About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
25 08, 2016

Steven Sennett – Making Good Progress

2016-08-25T09:41:18-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Steven Sennett – Making Good Progress

    Perhaps you have heard of Steve Sennett.  Maybe you know him.  He’s 33, a born-and-brought-up South Bostonian, who most recently lived on East Second Street.  Steve is a devoted craftsman, too – a member for the past 15 years of Local 17, Sheet Metal Workers.  He’s a hard worker, well fitted for a craftsman’s life in the booming construction scene in and around Boston.  In his spare time, Steve enjoys camping – he’s an active and enthusiastic outdoorsman. On Sunday, June 26 – an even two months ago as you are reading this issue of South Boston Online – Steve suffered a violent, near-fatal automobile accident in New Hampshire’s White Mountains near Sculptured Rocks.  He was returning from the outdoor scenes he loved to [...]

25 08, 2016

Pedestrian signage installed at K Street and East Broadway

2016-08-25T09:35:13-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Pedestrian signage installed at K Street and East Broadway

By Kevin Devlin At the beginning of the summer (“Yeah I’ve got a gripe June 23”) SBOL wrote about the danger to pedestrians when crossing the street at the intersection of East Broadway and K Street. This intersection has a high amount of foot traffic and drivers need to be aware of this because sometimes they drive too fast without regard for pedestrians. On more than one occasion, I have witnessed drivers drive recklessly through this intersection as pedestrians were walking across the street and within the crosswalks. About a fortnight ago, the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) installed pedestrian signage at this intersection to remind drivers to stop when they see pedestrians crossing the street. SBOL would like to thank the BTD for doing that [...]

25 08, 2016

Concert on the Ramparts

2018-02-08T06:17:39-05:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Concert on the Ramparts

by Rick Winterson       Not only was last Saturday a fine of example of South Boston’s sunny summer weather, it also featured the next to last Concert on the Ramparts.  These are presented by WUMB-FM, the broadcast arm of UMass Boston.  We’ll remind you to think about spending next Saturday afternoon as WUMB’s guests at their last summer concert on Castle Island. The opening group – from UMass Boston – was a modern jazz quartet who call themselves “Jazz T”.  Jazz T is that classic jazz quartet:  a lead vocalist with keyboard, bass, and drums.  Singer Olive Martin has an excellent, tuning-fork-true voice, a bit evocative of Sarah Vaughan or even Billie Holiday.  There was a touch (or two) of be-bop in Jazz T’s [...]

25 08, 2016

Bidding Her Farewell

2016-08-25T09:21:26-04:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Bidding Her Farewell

Tierney Center Director to Explore New Horizons By Kevin Devlin On Wednesday, August 17, the Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center staff held a combination kickball-softball game, at Moakley Park with their youth members, before journeying across the street to the Center, to surprise outgoing Tierney Center director, Kristin Taylor, with a much-deserved farewell party. Kristin has been the director for the past three years and has touched the hearts of everyone she has come to known. She is truly a special person with a caring persona and SBOL wishes her the best in her new endeavors. Below are direct quotes from those she has worked with at the Tierney Center. “Kristin has done a remarkable job creating community at The Tierney Center and at Old [...]

18 08, 2016

Tynan Fun in the Sun Wiffleball Classic

2016-08-18T11:49:29-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Tynan Fun in the Sun Wiffleball Classic

By: Joey Maiullari (Jr.Camp counselor) On a warm, sunny day in South Boston, the campers at the local Tynan Fun in the Sun program used the heat to their own advantage. They originally planned to play a quick four –on-four game, but once one of them realized they had a rope in their backpack, they thought it would be a great way to make a field. On the side of the Tynan, across from the Gate of Heaven church, the campers began to think of ideas to perfect their new ballpark. Across the whole concrete field, ropes outlined the foul poles, along with the fences for homeruns. In addition to that, there were ropes that represented the audience in different parts of the ballpark. On [...]

18 08, 2016

Marr Scaffolding Giants defy the odds

2016-08-18T11:44:49-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Sports|Comments Off on Marr Scaffolding Giants defy the odds

Nobody figured the last place regular season team to be a factor in the 2016 South Boston Little League playoffs but they were indeed. The Marr Scaffolding Giants led by veteran players Bobby Delaney, Will Ahern, and Mike McNally, and shrewdly managed by Will Ahern, beat the first, second, and third place teams to win the title. They proudly hoisted the Little League trophy and marched triumphantly around the field to the cheer of their fans. Americans love an underdog and never get tired of miracles unfolding in front of them. Congratulations to the Marr Scaffolding Giants for defying the odds and winning it all.

18 08, 2016

Condon Junior Sheriffs

2016-08-18T11:40:19-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on Condon Junior Sheriffs

On Tuesday, the BCYF Condon Summer Juniors Program was visited by the Suffolk County Sheriff's Department's Community Affairs Officer, Deputy Stephen Fiste. The 5 and 6 year olds were captivated by his stories and presentation. Deputy Fiste encouraged the young children, counselors and staff to respect themselves and others, mainly their parents and grandparents. The topics of "Stranger Danger", cyber bullies, paying attention in school, being good citizens and helping out whenever they can gave the kids lots of helpful tips and answers to their many questions. Deputy Fiste also stressed the importance of "making good choices" even now in their young lives that will stay with them and help them prepare for good jobs in the future. After, the group received Junior Sheriff's badges, [...]

18 08, 2016

Dedham Savings Opens in South Boston

2016-08-18T11:35:51-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Dedham Savings Opens in South Boston

by Rick Winterson       This Monday morning, on August 15 at 8:30 a.m., Dedham Savings (“your bank”) opened the doors of its Branch at 636 East Broadway for the first time.  Six key Dedham Savings people did the honors (please see the photo above).  At the end of the day at 4:30, they cheerfully expressed their satisfaction at how it all went.  Please note this was Dedham Savings so-called “soft” opening, but don’t be fooled by the word “soft”.  They are fully opened, expertly staffed, and providing everything you would expect from a full-service branch bank. The bank’s new quarters have an open feeling, with an unobtrusive but warm color scheme.  The interior is clearly a place of business, but there are amenities – [...]

18 08, 2016

The Mural at Loco

2016-08-18T11:31:21-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured|Comments Off on The Mural at Loco

by Rick Winterson      Last weekend, except for a couple of finishing touches, the brilliant and colorful mural along the east wall of Loco Taqueria & Oyster Bar was finished.  It is the creation of Augstine Kofie, who was born and trained in art in Los Angeles.  One key influence in his background was graffiti, in which he worked during the 80s and 90s.  This exposure taught him the value of surfaces and use of multiple levels in large works.  Perhaps most important, his earlier work, when revisited, gave him an appreciation for selecting colors that change slowly with time. Take a look at the east wall of Loco that stretches along F Street.  Try to view it in the morning sun.  Take in [...]

18 08, 2016

2016 “Breakfast of Champions” Awards

2016-08-18T11:25:33-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on 2016 “Breakfast of Champions” Awards

The South Boston Community Health Center is an institution around here – that goes without saying (even though we said it).  The Community Health Center’s concept of servicing health needs in an urban neighborhood has caught on.  In fact, the Geiger-Gibson Community Health Center in Dorchester and our own at 409 West Broadway were the first two such health organizations. Each August, the South Boston Community Health Center confers a set of awards upon those people, both inside and outside of the Health Center’s organization, who have supported the South Boston community in special ways.  They are called the “Breakfast of Champions” Awards, a humorous and memorable brainchild of the Health Center’s Margaret Lynch.  And of course, ‘the title “Breakfast of Champions” is based upon [...]

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