artists Cooperative is raising awareness and fighting for the trees, which are tabbed to come down for the new development at 244-284 A Street. “Phil and I love those trees,” Giuliano said. “They are very beautiful trees.” In discussions with Stephen Faber, the executive vice president of Related Beal, and landscape developer Robert Adams of Halvorson, “it became apparent to us … that they intended to just destroy all these trees,” Giuliano said. Giuliano told them the trees [...]