Groundbreaking Ceremony: Martin’s Park
by Rick Winterson To say that it was a “celebration” strikes the wrong note. It was a “bittersweet” occasion. But there was something “uplifting” or even “solemnly joyful” and “fitting” about breaking ground for the park at Children’s Museum dedicated to Martin Richard’s memory. Martin Richard left us because of the Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013. He won’t return, but Martin’s Park assures us that he’ll never be forgotten. Such it was by the Children’s Museum at 64 Sleeper Street early last Wednesday afternoon. The sun shone brilliantly on an event formally called “Martin’s Park at Smith Family Waterfront, Groundbreaking Ceremony, 1:00 p.m., August 16, 2017”. A crowd of perhaps as many as a thousand gathered across Fort Point Channel from [...]