About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
18 08, 2016

South Boston graduate receives $5,000 award for college

2016-08-18T11:18:26-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on South Boston graduate receives $5,000 award for college

The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) today announced the recipient of the annual scholarship honoring the memory of Tommy Butler, the long-time Massport Director of Government and Community Affairs and son of South Boston. The $5,000 Thomas J. Butler Memorial Scholarship was awarded to South Boston resident Matthew McDonnell.   The Thomas J. Butler Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a student who resides in South Boston, is graduating from high school and has been accepted to an accredited college or university. McDonnell is a graduate of BC High, volunteers his time with the Curley Rec Center, and was a member of BC High hockey team since his freshman year. He will be attending UMass Amherst and is interested in Criminal Justice. In his essay, McDonnell [...]

18 08, 2016

Cruiseport Boston in Honor of Former Mayor Ray Flynn

2016-08-18T11:07:55-04:00August 18th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Real Estate|Comments Off on Cruiseport Boston in Honor of Former Mayor Ray Flynn

Governor Charlie Baker today signed legislation naming the Massachusetts Port Authority’s Cruiseport Boston in honor of Raymond L. Flynn, former Mayor of Boston and United States Ambassador to the Vatican.   “Mayor Flynn has answered the call to represent both the people of Boston and the United States throughout his career and private life,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “He is the epitome of what a public servant should be, always a consummate professional, and a dedicated family man. It gives me great pride to sign legislation that will ensure Mayor Flynn’s legacy is honored in his native South Boston forever.”   “The Port of Boston first welcomed millions of our immigrant families to America,” said Ray Flynn, former Mayor of Boston and United States Ambassador [...]

11 08, 2016

Team Southie

2016-08-11T11:58:16-04:00August 11th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on Team Southie

Pictured last Monday, August 1, at Carson Beach is “Team Southie” from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) which competed against other DCR lifeguard teams from the Nahant and Revere beaches. The annual event featured life-saving techniques and distance swimming, giving the lifeguards the opportunity to show off their skills, but more importantly, to hone these lifeguard skills so they can serve and keep the public safe in an optimum manner. (Photo by Kevin Devlin)  

11 08, 2016

Murphy Runs For Register of Deeds

2016-08-12T12:46:37-04:00August 11th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Murphy Runs For Register of Deeds

With 18 years on the City Council under his belt, Stephen Murphy is seeking to re-enter the world of public service as the next Suffolk County Register of Deeds. During his years in City Hall, Murphy served as a councilor-at-large and as the council’s president from 2011 to 2014. He said the top responsibilities of the register’s position are to “securely keep and provide accurate and accessible land record information.” “I am running for Register of Deeds to bring a level of competence and leadership to an important public office,” he said. “I am the only candidate in this race with experience in public management, public finance and most important in my mind, constituent service.” Murphy also said he is aware of the complexity residents [...]

9 08, 2016

Locksmiths Become Best Professional Resource In South Boston

2016-08-09T23:56:11-04:00August 9th, 2016|Categories: News|Comments Off on Locksmiths Become Best Professional Resource In South Boston

Today, almost all towns and all cities in the US feature many important services and public buildings that make the citizens’ life quality be better than it was in the past decades. It’s of course a matter of better technologies, but it’s also due to the personal merit of important professionals who every day work to fix common yet dramatically serious troubles: locksmiths. Locksmiths – What Do They Do For You? South Boston can fairly be proud of having a very good number of local locksmith businesses. Actually, locksmiths are very important professionals for a variety of emergencies, including some of most known situations, like: Repair of broken door locks Assistance for home/car/office lockouts Replacement of car keys Reprogramming of transponder car keys Replacement of [...]

4 08, 2016

General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project Begins

2016-08-04T09:17:19-04:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: Business, Featured, Real Estate|Tags: |Comments Off on General Electric (GE) Headquarters Project Begins

You have no doubt heard about the General Electric (GE) Company’s plans to relocate its Corporate Head­quarters from Connecticut to South Boston’s Fort Point District. Specifi­cally, GE’s new Headquarters will be sited on the South Boston side of the Fort Point Channel, and will utilize two existing, renovated brick ware­houses at 5-6 Necco Way (Yes, that’s “NECCO”, as in those ever-popular NECCO Wafers produced by the New England Confectionary Co.). GE will lease a block of land from Procter and Gamble’s wholly-owned Gillette subsidiary, which is also located along the Fort Point Chan­nel. Renovations of the existing brick warehouses will begin as soon as pos­sible; ground will be broken for the main Headquarters Building early in 2017, pending granting of all the necessary permits. Completion [...]

4 08, 2016


2016-08-04T09:07:47-04:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Comments Off on MAYOR WALSH OUTLINES CHANGES TO STRENGTHEN OVERSIGHT AND SAFETY AT BCYF DROP-IN PROGRAMS 

Mayor Walsh today Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) to announce that all BCYF drop-in programs will follow rigorous new standards in an effort to strengthen oversight and child safety. These changes are a result of an assessment of all protocols and procedures at the city's summer camps and drop-in programs that was conducted this week. Summer camps are currently regulated by the City of Boston's Inspectional Services Department (ISD) per the Department of Public Health (DPH), and summer camps have clearly defined and documented operating procedures, specifically with respect to child safety. Drop-in programs, as defined by state regulations, do not fall under ISD regulations, and as a result have fewer clearly defined and uniform operating procedures. "The city experienced a terrible tragedy [...]

4 08, 2016

Southie Trees

2016-08-04T09:02:58-04:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Real Estate|Comments Off on Southie Trees

  The past few weeks have been scorchahs! Workers at Southie Trees, an environmental initiative of South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation, are trying hard to keep the trees and flowers on East and West Broadway happy and healthy through this dry spell. They have been spending their summer planting, watering, weeding and cleaning up the street trees and flowerbeds along the sidewalks. While the flowers planted have stayed healthy in the majority of beds, there are certain things the community could do to aid in our efforts. For example: while your little dog may be having a blast and catching some good rays, please remember to pick up after their ‘messes’ and keep it out of the flower beds. We also ask that you keep [...]

4 08, 2016

Southie – A Good, Healthful Place to Be

2016-08-04T08:59:01-04:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Southie – A Good, Healthful Place to Be

   Two recent events confirm something that South Boston Online has always said:  South Boston is a great place to be.  Both events confirmed that to us more emphatically than ever.  The first was the “Fun in the Sun” Health Fair, held at the McCormack Pavilion on Carson Beach last Thursday, July 28, from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m.  The second was the annual First Monday“Kid’s Day” on August 1, from noon till 9 p.m. at South Boston’s Farmers Market in Perkins Square.    As you would imagine, the Health Fair’s exhibits and activities were devoted to the participants’ state of health.  We have room to mention only a few – perhaps the most impressive was the Blum Family van that rolled up to the [...]

4 08, 2016

Condon Counselors Care

2016-08-04T08:46:54-04:00August 4th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on Condon Counselors Care

They work at the Condon Community Center Juniors summer program and enjoy interacting with the kids and being part of something special. They love their jobs and go to work with smiles on their faces every day. They are Jacqulyn Brooks and Rodolfo Arias. Jacqulyn Brooks, 19, is the daughter of Jennifer and Thomas Brooks. She has a younger sister named Emma, a younger brother named Thomas, and two family betta fish named Felipe and Sushi. Jacqulyn graduated from Boston Latin Academy in 2015. At BLA, she was an Honor Roll student and took AP classes in economics, American government, and English. She was a student ambassador and was involved in a variety of volunteer endeavors, such as conducting school tours and assisting teachers at [...]

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