About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
6 04, 2020


2020-04-06T12:53:40-04:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on WHAT YOU DO IS APPRECIATED

Brianne Fitzgerald RN, NP So starts the Queen's speech to the citizens of Great Britain yesterday.  As we enter what is expected to be the most challenging phase of our collective Covid-19 experience, I beg all of us to follow both Mayor Walsh and Governor Baker's directives.  Specific to what Boston Mayor Walsh said on Sunday that there are real and manageable recommendations to follow. We do not live in a dictatorship.  We are expected to use common sense and follow the guidelines laid out by our leaders voluntarily.  These guidelines are more than reasonable and by following them you will do your part, perhaps save a life or flatten the curve.  In case you still need a few more deadening statistics to move you [...]

1 04, 2020


2020-04-02T09:16:54-04:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on THE SURGE IS COMING: STAY HOME, A PLEA TO THE PUBLIC

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes The surge is coming. The word is out. So, why then, are the people? The stats are everywhere and the outlook is grim. Despite the US death toll eclipsing China’s and continuing to rise at a staggering rate, it seems, for some, the severity of the situation is simply not sinking in. New York infectious disease epidemiologist, John Smith, succinctly conveyed how an outbreak like the Coronavirus spreads exponentially, “if your son visits his girlfriend, and you later sneak over for coffee with a neighbor, your neighbor is now connected to the infected office worker that your son’s girlfriend’s mother shook hands with”. Consider the power behind that fact, (and it is, indeed, a fact). Conversely, any break in that chain [...]

18 03, 2020

“Social Distancing” in Southie’s Open Spaces

2020-03-18T10:51:20-04:00March 18th, 2020|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on “Social Distancing” in Southie’s Open Spaces

Even when an event becomes an emergency, Americans can always come up with a couple of memorable words to describe it quickly.  “Social Distancing” is just one good example.  At first, Social Distancing sounds like a contradiction in terms, or an outright oxymoron like “jumbo shrimp”.  After all, “social” is a word that implies getting together, not keeping your “distance”. But Social Distancing is much more than some kind of courtesy.  Right now, with the onslaught of Coronavirus, Social Distancing is an important way to hold on to your own health, as well as something that prevents the spread of Coronavirus to others.  Keeping a distance between you, your friends, and maybe even the members of your immediate family is essential.  A separation of six [...]

17 03, 2020

Southie Comes Through – Happy St. Patrick’s Day

2020-03-17T13:47:04-04:00March 17th, 2020|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Southie Comes Through – Happy St. Patrick’s Day

It was Sunday morning, March 15.  Although it was cold, the sun was brilliant – a typical day in mid-March, and reasonably favorable weather for the St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade.  But the Parade had been cancelled because of the feared depredations of the Coronavirus plague, which has turned into a pandemic.  And make no mistake.  This cancellation was justified, because Coronavirus is highly contagious and can be lethal, especially to older people.  Even so, South Boston’s spirit came through, and in our own quiet but hearty, heartwarming way, we celebrated our unique double holidays – St. Patrick’s Day and Evacuation Day (America’s first ever military victory). Vendors of Irish goods, which were emblazoned with Southie Irish insignia and even the word “Canceled”, installed temporary pop-up [...]

16 03, 2020

Mass Bay Credit Union Responds to Financial Impact Facing Local Families

2020-03-16T14:12:34-04:00March 16th, 2020|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Mass Bay Credit Union Responds to Financial Impact Facing Local Families

Like all companies, Mass Bay Credit Union has been proactively taking necessary steps to ensure the well-being of their Members and employees. Understanding the financial impact to local families, today they allocated one million dollars in interest free loans to help people meet the unexpected expenses or temporary loss of income they are being faced with. They are offering 1,000 one-year personal loans of up to $1,000 at no interest. President & CEO Theresa Dorilas, shared “We understand and support all the efforts local governments, businesses and associations are taking to protect the people in our community. However, we also realize that at an individual family level, figuring out how to handle school closings, and/or being home from work, presents a very real financial challenge.” [...]

12 03, 2020

Tom Tinlin Named 2020 “Champion” by South Boston Neighborhood House

2020-03-12T10:35:19-04:00March 12th, 2020|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Tom Tinlin Named 2020 “Champion” by South Boston Neighborhood House

When Tom Tinlin joins you for breakfast, you can be sure that he’ll show up wreathed in smiles and ready to share a laugh (or laughs) with you.  That’s just the way Tom is, and the description applies to Tom no matter how early it is in the day – this interview took place while we both were still feeling the effects of that hour lost to Daylight Savings Time. Tom is to be deservedly honored with this year’s Joseph “Dodo” Nee “Champion” Award, which will be conferred upon him by the South Boston Neighborhood House (the SBNH) on Friday evening, March 27.  The occasion is the SBNH’s Annual Benefit & Auction; the locale will be the elegant Harborview Ballroom at the Seaport World Trade [...]

6 02, 2020

Harry Uhlman – A Few Thoughts

2020-02-06T14:34:13-05:00February 6th, 2020|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Harry Uhlman – A Few Thoughts

By now, you will have heard that Harry Uhlman has passed from us. At 87, Harry had lived a long and very good life – a life that he devoted to others, especially to those others he called “Special Kids”.  He was a true Angel to those kids (and young adults), but he was also a humble man.  Whenever you mentioned Harry’s devotion to them, he would immediately reply, “Hey, that’s what friends are for!” The freshly renewed Marine Park Bandstand was dedicated to Harry in September of 2018.  Perhaps even more meaningful than the bronze plaque that marked the Bandstand’s dedication were the comments from those attending:  In describing Harry’s many good works, Jack Hart quoted Mother Teresa – “We can’t all do big [...]

16 01, 2020

Susan McDonough Chief Marshal 2020 St. Patrick’s Day Parade

2020-01-16T11:52:13-05:00January 16th, 2020|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Susan McDonough Chief Marshal 2020 St. Patrick’s Day Parade

By Rick Winterson     To say that Susan McDonough, who was born and brought up in South Boston, is devoted to veterans’ causes is an understatement.  On both professional and personal levels, she is an effective and hard-working champion of veterans and their interests. Please consider that Susan was asked to run for the Office of Commander, Martin F. McDonough American Legion Post #368.  (EDITOR’S NOTE:  She is not related to him.)  She is the second woman to occupy that position; she firmly believes that leading the Post is her most important ongoing job. In addition to that, Susan has been appointed the Chief Marshal of this year’s 2020 St. Patrick’s/Evacuation Day Parade, becoming only the third woman ever selected.  During South Boston Online’s interview [...]

21 11, 2019

Letter to the Editor – Pedestrian Safety

2019-11-21T06:42:58-05:00November 21st, 2019|Categories: Editorial, Featured|Comments Off on Letter to the Editor – Pedestrian Safety

Hello Southie neighbors, The way that South Boston's main streets are set up today make it easy for drivers to drive dangerously, creating unsafe conditions for pedestrians. I was hit by a car as a pedestrian walking in the crosswalk in Southie last February and am frustrated by what I see as car-centered traffic management here. Car drivers have a sense of entitlement to the road that makes walking around the neighborhood treacherous in some places. Fortunately, there are several streets that can be quickly, easily, and inexpensively made safer if our elected officials know that there's neighborhood support for the changes. Most of the traffic safety problems in Southie are caused by the high rates of speed that a lot of car drivers use [...]

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