About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
4 03, 2019

 Basketball Free-Throw and Swimming Competitions Rescheduled Due to Weather  

2019-03-04T09:50:50-05:00March 4th, 2019|Categories: Sports|Comments Off on  Basketball Free-Throw and Swimming Competitions Rescheduled Due to Weather  

South Boston Citizens’ Association Annual basketball free-throw competition will take place Monday, March 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the Tynan Community School gym. Please register with Kathy Davis and her staff Tuesday, March 12th at 6:00 p.m. We move down to the boys and Girls Club Swimming Pool for the Annual Swim Meets. Register with the club staff.  

1 03, 2019

A “Time” for Ava

2019-03-01T08:55:24-05:00March 1st, 2019|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on A “Time” for Ava

Please reserve Saturday evening, March 16 – just over two weeks from now – for a celebration.  Ayla (Dugan) Considine, a lifelong South Boston resident, invites you to a gala party to celebrate the ongoing recovery from cancer of her and Dan Considine’s daughter - three-and-a-half year old Ava Considine.  The party to celebrate Ava’s recovery will be held in Charlestown, at the Bunker Hill Knights of Columbus Hall, 545 Medford Street. Yes, of course March 16 falls on Parade weekend here in South Boston.  But Dan, Ava’s father, a USMC veteran, and a Lieutenant in the Boston Fire Department, was born and brought up in Charlestown.  The Knights of Columbus in Charlestown have kindly consented to open their Hall for 100 more guests.  Tickets [...]

28 02, 2019

Thomas Lyons to Receive SBCA John W. McCormack Public Service Award

2019-02-28T08:53:43-05:00February 28th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Thomas Lyons to Receive SBCA John W. McCormack Public Service Award

South Boston Citizens’ Association President Tom McGrath is pleased to announce that Thomas “Tommy” has been chosen to receive the John W. McCormack at the South Boston Citizens’ Association’s 139th Annual Evacuation Day Banquet, March 15, 2019. “It is an honor for the Association to present this award to Tommy for his countless contributions to the betterment of South Boston, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the United States for well over 50 years.”McGrath said.  Thomas (Tommy) J. Lyons has a longstanding commitment to service—to his country, his community and his fellow veterans.  He retired from the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency as the Vice President of External Affairs. From 1995 to 2002, he was the Executive Director of the New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans. He [...]

28 02, 2019

Offering a Place to Worship South Boston Seaport Catholic Collaborative

2019-02-28T08:32:05-05:00February 28th, 2019|Categories: Education, Featured, News|Comments Off on Offering a Place to Worship South Boston Seaport Catholic Collaborative

By: Tara Kerrigan Hayes   While many are aware of the challenges facing todays churches, (from limited parishioners to closings as a result of financial hardships, structural dangers, and more), not enough is said about the extraordinary efforts and good works of those determined to rise to those challenges by continuing to offer the community a safe place to gather, worship, nurture and even nourish.  Formed by the Archdiocese of Boston in 2015, the South Boston Seaport Catholic Collaborative (SBSCC) serves four catholic communities: St. Peter, St. Monica-St. Augustine, St. Vincent, and Our Lady of Good Voyage.  For covering such a vast area (Old Colony, West Broadway, Fort Point and the Seaport), the SBSCC is managing to do a remarkable job catering to the ever-growing [...]

23 02, 2019

South Boston Community Meeting to Discuss Fare Increases and Better Bus Project

2019-02-23T14:19:40-05:00February 23rd, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on South Boston Community Meeting to Discuss Fare Increases and Better Bus Project

Join the MBTA at an upcoming community meeting on Monday, February 25th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at the Tynan School, 650 East 4th Street South Boston.  Customers want a more reliable and responsive MBTA to learn and offer feedback about two important initiatives, Better Bus Project and Automated Fare Collection 2.0. At the same meeting, you can also learn about and share your views about the proposed fare increase. We look forward to your ideas on how to deliver a better MBTA.

21 02, 2019

The Celtics – A Moonstruck Dynasty?

2019-02-21T14:36:07-05:00February 21st, 2019|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on The Celtics – A Moonstruck Dynasty?

by Rick Winterson      Late Sunday evening, January 20, the moon underwent a total lunar eclipse.  Because the moon was at its closest point to the Earth when the eclipse went total, because it occurred in January when wolves bay in hunger, and because the eclipsed moon became a deep orange-red, this eclipse was called a “Super Wolf Blood Moon”. Now,  we are not superstitious – certainly not!  But on Sunday, January 20, (the day of the eclipse) the Patriots won the AFC title, and then two weeks later, went on to win the NFL Super Bowl on Sunday, February 3.  Did the mojo, the karma, or the blushing vibes from that eclipse influence this outcome?  It was an outcome that firmly established the [...]

21 02, 2019

Trader Joe’s in South Boston?

2019-02-21T08:31:49-05:00February 21st, 2019|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Trader Joe’s in South Boston?

by Rick Winterson    It’s more than just a rumor.  A Trader Joe’s may be coming to South Boston’s Fort Point/Seaport District, into an empty building on the border between Fort Point and the South Boston Seaport.  We don’t have many details here at South Boston Online just yet.  All we know at this time is that a formal inquiry has been made to the City of Boston Zoning Board about establishing a retail grocery store.  It was made by a Trader Joe’s agent; it’s to be situated in an empty (but renovated) building at 44 Thomson Place. Thomson Place stretches between Congress Street and Seaport Boulevard.  The intersection of Thomson Place and the Boulevard is closed to automobile traffic but is open for pedestrian [...]

21 02, 2019

Friends of Donny Higgins Fourth Annual Winter Gala

2019-02-21T08:17:36-05:00February 21st, 2019|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Friends of Donny Higgins Fourth Annual Winter Gala

Tickets will not be sold at the door The Friends of Donny Higgins, are holding their Fourth Annual Winter Gala at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel Saturday evening, February 23, from 7 p.m. till 1 a.m.  Log onto donnhiggins.com for information and tickets. Tickets are sold through committee members and EventBrite. And a Gala it will be.  The Westin is offering you its elegant food stations, accompanied by complimentary beer and wine (until 9:45 p.m.).     Ticket includes entry for one (1) $10,000 raffle drawing and ten (10) raffle tickets.  A key part of the Mission of the Donny Higgins Memorial Fund is to maintain South Boston’s Donald F. Higgins Memorial Street Hockey Arena – Farragut Road between East Broadway and East Second Street.  As Donny’s [...]

19 02, 2019

Maren’s Marathon, 2019

2019-02-19T08:12:51-05:00February 19th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Maren’s Marathon, 2019

by Rick Winterson   Would you believe that a South Boston entry into the 2019 Marathon (Patriots Day, April 15), who is already running 12-minute miles over long distances really did not much care for running prior to last year?  Well, that’s the case with Maren Tober, a resident of the West Broadway Development.  Yes, Maren is running for her own satisfaction.  And also yes, Maren is running to raise funds for “YES”.  The acronym YES stands for “Youth Enrichment Services”, where her three sons – Youth Enrichment Services (or YES) is located on Massachusetts Avenue in the South End/Back Bay.  In YES’s most recent annual report, they refer to a membership of more than 1,600 young people, who were helped to experience the out-of-doors, [...]

18 02, 2019

South Boston St. Pat’s Day Parade Route

2019-02-18T08:52:31-05:00February 18th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on South Boston St. Pat’s Day Parade Route

The South Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade is scheduled for Sunday March 17th at 1:00 p.m.  It will begin at Broadway Station to Perkins Square and will continue onto East Broadway.  It will continue up East Broadway to P Street.  Turning right onto P Street and taking a right turn on East Fourth Street, and following onto K Street.  Turning left onto K Street and following it until East Fifth Street.  Turn right onto East Fifth Street until G Street.  Turn left on G and follow it past the front entrance of the excel High School until the 2nd right onto Thomas Park and follow it to Telegraph Street.  Follow Telegraph to Dorchester Street and continue through the intersection at Old Colony Avenue until reaching [...]

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