About Jeanne Rooney

Jeanne Rooney is the Editor in Chief for South Boston Online.
7 07, 2016

Laboure Succession Now in Place

2016-07-07T11:01:33-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Laboure Succession Now in Place

   A critical but often neglected need in all organizations is an orderly, planned succession  -   determining who replaces whom – and when.  As of last Friday, July 1, Jake Bombard now serves as the Executive Director of South Boston’s Laboure Center.  His highly regarded predecessor, Sr. Maryadele Robinson, will continue performing outreach duties at Laboure.  Best of all, this orderly succession assures that Laboure will continue to benefit from the talents of both individuals.   by Rick Winterson   It is a pleasure for South Boston Online to write about the recent change in leadership at South Boston’s Laboure Center on the southwest corner of D Street and Broadway.  Jacob (”Jake”) Bombard, himself from South Boston, assumed the position as the Laboure Center’s  Executive [...]

7 07, 2016

South Boston Students Win BC High Awards

2016-07-07T10:59:23-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Comments Off on South Boston Students Win BC High Awards

William Higgins and Xavier Minnifield of South Boston, 2016 graduates of Boston College High School, won special awards at a Senior Assembly, a time set aside by the school to celebrate and reward its seniors.   Higgins won a Campus Ministry Hearts on Fire Award – 4 or More Jr./Sr. Retreats, a Kairos Leader award, an Eagle award, a Model UN – Deputy Secretary General award, a Renaissance Yearbook award, a Young Americans award, a Marci Kearney Senior English award, and the William Francis Whalen Social Studies award. He will attend the University of St. Andrews in the fall.   Minnifield won the Kevin O'Neil '90 Memorial award. He will attend Northeastern University in the fall.   Boston College High School is a Jesuit, Catholic, [...]

7 07, 2016

Opinion Piece – Much ado about nothing

2018-11-27T13:06:36-05:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings, News|Comments Off on Opinion Piece – Much ado about nothing

Boston Latin School’s alleged problems overinflated by a few By Kevin Devlin The recent news about Boston Latin School was a total joke. The cries of social injustice and the allegations of disciplinary disparities is a false narrative to appease a few disgruntled students. “We must do all we can to change the climate of racial injustice that both students, teachers and administrators face in the Boston Public Schools on a daily basis,” said Jacqueline Rivers of the Ella J. Baker House. That would be sad but it’s not true; totally exaggerated. I worked as a Boston School Police Investigator for fourteen years (1981-1994) and had the opportunity to meet a lot of dedicated teachers and administrators, as well as tons of good kids. The [...]

7 07, 2016

Boston Fireworks

2016-07-07T10:52:22-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Lifestyle|Tags: |Comments Off on Boston Fireworks

Flags flew everywhere over South Boston all day long and into the evening on Monday, the Fourth of July – from the crane on the Reserved Channel to Old Glory on Dorchester Heights as the Esplanade fireworks began.  It was a stirring sight from the Heights, the City of Boston’s highest natural point.  The fireworks followed the Pops Concert’s “1812 Overture”, when all of Boston’s church bells are rung.

7 07, 2016

Immigrant Dream Reveals Nation’s Greatness

2016-07-07T10:51:18-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Immigrant Dream Reveals Nation’s Greatness

When Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that he was inviting me to deliver the city’s annual Fourth of July oration at historic Faneuil Hall, I was honored, grateful and overwhelmed. Honored because I was aware of the historic significance of the event. I was aware that great leaders including John Adams, John Hancock and John F. Kennedy had been chosen to deliver the address in the past. And I was grateful because I love the city of Boston and its unique immigrant pride and history. The immigrant pride I’m talking about is something I know about on a personal level, because my family is among the millions of American families whose ancestors came to the United States in search of freedom, independence and opportunity. I [...]

7 07, 2016

A Little Independence

2017-07-20T16:59:22-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Editorial, Featured|Tags: |Comments Off on A Little Independence

By Richard Campbell The framers of the American Constitution were not perfect men, though they disagreed strongly, they consistently put the creation of a nation before their own personal desires. They knew how to compromise and they created a system that relies upon the ability to do so.  Americans who look honestly at our history will see there have been many times when the ability to run the government has been more threatened than it is at the present time, but there were also periods of equanimity in which we as a nation understood divisions and were more interested in mending them.   America has been through a lot in the past fifteen years and is now at a crossroads of conscience. This is an [...]

7 07, 2016

Police Call: East Boston Savings Bank on East Broadway

2016-07-07T10:47:43-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on Police Call: East Boston Savings Bank on East Broadway

Several police vehicles with blue lights flashing sirened their way to the East Boston Savings Bank Branch at 708 East Broadway on Tuesday morning, July 5.  South Boston Online, which is located nearby, spotted four BPD vehicles.  Two of these dispersed to drive around the neighborhood, as if they were seeking someone who was on foot.  The Bank Branch itself was closed for a while, presumably to allow the police to investigate exactly what had happened.  If it was an attempted robbery, this would be the third such incident in South Boston this year.  The other two were suspected to be drug-related incidents.

7 07, 2016

The “Open Hearts/Open Homes” 2016 Gala

2016-07-07T10:45:50-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, News|Tags: |Comments Off on The “Open Hearts/Open Homes” 2016 Gala

   The 2016 Gavin Foundation “Open Hearts/Open Homes” gala was an outstanding success.  The high points of the evening were the well-deserved Gavin Foundation Awards:  “Man of the Year 2016” to Congressman Stephen Lynch and “Caring Hearts 2016” to Sprinkler Fitters local 550.  Some 20 dinner parties followed the festivities at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel.   by Rick Winterson      Every two years, the Gavin Foundation, assisted by countless volunteers, puts on a gala fundraising party called “Open Hearts, Open Homes”.  Last Thursday evening, June 30, the biennial cycle came to pass once again.  The gala party’s festivities actually comprised two hugely enjoyable events:  the first was an elegant awards reception in one of South Boston’s many popular gathering points; the second was [...]

7 07, 2016

Mandela Fellows Come to South Boston

2016-07-07T10:44:05-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Mandela Fellows Come to South Boston

     Beginning last Friday, July 1, the Mandela/Washington Fellowship for Young Africa Leaders kicked off American Independence Day Celebrations at South Boston’s Paraclete Center.  The Celebrations were held in McDevitt Hall, newly named (Friday, June 17) by The Paraclete for Southie resident Paul McDevitt. The Paraclete was one of the sites selected to work in partnership with Cambridge College, which is located just outside of Harvard Square.  The South Boston location was chosen because it is a good host site for demonstrating community service to the visiting Nelson Mandela Fellows.  Cambridge College is conducting a six-week institute for academics and leadership for 25 Mandela Fellows, who are some of Africa’s brightest young business leaders and entrepreneurs. Approximately 1,000 of these Fellows came to the [...]

7 07, 2016

Queen Mary 2 Arrives

2016-07-07T10:42:19-04:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Featured, Happenings|Tags: |Comments Off on Queen Mary 2 Arrives

Apparently, all is forgiven, even though we declared our independence from England an even 240 years ago on July 4, 1776.  One of the key flagships in the British Cunard fleet, Queen Mary 2 (see photo) with her home berth in Southampton, UK, docked here at South Boston’s Black Falcon Pier, specifically so her passengers could disembark for Boston’s 2016 Fourth of July festivities.  We trust that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves – the Pops Concert and the fireworks were both excellent.

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