About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
13 10, 2016

Basra-Boston Connections

2016-10-13T11:38:05-04:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Basra-Boston Connections

by Rick Winterson The Fort Point Theater Channel (FPTC) has produced many fine, memorable live performances over the past several years. One of the more remarkable of these was the first performance on October 1 of “Basra-Boston Connections” in the Atlantic Wharf performance space at 290 Congress Street. This stirring production, which was blessedly free to all, will be repeated on Friday evening, November 4 in Arts at the Armory in Somerville (191 Highland Avenue). Here again, admission will be free. “Basra-Boston Connections” is one result of an Iraq-U.S. collaboration entitled The Boston-Basra Project. “Connections” combines live theater, poetry, and music on a stags that actually uses studio arts like paintings and photography to create a flexible and striking performance space. A word about Basra: [...]

13 10, 2016

So What Now? Wait ‘til …

2016-10-13T11:27:53-04:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on So What Now? Wait ‘til …

It was something of a shock to see the Red Sox succumb to Terry Francona’s Cleveland Indians in three games.  “Something of a shock?”  Well, Cleveland had a slightly better regular season record and an identifiably better bullpen going in.  In those three games, we saw the Indians outscore the Sox 15 to 7 – more than double Boston’s output.  And the Red Sox’ combined ERA for these three games was 5.00.  So, what could we expect? Briefly, the plague of inconsistency that bothered the Red Sox most of this summer returned with a vengeance in October. And it was a bittersweet departure for David Ortiz, who is one of the few athletes to retire while still at the very top of his game, even [...]

13 10, 2016


2016-10-13T11:19:00-04:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on SUFFOLK COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT BRINGS 25 NEW OFFICERS ONLINE AT GRADUATION CEREMONY

The Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department welcomed 25 former recruits of the Correction Officer Training Academy (COTA) Class 16–02 to the ranks of officers during a graduation ceremony held at the Aloft Boston Hotel in South Boston.   The event was attended by several members of Sheriff Tompkins’ Executive Staff including Superintendent In-Chief Michael Harris, House of Correction Superintendent Yolanda Smith, Deputy Superintendent of the House of Correction Richard McCarthy, Deputy Superintendent of the Nashua Street Jail Cliff Carney, and Assistant Deputy Superintendent and Supervisor of Training Jose Mojica, along with several members of the Training Division and Honor Guard, and the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Department Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Operations Robert Durgin and Director of Human Resources Robert Dillon.   Realizing their collective goal, which [...]

6 10, 2016

Learnin’ 2 Swim at Condon

2016-10-06T11:27:23-04:00October 6th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Learnin’ 2 Swim at Condon

The "Learn to Swim" Class was splishin' and splashin' with instructor Miss Mary Devlin and sporting the coolest T's in town. The "Learn to Swim" Class is for girls and boys ages 3+ and runs for 6 weeks on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6pm. The next session begins in early November. Please call James at the Condon CC, (617)635-5100 for more information. The BCYF Condon has a full gym, pool and computer lab schedule with "something for everyone" including the top notch "Lobsters" youth swim team and a great water aerobics class for adults. Visit our friendly staff at 200 D Street from 1:30-9:30pm, M-F. #alwaysreppin' #teamcondon Photo by Barbara Kelly

22 09, 2016

Marr Scaffolding Giants 2016 South Boston Little League Champions

2016-09-22T10:57:17-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Marr Scaffolding Giants 2016 South Boston Little League Champions

The Marr Scaffolding Giants, South Boston Little League Champs, receivingtheir jackets. Special thanks to Marr Scaffolding and Mike McNally ofMaverick Construction.

22 09, 2016

Happy 300th Birthday Boston Light!

2016-09-22T10:54:29-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Happy 300th Birthday Boston Light!

By Richard Campbell To contemporary visitors Boston Light is an historical tourist attraction that greets boats to the Boston Harbor from Little Brewster Island, but for so many Bostonians it is a point of pridebeing the first and last lighthouse station in the nation. The greater history of Boston Light reveals a complex technological, social and political evolution; making it more than one of the critical symbols of our nation’s founding. For past generations, the light was not merely a welcoming beacon, but a key navigational aid that often made the difference between life and death for seafaring crews sailing into the risky waters of Nantasket Roads, the primary entrance channel of Boston Harbor. Sea trade was naturally the lifeblood of the new colony: providing [...]

22 09, 2016

BPS Release: Boston Arts Academy receives national ‘Schools of Opportunity’ Silver Recognition

2016-09-22T10:48:40-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on BPS Release: Boston Arts Academy receives national ‘Schools of Opportunity’ Silver Recognition

Boston Arts Academy is one of only 20 schools from across the country to receive recognition as a “School of Opportunity,” a coveted national designation honoring excellent public high schools that engage in practices that build on students’ strengths and create supported learning opportunities for all students.   “Boston Arts Academy’s innovative approach to curriculum and student support particularly stood out to the national team of reviewers,” said Carol Burris, School of Opportunity project co-director.   The National Education Policy Center (NEPC), based at the University of Colorado Boulder, sponsors the Schools of Opportunity project, which identifies excellent public high schools that actively strive to close opportunity gaps — the differences in opportunities and resources that drive the well-known achievement gaps.   “Schools play a [...]

22 09, 2016

South Boston Catholic Academy News

2016-09-22T10:44:45-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on South Boston Catholic Academy News

Miss Soper’s second grade got to know their new classroom by playing a game of “I Spy”. This was one of the first class projects they did. Students ventured around the room to find items that began with each letter of the alphabet. South Boston Catholic Academy is an academically rigorous, supportive Catholic Elementary School Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEAS&C). South Boston Catholic Academy (www. South Boston Catholic Academy News SBCatholicAcademy.org) is currently accepting applications for all classes PreSchool-Grade 6. We have Before School and After School Programs available and have small class size; high acceptance rate to Parochial, Private and Boston Exam Schools. Please contact: Mrs. Barbara Keohane with any questions or for a tour of the School [...]

22 09, 2016

17th Annual Street Festival

2016-09-22T10:38:54-04:00September 22nd, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on 17th Annual Street Festival

Since 2000 A.D., South Boston has been blessed with a Street Festival in September. Non-stop entertainment, many civic groups, 100 merchants, and thousands of spectators have made it into a traditional “Southie time”. Last Saturday, September 17, was no exception. The entertainment deserves special mention, including the Woods School of Irish Dance, Ultimate Self Defense, and Miss Linda’s School of Dance. A high point was the return of Thomas Park Band, a cover band that (somehow) does their own thing – putting their own unique interpretation on each number. And once again, the weather smiled. Photos by Rick Winterson The girls from Woods School of Irish Dance step off for the Festival crowd. That’s a guest tooth courtesy of the South Boston [...]

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