About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
18 10, 2018

Seaport Sculptures Bring Iconic Brightness to Boulevards

2018-10-27T19:01:08-04:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Seaport Sculptures Bring Iconic Brightness to Boulevards

By Richard Campbell  The Spanish Pop Surrealist Okuda San Miguel has landed his brightly colored mythical creature sculptures on the Seaport Boulevard, lending a playful quality to what is essentially a highway through the Seaport. His larger than life sized geometrically formed sculptures face forward on the boulevard, beckoning more to drivers than to the pedestrian passer-by. The identity of the mythical figures is encased with an architectural sense of sculpture. They are the perfect anecdote to break up the seemingly never-ending sequence of blue glass boxes.  Looking somewhat like computer generated art, they are often cryptically named. In contrast to the native growth on the medians, these shiny sculptures will draw the eyes and add a notion of modernity to the new Seaport that [...]

15 10, 2018

Cleverly Polished: “Sherlock’s Last Case”

2018-11-01T11:38:48-04:00October 15th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on Cleverly Polished: “Sherlock’s Last Case”

Sherlock's Last Case By Richard Campbell This past week “Sherlock’s Last Case” opened at the Huntington Theatre main stage with a tight cast and high production values to bolster a script laden with verbal hijinks and very British humor. While a little subtler than Monty Python, there is a decidedly campy strategy behind this amalgam of familiar Sherlockian scenarios, but good taste does not allow me to reveal the central conceit of the play. Suffice it to say this rendering by Charles Marowitz turns the traditional Holmes adventures inside out via a clever psychological ploy- creating a parody that usurps all the accepted conventions of the time. The direction by Maria Aitken is near the polish of the best productions ever at the [...]

15 10, 2018

4th Annual Boston Hub Week: “We the Future!”

2018-10-27T18:43:22-04:00October 15th, 2018|Categories: Lifestyle|Comments Off on 4th Annual Boston Hub Week: “We the Future!”

  By Richard Campbell  Founded in 2014 by Harvard, MIT, MGH, and The Boston Globe, the annual Hub Week now sporting many new sponsors, materialized on City Hall Plaza Monday October the 8th this past week. The showcase runs through the 14th and is comprised of over 200 events. This year’s theme is “We the Future”, which seems as much about cultural innovations as future crisis points mitigated by technologies. Hub Week brings smart people from around the world to showcase innovations in technology, medicine, education, humanities and the arts. While there are really only three full days of forums-Wednesday through Friday- the week includes satellite experiences all around Boston. Home base on City Hall Plaza is where select environments, staged experiences and amenities create [...]

11 10, 2018

Occupation of Boston – 250 Years Ago This Month

2018-11-27T13:35:02-05:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Occupation of Boston – 250 Years Ago This Month

  by Rick Winterson  Two and a half centuries ago – 250 years back, in 1768 – Lt. Col. William Dalrymple arrived from Nova Scotia to occupy Boston, per his orders from the King of England, George III. His ship arrived on Friday evening, September 30; his 2,000 red-coated troops disembarked at noon on Saturday, October 1, 1768, exactly 250 years and 10 days ago today, as you are reading this.  The British units comprised the 14th and 29th regiments, along with a detachment from the 59th and a train of artillery (two cannons). After forming up on Long Wharf, Dalrymple’s regiments marched to Boston Common in what Paul Revere called “insolent parade”, words he used on an engraving he had created. Over the next [...]

11 10, 2018

A Challenge to Feed South Boston’s Hungry

2018-11-27T16:06:52-05:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on A Challenge to Feed South Boston’s Hungry

  Gleaming new buildings are springing up like mushrooms all over South Boston, along with upscale restaurants and trendy boutiques. In this atmosphere of plenty it’s hard to imagine that there are more than a few people in the neighborhood who are hurting and hungry. But hurting and hungry they are.  Ten years ago, Dr. Nisha Thakrar, pediatrician and Chief Medical Officer at South Boston Community Health Center approached the CEO, Bill Halpin, with a concern. She had patients who weren’t making it to the end of the month with their food supply. She had several moms who had to make the choice to forgo a meal so their children could eat.  Halpin and Susan LaPaglia, the Director of Administrative Services spearheaded a food drive. [...]

11 10, 2018

JFK Library “Celebrate” Series Features Mariachi

2018-11-27T14:47:05-05:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Education|Comments Off on JFK Library “Celebrate” Series Features Mariachi

by Richard Campbell Instead of being couch potatoes on Columbus Day some smart families headed off to enjoy the first of the John F. Kennedy Library Celebrate Series. The concert featured Veronica Robles high spirited Mexican Mariachi Band blending music, dance and culture with an interactive twist. As a part of Boston’s city-wide celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, this performance was designed to get kids moving. From her Aztec God appearance to the closing song Ms. Robles kept the little urchins dancing and singing away in bliss- all the while learning about the culture of the Americas.  Robles is that rare bird: a female Mariachi performer with educational skills and wise cracking humor wrapped in a golden heart, who knows how to charm an audience. [...]

11 10, 2018

The Ribbon Is Cut. EpiCenter Expansion Opens!

2018-11-27T13:06:34-05:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on The Ribbon Is Cut. EpiCenter Expansion Opens!

by Rick Winterson  Last Wednesday morning, October 3, Artists for Humanity cut the ribbon on its 30,000 square foot expansion.  For several years now, Artists for Humanity has occupied its clean-lined building at the intersection of A and Second Streets. This building opened in 2004. It is called “The EpiCenter”, a word that means the point on the earth’s surface directly above an earthquake. The EpiCenter has served thousands of young artists, who have generated a true “earthquake” of creativity in Boston since then.  Led by Susan Rodgerson, its Founding Executive/Artistic Director, Artists for Humanity began working with young artists in 1993, using donated space in the old Boston Wharf warehouses along A Street. When Boston Wharf sold their properties, Artists for Humanity moved to [...]

11 10, 2018

How We’re Creating More Affordable Housing

2018-10-27T17:45:02-04:00October 11th, 2018|Categories: Editorial|Comments Off on How We’re Creating More Affordable Housing

Mayor Martin Walsh by Mayor Martin J. Walsh  Boston is going through a period of historic growth- the kind our city hasn’t seen in decades. More people are choosing to put down roots and start families here. More businesses are choosing to open their doors here. Students from all over the world come to attend our universities and colleges each year. As Boston grows, we must keep our focus on the families and communities that make our our city the diverse, welcoming and world-class place it is. To do that, residents must be able to afford to live here in the city they love, families must be able to grow, and young people must be able to make our city their home.  To [...]

6 09, 2018

Boston Common Awareness Vigil

2018-11-27T14:42:13-05:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: Happenings|Comments Off on Boston Common Awareness Vigil

By Richard Campbell The Massachusetts State of Awareness Day which is part of the International Awareness Movement on the prevention and cure for addictions held a passionate public outreach event this past Saturday August 31 at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common. The day, which was proclaimed by Governor Charlie Baker, hosted multiple addiction and recovery organizations.  The event, supported by Wahl Street Productions, (Mark and James Wahlberg) who are behind the film: The Circle of Addiction: A Different Kind of Tears, was attended by many families who showed placards and T-shirts in memory of their loved ones.  The International Awareness Day originated in Melbourne Australia in 2001 and has grown along with the epidemic that it hopes to end.  The speakers were predominately activists [...]

6 09, 2018

The 2018 Primaries

2018-11-27T16:07:51-05:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: News|Comments Off on The 2018 Primaries

by Rick Winterson      For an election that took place in a so-called “Off Year”, and was a Primary Election as well, the turnout was fairly strong at 25% of registered voters.  Part of this was the action (or reaction) generated by the current climate in Washington.  Another part was due to the high interest in certain campaigns run in Massachusetts and Boston. Both Congressman Steve Lynch and State Senator Nick Collins qualified for re-nomination handily (Nick was unopposed; Steve garnered 70+% of votes cast).  Steve’s years of experience – both domestic and foreign – along with his flexible, moderate approach make him well-suited to continue representing us.  Nick is a hardworking, loyal Senator at the state level.  Governor’s Council incumbent Christopher Ianella bested [...]

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